Chapter 281
"Master Gu." The man in the suit suddenly turned his head and called respectfully, "Don't forget, the Chu family is still here."

It's just a sentence, but the underlying meaning is very clear. They won't go against Gu Junzhi, but Chu's is just an inconspicuous small company to the Weng family, and they can get rid of it at will.

Gu Junzhi narrowed his eyes.

There was a lot of noise in the ward. The nurse hurried in when she heard the voice. It was probably the first time she saw this scene. After being startled, she rushed to the front and persuaded: "Everyone, the hospital prohibits making noise. You will disturb other people by doing this." The patient is resting, if there is any conflict, go out and talk about it?"

It's a pity that she was not facing ordinary people with these words. A group of people in suits didn't even look at her, and looked at Chu Yun and said, "Our Weng family won't just let this matter go. Please give me an explanation."

The nurse was a little anxious, but she didn't dare to speak loudly.

"You guys are enough, why are you arguing in the hospital? I didn't expect that the Weng family's dogs are just like the Weng family, with no quality." Seeing this, Chu Yun couldn't help but said, "How dare you come here to explain? I think that slap is The beating is light, and Weng Yi hasn't woken up yet!"

"What is enough?" Chu Yun hadn't finished speaking when a question came from the door, and everyone looked over after hearing the voice.

It's Mother Chu.

She walked in domineeringly, and when she saw Chu Yun, the anger in her eyes burst out: "Chu Yun, what is your heart made of? What did Chu Xiang do wrong, and you sent him to the police station for no reason?" Go? I advise you to let her out immediately!"

She didn't seem to see anyone else in the ward, and walked in directly, looking at Chu Yun viciously.

When Chu Yun saw that it was Chu's mother, her face gradually turned cold, and she felt ridiculous when she heard her words.

I broke the law and was locked up by the police, so what does it have to do with her?Always put on such a superior posture, as if someone owed money and didn't pay it back, especially like to be in front of her.

Chu Yun said with a cold face, "Let Chu Xiang go? Impossible."

Her tone was too cold at this moment, and Chu's mother was furious with her decisive attitude, and she immediately wanted to go up and pull her.

But just as she took a step forward, she heard a cold reprimand.

"Stop!" Gu Juanzhi's face was somber, he was really angry at this moment, even these things dared to jump up and down in front of him.

Do you really think he and the Gu family are just decorations? !
Mother Chu's pupils shrank, as if she didn't expect that Gu Junzhi was still here.

She was so angry when she saw Chu Yun just now, she rushed in without paying attention to the place, only now did she see that on the other side, there was a group of people in black suits standing like bodyguards.

Chu's mother was a little weak-legged, and she just let out her anger just now, and she didn't know if these people were Gu Junzhi's subordinates.

"It seems that you have offended a lot of people." The man in the suit looked at Chu Yun and said coldly, "It's our lady from the Weng family, have you figured out how to solve it?"

Standing behind the man in the suit was the entire Weng family, even Gu Junzhi had to weigh it up, whether he dared to break his face, so he was not afraid of what Gu Junzhi said.

When Chu's mother heard it, the Weng family?Are they from the Weng family?How come here?
But according to what he said, he probably has a grudge with Chu Yun... Chu's mother suddenly gained confidence. What are you afraid of? Everyone in the Weng family is here. Thinking of this, she unconsciously walked a few steps towards the man in the suit step, separate camps.

Originally thought that she would not be discovered, who would have thought that the man in the suit suddenly looked at her and opened his mouth to say something.

Mother Chu is such a calculating person. Before the man in the suit could speak, she said to Chu Yun, "Do you know who you offended? You can offend the Weng family? If you offend alone, don't drag it down." The Chu family and Junzhi are gone."

(End of this chapter)

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