Mrs. Gu is getting divorced every day

Chapter 241 The Found Chess Piece

Chapter 241 The Found Chess Piece

The people Chu Xiang met today are of great significance to her. Whether Chu Yun can be kicked out of the company is a matter of success or failure.

The warm lights in the restaurant shone on her face, clearly showing her inevitable smile.

The man in front of her was called Jia Cai, a drinking friend who used to play with her.But these are not important, Chu Xiang's purpose now is to cooperate, and she doesn't want to know about other dispensable things.

She opened her red lips lightly, and asked the person opposite: "What you said is true, will your uncle help me?"

Jia Cai grinned, compared to him, today's meal is not bad.

This woman, Chu Xiang, is still quite pretty, and if she can help her, I have to say that there will definitely be many benefits in the future.Money and sex will definitely not treat him badly.

His eyes rolled quickly, and he immediately replied with a smile: "My uncle will definitely take care of it, just wait a little longer, he will be here soon."

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Jia Cai's uncle, Jia Kegui, to find their place, and he directly extended his hand to Chu Xiang to say hello.

"Hello Miss Chu."

Chu Xiang didn't say anything, so she wouldn't shake hands with such a person.Looking at the person in front of him with smart eyes, he felt that he was quite unreliable.

She winked at Jia Cai, who quickly understood and suggested, "Uncle, please sit down and have a good talk."

Jia Cai's family is also in chaos. Although Jia Kegui still has the surname Jia on the surface, everyone in the family knows that he has been expelled.

It's definitely not easy to live alone, he longs to be able to curry favor with his inner thigh again, and he is willing to accept being a pawn.

So he didn't care much about being left out by a beautiful woman like Chu Xiang, and walked down Jia Cai's steps.

"I've already heard something from Xiaocai on the phone, and I still need Miss Chu's instructions on the specific situation."

Chu Xiang actually hated this kind of nodding and bowing people, and couldn't stand his obsequious appearance.It was almost time for her meal.She didn't want to be unable to eat by herself.

"Leave me your contact information. I will send someone to contact you, or I will give you the information in person."

The plan this time can be said to be very secretive, and Chu Xiang feels that her chances of winning are getting higher and higher, and she doesn't want any mistakes to happen.

Jia Kegui responded repeatedly, and was about to turn around, but thought that he hadn't received his reward yet, and smacked his lips and said, "Miss Chu, your matter is not easy, and I have to take so many risks."

Everyone needs to survive, and Jia Kegui firmly believes in this. He added: "Although I believe that Miss Chu, you will not treat me badly, but at least I can get some rewards first?"

Chu Xiang felt harsh when he heard these words, but he also understood what he meant. He took out a card from his bag and threw it in front of him, without much change in his tone.

"The things inside are worth your trip, don't worry, I won't leave you alone in the future."

Seeing the situation, Jia Kegui immediately put away the money, not to mention how happy he was.The smiles on his face were even more stacked, which made Chu Xiang feel bad.

Fortunately, he quickly walked away from the dinner table, and walked away with the money.

After he left, Chu Xiang sighed slightly, and she said angrily, "Are you sure that such a person can do it? He asked me for money before he made anything practical."

If I knew earlier, I wouldn't need such a person.

In fact, she also vaguely felt that this matter was unreliable, but now that she has done it, she has no turning back.

Jia Cai looked at Chu Xiang's vacillation and could only comfort him: "That's the kind of person he is, don't worry about it."

(End of this chapter)

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