Mrs. Gu is getting divorced every day

Chapter 274 Money Doesn't Matter

Chapter 274 Money Doesn't Matter
Chu Yun murmured in a low voice, confirming that this is an old warehouse, which is usually built in sparsely populated places.

Chu Yun confirmed the location and swallowed her throat. The throat of a person who just woke up is very dry, and the lips are also dry, but the more this is the case, the more the bottom line should be left.

Chu Yun's eyes flickered, she really miscalculated this time...

But at this time, I don't expect anyone to find her soon, and now she needs to move to the opposite side, where her vision is blind.Because there is no gate here, no matter who kidnapped her, there are only two situations.

ask for money.Terrible.

But if it's fatal, she probably won't keep her awake until now.

After some calm analysis in her heart, Chu Yun used her knees to exert force and began to move over there.

Her hands and feet were tied, and she moved slowly. Although her movements were a little awkward, her eyes were firm.

Suddenly, there was the sound of rolling the door, booming, some soft light flooded in, the warehouse brightened up, and dust rose in the light.

Someone came in, and Chu Yun stopped.

A few slow footsteps moved here, accompanied by whispered discussions from time to time.

Appearing in front of them were a few skinny young men, who looked like gangsters at first glance, with slightly long and messy hair, and those who walked in front were dyed yellow hair. They had a non-mainstream temperament from beginning to end.

Chu Yun immediately recognized two of them, the one who pulled her out yesterday and injected her with medicine...

Those few people were stunned when they saw Chu Yun woke up: "Yo, I'm really awake."

Several people looked at each other, greatly surprised, the yellow hair in front was still a little surprised, took two steps in her direction, squatted down and looked at her: "You still crawled here, I didn't expect it, it seems that you have recovered a little bit now I have strength."

After speaking in such a tone, his eyes were full of meaning.

"Who sent you here?" Chu Yun looked at the people in front of him, didn't care about his words, but kept speaking calmly.

Although it is possible to guess who this matter is without asking, but the development of the matter at this time is faintly going in a certain immeasurable direction, and it can be delayed for a little time.

"Who told us to come?" Huang Mao was a little strange when he heard this, "Little girl, don't be paranoid, right?" A chick.

"Heh, what are you talking nonsense with her, just go straight to it." One of the minds was already filled with pornographic content, and he couldn't help but say it when he saw someone.

As soon as these words came out, the others also became agitated, and a little pornography gradually appeared in Huang Mao's eyes.

Girls are raised well, not only are they beautiful, but their skin is also white and tender, as if a pink mark can be printed on it with a light touch of the hand.

He swallowed, but he had never touched such a beautiful woman before. Huang Mao immediately reached out to touch her, but Chu Yun turned her head and avoided directly: "Who told you to come, I will pay you three times." Double the price, you should think carefully about it."

Her heart beat slightly, and she emphasized the word "three times".

These gangsters came out to work for others just for the travel expenses, and she could pay three times what the other party paid. This was the most direct temptation, and as long as the problem could be solved by money, it was not a problem.

"Just let me go." Chu Yun said again, just need, this requirement is very low, she tried to lower their psychological defense as much as possible.

Unexpectedly, the gangsters didn't hesitate at all when they heard this. Instead, they laughed flirtatiously, and suddenly booed meaningfully: "Money is not important, if I can sleep with a woman like you..."

(End of this chapter)

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