Chapter 226

"You didn't wear your own clothes properly, and let someone with malicious intentions pick them up, so you are not responsible for this matter?"

Doctor Yang stammered a few words, and was about to defend himself.

Gu Junzhi didn't intend to let Dr. Yang go just like that, his voice raised slightly, and he pressed on every step of the way.

"Furthermore, I believe you just because you say you're not me? What if that person is you? It's an excuse to lose any clothes!"

Doctor Yang's face was pale, and he couldn't find anything to argue with.

Seeing that Gu Junzhi was agitated, the dean hurried out to smooth things over, "Mr. Gu, please calm down first. This Dr. Yang may be a little unprofessional, but his conduct is fine. Let's let the police investigate the truth?"

"As for Dr. Yang, we will also fire him. After all, this is a problem within his scope of work. He should also be held responsible for causing such a serious medical accident to a patient due to his negligence of duty."

Gu Junzhi let out a sigh of relief, "Just do what the dean said, and handle Chu Yun's discharge from the hospital by the way, and prepare to go back to China."

The second half of the sentence was addressed to the secretary, who nodded quickly and followed the dean to handle the formalities.

After a whole day of tossing, Gu Junzhi took Chu Yun back to the country.At the same time, Chu Xiang, the culprit, had already returned to the country one step ahead of them.

Chu Yun also woke up a long time ago. Under Chu Yun's strong request, Gu Junzhi reluctantly agreed not to let Chu Yun stay in the hospital to recuperate.

However, an additional emergency medical team was sent to the house to call at any time. While Chu Yun was helpless about this, she felt a little sweet in her heart.

Gu Junzhi recently turned off many business affairs, and lived a sweet life with Chu Yun at home with peace of mind.

It has been very peaceful for several days.

"Mr. Gu, someone is looking for you outside, saying that it's Miss Chu's friend who came to visit Miss Chu specially."

Gu Junzhi was reading the report from the company in the study, when the nanny knocked on the door suddenly and came in and said this.

"what is his name?"

"It's a Mr. Sun. I don't know the details."

Grandson Chu!
Gu Junzhi immediately realized that it must be this person, and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

Don't ask why, it's because the love rival is extremely jealous when they meet each other.

"I see, you go to make soup for your wife, I will take care of it."

Gu Junzhi took the documents and went downstairs, and sure enough, he saw Sun Zichu in a suit and leather shoes, with his hair well groomed, sitting on the sofa downstairs.

Seeing Gu Junzhi coming down, Sun Zichu looked Gu Juanzhi up and down in his home clothes, and smiled, "Mr. Gu, you have been really leisurely lately."

Gu Junzhi ignored Sun Zichu's joke, "What's the business of Mr. Sun coming to my house? If it's about business, feel free to make an appointment with my secretary."

"Then what if it's not about business? I came to see Chu Yun, and I heard that she had a car accident."

Sun Zichu stood up and looked at Gu Junzhi with the same persistence.

Gu Junzhi sneered when he heard the words, "That's even more unwelcome, Mr. Sun, you should understand that Chu Yun is already married to me. I'm afraid your reputation will not be good if you are such a respectable person pestering a married woman. .”

"I also don't want to see my wife being judged by others because of you, so I ask Mr. Sun to respect himself."

Sun Tzuchu's face suddenly turned cold, "Gu Junzhi, if it weren't for you, Chu Yun's husband might be anyone."

"But it's me now, and it will be me in the future. You will always be a friend in front of Chu Yun at most. Don't be delusional. I won't let you disturb her. Please go back."

"If you keep pestering me, I'll call security to deal with it."

After Gu Junzhi finished speaking coldly, he was about to go upstairs, which made Sun Zichu clenched his fists.

(End of this chapter)

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