Mrs. Gu is getting divorced every day

Chapter 250 Fingerprints Are the Evidence

Chapter 250 Fingerprints Are the Evidence
"Maybe." Gu Junzhi gave an ambiguous answer, "I'm still looking into the matter before, maybe it's not as simple as what we saw."

"Maybe." Chu Yun didn't have a deep obsession with that matter, but it was a trivial matter that didn't hurt at first sight, and it was good for chatting after dinner.

Gu Junzhi just smiled lightly.

The investigation results soon began to be updated again. What Gu Junzhi suspected now was not just who participated in this operation, but who planned the entire operation from beginning to end.

"Mr. Gu, according to your order, we conducted a relatively in-depth and comprehensive investigation. Apart from Jia Kegui who was captured by the police, the main participants in this operation were Chu Xiang and Sun Nan. "

"Continue to talk." Gu Junzhi had already guessed the actions of these two people, but he didn't say it with certainty before, just because he hadn't fully confirmed it yet.

The secretary paused and continued: "Our people have investigated Miss Chu Yun's official seal, and in addition to the fingerprints of a few people who will definitely come into contact with this seal, we also found Chu Xiang's fingerprints. "

"We have also checked the old and new of this fingerprint, and we have already confirmed that it should have been printed in the past few days when something happened recently, so what is your decision, Mr. Gu?"

"Let's talk about it later, there's no need to worry about this kind of thing right now." Gu Junzhi didn't give a very clear answer, but he was indifferent and somewhat perfunctory.

The secretary has always been unable to figure out the mind of his immediate boss, so he nodded and walked out directly.

Gu Junzhi turned around and told Chu Yun the news. Chu Yun was ordered by Gu Junzhi to stay at home and not go to the company. Until now, she is still lying on the bed very leisurely.

After receiving the message from her, she felt a little glad. Fortunately, Gu Junzhi was more careful in his work, and he didn't even let go of these small details. Otherwise, it would be very difficult to testify against Chu Xiang.

Chu Xiang's fingerprint was originally intended to be pasted on by her on purpose, but after thinking about it, she gave Chu Xiang one last chance.It's just that before she took action, Chu Xiang couldn't wait to kill herself.

It's no longer a day-to-day thing for her to see that Chu Xiang is alone in the company, but she has never been expelled for a valid reason.

However, now she is planting flowers intentionally but not blooming, and planting willows and willows unintentionally. Even if Chu Xiang doesn't want to leave the company, she is a bit of a dream.

"Okay, I understand." Chu Yun didn't speak out what was in her heart, and she looked very calm, "I will take care of these things, and there is no need for you to intervene, Juanzhi."

Gu Junzhi had already had a premonition about her answer, but he still warned: "I really don't have any intention of continuing the investigation. I believe you can handle it well."

The purpose of the phone call between the two is actually to communicate the information they know so as to reach a consensus.

But before they knew it, the two of them had been talking on the phone for more than an hour. If Gu Juanzhi's secretary hadn't repeatedly urged them to go to the meeting, maybe they didn't know how to write the word tired until they got off work.

Chu Yun specially found a weekend to go back to Chu's house. Chu Xiang happened to be not at home, but Chu's father happened to be.

When he saw Chu Yun who was not in the company, his expression did not look very good.

"Is there anything to do when you come back?" He asked nonchalantly, turned around and wanted to go upstairs without waiting for an answer.

"I still have something to say? Why did Dad leave in such a hurry?" Chu Yun stood at the bottom of the stairs and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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