Mrs. Gu is getting divorced every day

Chapter 279 Oath of Sovereignty

Chapter 279 Oath of Sovereignty
Sun Nan was guilty of being a thief, knowing that the matter could not be concealed, so he had to bow his head and admit his mistake.

"Brother, I know I was wrong, and I won't dare to do it again next time! Actually, I was really forced this time, that Weng Yi forced me to do it!"

Until now, Sun Nan still has to defend himself.Sun Tzuchu wanted to teach her a lesson, but it seemed that she was about to change.

"Okay, this is the last time! If you dare to do anything bad to Chu Yun again, I will definitely throw you abroad! When the time comes, don't cry in front of me!"

Sun Nan nodded a little unconvinced, muttering in her heart that she doesn't know who is your real sister.How do you know to protect outsiders!However, a hero does not suffer from the immediate disadvantages. In front of Sun Zichu, Sun Nan still has a low-browed and pleasing appearance.After all, if you make your brother angry, you will be driven abroad.

There is plenty of time and methods to deal with Chu Yun, and there is no rush. The best policy is to protect yourself first.

After Sun Zichu taught his sister a lesson, he drove back to the hospital.Although Gu Junzhi didn't want to see him, Sun Zichu was still a little worried about Chu Yun.Thinking of her pitiful and frightened face, my heart couldn't help but tugged together.

On the way to the hospital, Sun Zichu stopped by the flower shop to buy a bunch of flowers. Although it was tacky, he really couldn't think of anything else.

Gu Junzhi was very annoyed by Sun Tzuchu's departure and return.

"What are you doing back again? It's as if your family members were hospitalized!" Gu Junzhi had completely abandoned his identity, and his words were full of sarcasm and jealousy.

"Isn't it natural for me to come to visit the sick? Besides, I saved Chu Yun, why didn't you say a word of thanks!"

Sun Zichu retorted, shaking the flower in his hand, as if showing off to Gu Junzhi.They were obviously two men of considerable social status, but at this moment they were bickering and jealous like two big boys.

"This matter has nothing to do with your good sister, so you still have the nerve to claim credit here?"

"I know it has something to do with Sun Nan, so didn't I go back and give her a hard lesson! She said she would never dare again. If there is another time, I will send her directly abroad! So... ..."

Before Sun Zichu finished speaking, Gu Junzhi pushed him outside the door of the ward.

"It's your family's business that you teach your sister a lesson, it has nothing to do with me. If she dares to do anything to hurt Yun'er again, I'll just be rude to her! Now, please leave immediately!"

Gu Junzhi stuffed the flowers into Sun Zichu's arms, turned around and walked into the ward, closed the door, and Sun Zichu was locked out.

Sun Tzuchu looked down at the flowers in his hand, laughed at himself and shook his head.

"Junzhi, in fact, Sun Zichu didn't mean anything else, he just felt guilty and wanted to express his apology." Chu Yun watched Gu Junzhi drive Sun Zichu away, a little bit dumbfounded.

"No matter what he wants to express, in short, what Sun Nan did is unforgivable! Stop thinking about it, and take care of your illness."

While Gu Junzhi was talking, he gently pulled Chu Yun into his arms, put his chin on her hair, and rubbed against her gently.

Nestled in Gu Junzhi's arms, Chu Yun felt extremely at ease, wrapped her arms gently around Gu Junzhi's waist, pressed her face against his chest, and listened to his strong heartbeat.

Both Sun Zichu and Gu Junzhi thought that this matter was over, as long as they carefully protected Chu Yun, everything would be fine, but they didn't expect that things were not as simple as they imagined.

In the evening, Chu Yun received a call from her agent, saying that because of today's incident, the Internet has been heated up, and now the hot searches are all about Chu Yun's news.

(End of this chapter)

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