Mrs. Gu is getting divorced every day

Chapter 259 A Mouth of Mature Vinegar

Chapter 259

Weng Yi watched Chu Yun leave in front of her in surprise, confused.

It wasn't until Chu Yun's back was getting farther and farther away that she turned her head to look at Gu Junzhi, her eyes widened and she asked, "Brother Junzhi, who is this woman? She has a stubborn temper and is arrogant. like a peacock."

Gu Junzhi didn't want to tell Weng Yi about Chu Yun's real identity now, so he just smiled lightly and didn't continue the topic.

Seeing that Chu Yun's figure was getting smaller and smaller in sight, Gu Junzhi felt anxious for a while, and frowned slightly, for fear that she would go away.

Then he turned his head, glanced at Weng Yi lightly, and his tone was as flat as a glass of boiled water: "Okay, I won't tell you any more, I have something else to do, bye!"

After finishing speaking, he walked away from Weng Yi without looking back, and ran after Chu Yun with big strides.

Seeing Gu Junzhi's eagerness, Weng Yi's eyes flashed a gloomy light, and his brows frowned slightly.

Gu Junzhi had never shown such eagerness in front of her. The relationship between this woman and him seemed to be very close, which made Weng Yi feel a little uncomfortable.

However, Gu Junzhi was not in the mood to take care of Weng Yi's feelings now, he just wanted to catch up with Chu Yun quickly, for fear that she would get angry with him again.

"Chu Yun, wait for me!" Gu Junzhi shouted loudly, while running behind Chu Yun in a hurry, "Why are you in such a hurry? I can hardly catch up with you."

When Chu Yun heard Gu Junzhi panting behind her, her steps slowed down slightly, and she unconsciously turned her head and glanced at him out of the corner of her eyes, which was still full of resentment.

Seeing that Chu Yun stopped deliberately, Gu Junzhi felt happy for a while, which showed that Chu Yun still cared about him.

Gu Junzhi finally ran to Chu Yun's side, took a look at her angry face, and couldn't help showing a happy smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Ayun, are you jealous?" Gu Junzhi took a breath and looked at her with a smile on his face.

Seeing Chu Yun's unhappy look, Gu Junzhi immediately guessed that she was jealous of Weng Yi.

But for Chu Yun's performance, Gu Junzhi was still very happy.This shows that Chu Yun still has feelings for him in her heart, otherwise she would never be jealous.

Chu Yun gave Gu Jun a hard look, but did not answer his words.That means to show that I am really jealous in my heart, and I am very unhappy with Weng Yi's existence.

She said to Gu Junzhi angrily: "That's your new girlfriend, right? It's really a coincidence that she came here today, the two of you seem to be destined for each other."

Of course Gu Junzhi understood what Chu Yun meant, and also smelled the smell of gunpowder in the air, so he didn't dare to say anything more, but just stood there quietly and listened to her.

Chu Yun waited for a long time, but couldn't hear Gu Junzhi's answer, so she frowned and glared at him again: "Why don't you talk anymore? Are you dumb?"

Gu Junzhi just smiled slightly, trying to use his remaining sense of humor to make Chu Yun happy: "No, naturally I have to listen carefully when Her Lady Queen speaks, and I can't interrupt casually."

Chu Yun gave him a hard look, and was amused by his playful words, but the smile disappeared immediately.

She still raised her face and glanced at Gu Junzhi: "If you two will rekindle your old relationship sooner or later, you might as well leave me directly, so that you can stop the loss in time. I don't have to spend any more money on you." What kind of effort, isn't this good for the three of us?"

When Gu Junzhi heard Chu Yun's words, his complexion immediately darkened, and his heart suddenly tightened. Is this girl trying to challenge him?

(End of this chapter)

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