Chapter 255
Sun Zichu wanted to say something more, but before he could speak, Chu Yun hung up the phone when he remembered.

Chu Yun closed her eyes and calmed herself down. She shouldn't have hoped.When Sun Zichu took all the faults on himself, she should no longer have any hope of him.

Because of Chu Xiang's existence, the family has been turned into a mess, and now even her father doesn't believe her anymore.

Chu Yun looked helplessly and blankly at the passing vehicles on the street, and a moment of confusion flashed in her big moist eyes.

She thought she had done nothing wrong, but she felt so uncomfortable in her heart.

People who once said that they like themselves will still choose to protect their family members in the face of family affection.But why can't she feel such affection in her own home?

She didn't do anything to Chu Xiang, but when Chu Xiang reported the facts distorted by her to her father, his father didn't hesitate to blame her. They were also his daughters. Why did he treat her like this? Do not trust?

Chu Yun squeezed the mobile phone tightly in her hand, and bit her pink lips irritably.

"Obviously she is my biological sister, why did she become like this?"

She lowered her head and sighed softly, because with Gu Junzhi, the relationship between the two sisters might never be able to reconcile as before.

Even the relationship between father and daughter has become more and more fragile at this moment.

Thinking of the last life, when Chu Xiang and her fought endlessly like this, Chu Yun temporarily gave up the idea of ​​trying to restore the family relationship.

Chu Xiang should be punished!

However, it may not be the last moment yet.If you can't hit it with one blow, it's better to let the matter slowly ferment for the time being. These people owe her, and she will get it back one by one!
As Chu Yun thought about it, her hand vibrated again. She glanced at the characters dancing on the screen, and hung up the phone decisively.

No matter what Sun Zichu wanted to say, she didn't want to hear it now.

Zhu Ri's brows are slightly frowned, showing that the master's mood at the moment is not beautiful.Even the sunshine, which was still bright just now, hid behind the clouds at this moment, as if he couldn't bear to see the beautiful girl upset, so he hid under the cover of the clouds.

Chu Yun only felt that the scenery in front of her eyes seemed to be dark for a moment, and a gust of wind blew around her, causing her hair to float up gently, and a few strands of hair covered her eyes.

She looked up, as if seeing an old friend in a trance,

"How do you see the road? Can you walk?"

The window of the cab of the black car that was close at hand was opened, and a man with an unfriendly expression poked his head out and cursed fiercely.

Chu Yun stood half a meter away in front of the car in a daze. She didn't feel anything just now, but now her "bang bang bang" was jumping non-stop.

She looked around blankly. There were not many people walking on the road, but there were many vehicles. Did she walk into the middle of the road without knowing it?
The owner of the black car saw that she was also in a daze of shock and seemed to have no major problems other than being frightened, so he said nothing, turned the steering wheel around her and left.

Chu Yun came back to her senses and hurried to the sidewalk, when a woman's anxious, helpless and angry voice suddenly came to her ears: "There is a thief! Catch him!"

Sure enough, not far away, a man wrapped in black clothes ran over in a hurry with a red lady's backpack in his hand.

The man ran straight towards this side, Chu Yun looked behind him, her heart was shocked, the one who was chasing him was Weng Yi!
She was right!
The person who framed her back then and planned to murder her together with Sun Nan, although Weng Yi probably doesn't know her at the moment, she will never forget this woman!

(End of this chapter)

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