Chapter 284

Chu Yun didn't dare to neglect, greeted Gu Junzhi and rushed back to Chu's house.

"How? How are you thinking?"

As soon as Chu Yun got home, she saw Chu's mother waiting for her triumphantly in the living room, and the fainted father was lying next to her.She didn't even help him up!

"Don't push yourself too far!"

No matter how good Chu Yun's temper was, she couldn't withstand Chu's mother's repeated changes of mind. What's more, Chu's mother's behavior had already stepped on her bottom line. Gritting his teeth, he sneered: "Do you think I can't send my father to the hospital if you don't tell me?"

"What do you mean by that?"

Mother Chu's expression froze, and she froze on the spot. Seeing Chu Yun take out her mobile phone, a bad premonition rose in her heart, and she quickly rushed forward to grab Chu Yun's mobile phone.

"That's enough, you're not finished yet!" Chu Yun was furious, wishing she could find some people to throw Chu's mother out.

Unexpectedly, Mother Chu took advantage of the gap and snatched her mobile phone, "I tell you, Chu Yun, if you don't release your sister today, you will just wait to die for that old bastard! "

After some harsh words fell to the ground, Mother Chu raised her hand angrily, and threw the phone to the ground in a gesture. At this moment, a sharp male voice sounded at the right time: "Stop!"

It's Gu Junzhi.

The man's uncompromising tone, as well as his handsome face that was clearly angry, successfully stopped Chu's mother's movements.She turned around slowly, meeting Gu Junzhi's gloomy gaze, her body was almost uncontrollable, and she shivered violently.

Gu Junzhi glanced at her coldly, then moved away with his long legs, stretched out his slender arms, and retrieved the phone for Chu Yun effortlessly.

"Thank you, Gu Junzhi!" Chu Yun lowered her eyelashes, sincerely grateful. The phone stored many important files that she had no time to back up. Fortunately, Gu Junzhi came in time. Otherwise, she really didn't know what to do That's good.

When Gu Jun heard this, he raised his hand lovingly to rub her hair, "Stop talking about this, let's take your father to the hospital first."

"Okay." Chu Yun naturally had no objection, the most urgent thing was to send Chu's father to the hospital as soon as possible. Heart disease is not a minor illness, and I don't know what will happen if it is too late.

The two of them turned around and were about to go upstairs in a hurry. Mother Chu regained her senses and thought of Chu Xiang who was still suffering in the police station, how could she allow the two to take people away so easily.

"Stop!" Ran a few steps in front of the two, and Chu's mother shouted angrily: "If you don't release Chu Xiang today, don't even think about sending the old thing to the hospital!"

She's like a clown.

Gu Junzhi ran out of patience, even looking at her was too much, so he waved Chu's mother away, and Chu Yun helped put Chu's father on Gu Junzhi's back and walked out.

Chu Yun is now full of concern about Chu's father's physical condition, and is too lazy to waste time with Chu's mother. She pushed Chu's mother who was just about to come up to intercept her to the ground with a push.

As for Chu's mother alone, she was no match for the two of them at all. Therefore, even if she blocked them, Gu Junzhi and Chu Yun still easily left the Chu family with Chu's father.

The silver-white luxury car sped all the way, and arrived at the hospital in less than half an hour. Gu Junzhi greeted him in advance, and everything went smoothly.Soon, Father Chu was pushed into the emergency room, and Chu Yun stood guard at the door. As time passed, her heart rose to her throat, feeling very uneasy.

After some examinations, the results from the doctor's mouth made Chu Yun feel ashamed.

"I'm sorry, you sent it too late. Due to the untimely treatment, the patient is likely to become a vegetable." The doctor reported cautiously, apologetic.

Chu Yun's mind went blank, even though Gu Junzhi was beside her, comforting her gently, she looked at the door of the emergency room, wrapped in unprecedented coldness.

Mother Chu's mean face flashed before her eyes, Chu Yun clenched her palms tightly, her starry eyes were filled with deep-seated resentment.

All of this was caused by Mother Chu delaying time!
She swears that as long as Father Chu doesn't wake up, she won't let Chu Xiang go!
(End of this chapter)

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