Chapter 497 What to drink

Gu Junzhi's car was parked not far from the place agreed by Sun Nan and Chu Yun, but it was still impossible to see the place they agreed on.

After walking for a while, Chu Yun arrived at the agreed place.

It's a nice, quiet cafe.Like her brother, when meeting people, they always like to go to the coffee shop.

Relaxing jazz music was playing in the coffee shop, and there were not too many people in the shop. Chu Yun saw Sun Nan sitting by the window at a glance.

When she saw Chu Yun, she immediately raised her hand and waved to her.

"Excuse me, how many are there?" The waiter saw her and walked over.

"I've made an appointment." Chu Yun said lightly, and then walked towards Sun Nan.

"What do you want to drink?" The opening remarks were exactly the same as her brother's, and Chu Yun couldn't help but start to wonder if this was a simple brother and sister.

The waiter was waiting by the side early, Chu Yun didn't think too much, took a look at the things on it, and then ordered a cup of latte.

After recording what Chu Yun ordered, the waiter took the menu and left.

The coffee shop is very quiet, and it is not the kind of meeting place for people who want to make trouble at all.This made Chu Yun even more puzzled, what exactly did Sun Nan want to do?
It happened to be in the afternoon, and the number of people in the store gradually increased, wave after wave, and an unremarkable person sat not far from them with a book.

"Excuse me, is it alone?" the waiter stepped forward and asked.

The man nodded, then casually glanced at the menu handed over by the waiter, ordered a cup of coffee, and began to read there.

And whether he has seen it or not, only he himself knows.

It's just that the place is not too far from Chu Yun's table, so they can clearly hear what they said.

Because the people in the store were constantly exchanging, the two didn't pay much attention to the existence of that person.

In the end, he still suffered a lot. Now Sun Nan doesn't look as proud as before, and he seems to be a lot more docile.

It's just that it's not known whether this is from the heart, or a disguise learned through the prison.

Chu Yun didn't feel distressed at all when she became like this.Because compared with what she did before, the hardships she is suffering now are all due.

The two sat by the window, the bustling traffic outside formed a contrast with the tranquility here, and the atmosphere between the two also formed a contrast with the happy atmosphere at other tables.

"This is the coffee you ordered, please take it easy." The waiter left after delivering what she ordered.

"Thank you." He replied politely.Then Chu Yun took a sip.

She wasn't worried about what would be in the coffee, as she thought, this coffee shop was so cozy, it's impossible for someone to be stupid enough to do something here.

If it was someone else, Chu Yun might ask at this time, how are you doing?
But, this person, she won't.

"What exactly are you looking for me for?" Chu Yun put down the cup after taking a sip, and lowered her hand naturally.

In an invisible place, turn on the recorder on your body.During the whole process, her expression hardly changed.

And after the people at the table not far from them heard what they said, their movements remained unchanged.Just looking at the book indifferently, but the eyes will glance over when others are not paying attention.

Sun Nan also took a sip of his own coffee, then looked at her fixedly, and what he said afterwards surprised Chu Yun.

(End of this chapter)

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