Mrs. Gu is getting divorced every day

Chapter 271 Ambiguous Photos

Chapter 271 Ambiguous Photos
After thinking about it, Chu Xiang decided to tell Sun Nan her plan with Weng Yi.

Being able to have one more person present will increase the success rate of this plan, so why not do it.

"I joined forces with Weng Yi, and I will make an appointment with Gu Junzhi tonight, and then..."

Chu Xiang leaned into Sun Nan's ear and explained the plan in detail. The two talked more and more vigorously. Sun Nan's eyes lit up and he felt that the plan was feasible.

"Who is Weng Yi?" Sun Nan nodded, grasping the point.

Chu Xiang explained, "It's Gu Jun's ex-girlfriend."

"Okay, I'll send Weng Yi a message to get her ready to act."


The two stayed in the hotel early in the morning.

Then Weng Yi acted quickly, and asked Gu Juanzhi to come out, and asked his father for help.

Gu Juanzhi didn't want to save Weng's father's face, so he could only come out at the appointment.

During the dinner, Father Weng offered Gu Jun a glass of wine. He originally wanted to refuse, but after all, he felt a little embarrassed about Weng Yi's matter, so he drank the glass of wine anyway.

Weng Yi immediately sent Weng's father away.

Gu Junzhi couldn't bear the effects of the medicine, and fell down on the table.

She asked someone to carry Gu Junzhi to the room that had been opened before, and Chu Xiang in the dark took the opportunity to snap wildly. All the photos were taken from some angles. It seemed that the two were very sober and entered the hotel room .

After a series of photos came down, Chu Xiang was very satisfied with it, and she told Weng Yi to be more ruthless and take some ambiguous photos.

Weng Yi naturally agreed.

She took off Gu Junzhi's suit three times and twice, leaving nothing on his upper body, and imprinted a red lip on his collarbone. Looking at Gu Junzhi's sleepy face, she had bad thoughts.

She wanted to take off Gu Junzhi's trousers, but his belt was too difficult to untie, so Weng Yi gave up this idea and just kissed him on the face carelessly.

Gu Junzhi felt a little discomfort, turned over, and frowned tightly.

Seeing that Gu Junzhi didn't even want to be in his dream, Weng Yi became more and more angry, took a few perfunctory photos for the camera, and sent them to Chu Xiang.

When Chu Xiang saw these photos, she was jealous to be honest, but Chu Yun is her biggest obstacle at present. As long as Chu Yun is eliminated, Weng Yi is nothing.

At least Gu Junzhi will not love again.

Then she doesn't care.

In this regard, Chu Xiang has always seen clearly, so she warned herself that she must hold her breath and must.

"Shh, why are you just staring blankly?" Sun Nan looked at the ambiguous photos on his phone, amused in his heart, never thought that Chu Yun and Gu Junzhi would be framed one day.

She patted Chu Xiang who was in a daze.

"Okay, let's send it." Chu Xiang found Chu Yun's phone number, found an unfamiliar ID, and sent Chu Yun an email.

Chu Yun was sluggish when she received the email.

She scrolled down, and the content inside was all about Gu Junzhi and Weng Yi's bed. Photos, the two were leaning against each other, Gu Juanzhi hugged Weng Yi, his collarbone had obvious red lips Yinzi, but Gu Junzhi kept his eyes closed.

Before going out, Gu Junzhi told her that she was going to meet Weng's father, but why he was with Weng Yi now, Chu Yun couldn't figure it out, but he could figure it out.

It is undeniable that the moment she saw the photo, she was really angry and annoyed, but she was not sad.

She knew that Gu Junzhi would not do such a thing, so he must have been tricked.

Chu Yun saw a line of small words below, which was clearly the address, she turned off the computer, got up and left.

This person purposely showed her these photos in order to lure her to that hotel, so she would go there for a meeting to see what this Weng Yi is capable of.

How dare he touch Gu Junzhi.

The last person who dared to design him was probably either dead or disabled.

Chu Yun went to the underground garage, and a white Porsche flew by in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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