Mrs. Gu is getting divorced every day

Chapter 5 Get her things in order

Chapter 5 Get her things in order

Gu Junzhi just came out of the bathroom after taking a shower, his upper body was naked, and only a towel was wrapped around his lower body.

He didn't pay attention to Chu Yun's shyness, but saw that she was wearing thin clothes, and walked towards her with a frown.

He picked up the blanket on the bed and wrapped her up.

The strong masculine aura that suddenly approached made her at a loss, and her vision was erratic, so she didn't dare to look at him.

"Are you still a child?"


"I don't know when the seasons change, it's cold at night, and it's easy to catch a cold if you don't wear less clothes?"


"You still don't sleep so late, waiting for me to coax you to sleep?"

"...No, I just woke up and was about to get up to pour a glass of water, but I saw that the light in your room was still on, so I came in to take a look."

Chu Yun began to defend in a low voice.

Gu Junzhi looked at the bruises in her eyes, which looked a little abrupt on her fair face.

"It doesn't matter here, just let the servant clean it up tomorrow, you can go back to sleep."

He has been tossing her all night last night, and now there is nothing more important than letting her go back to rest.

Chu Yun opened her mouth to say something, but was dragged back to her room by Gu Junzhi.

His palm was wide, warm and dry, wrapping her hand completely in his palm.

Looking down at their clenched hands, Chu Yun didn't speak any more.

After Gu Junzhi left, Chu Yun sat on the bed, only feeling her cheeks warm.

She was about to go to the bathroom to wash her face when she suddenly saw herself in the mirror.

There was a blush on her delicate cheeks, like a girl who just fell in love.

Suddenly, the startling glimpse in Gu Juan's room appeared in her mind again.

Although she looked away quickly, she still saw what she should see.
His figure is not as thin as when he put on clothes. Just now, she clearly saw his lean belly with obvious eight-pack abs!
Chu Yun lay back on the bed absent-mindedly, unable to fall asleep no matter what.

On the second day, after she got up and washed, she went downstairs to find Gu Junzhi fully dressed, sitting on the sofa reading a newspaper.

He was still wearing formal clothes, but he hadn't put on the suit jacket yet.

The well-made black shirt highlighted his handsome temperament.

Gu Junzhi noticed that she was coming out, and when he raised his eyes, he happened to meet Chu Yun's gaze.

The man's eyes are deep and silent, like a vast ocean, but they can accommodate all rivers and rivers, and tolerance is great.

Chu Yun felt her cheeks start to feel hot again, and her heartbeat began to speed up. She quickly looked away and walked down the stairs.

Seeing her intentionally ignoring his appearance, Gu Junzhi averted his gaze lightly, and tightened his grip on the newspaper, causing an imprint to appear on the edge.

She was so abnormal last night, maybe it was just a trick for divorce.

After realizing the impossibility today, are you going to start pushing him out again?

"Ma'am, are you awake? Do you want to eat now? Sir has been waiting for you!"

Mrs. Cheng just came out, saw Chu Yun, and asked her with a smile.

Hearing that Gu Junzhi was waiting for her, Chu Yun couldn't help being startled and didn't answer.

At this moment, Gu Junzhi put down the newspaper and stood up, "You can eat, I'm going to work."

When eating with him before, Chu Yun would have a quick bite, then went back to her room and shut herself up. Since then, he seldom stayed at home for breakfast.

"Ah?" Mrs. Cheng was stunned.

Seeing that he picked up his suit and really wanted to leave, Chu Yun became anxious, and trotted to follow him, holding his hand.

"Don't go."

She looked at him helplessly, "Should I go to the company after dinner?"

Gu Junzhi's eyes froze, and his gaze slowly shifted from her delicate and expectant face to the hands holding him.

"Yeah." He heard his own voice.

Chu Yun suddenly became happy, with a lively and pleasant smile on her face.

She took the man's warm palm, walked to the living room, and said to Mrs. Cheng, "You can prepare to serve."

"Yes!" Mrs. Cheng was very happy to see that the two of them were getting closer.

Chu Yun led Gu Junzhi to sit down at the dining table, and she sat next to him, carefully arranging the tableware for him.

Suddenly, Gu Junzhi raised his hand to hold her hand, "Let the servant come."

He didn't want her to do these things.

"Okay." Chu Yun responded with a sweet smile.

Just now when she saw that Gu Junzhi was about to leave, she suddenly became anxious. She didn't care if she was shy or not. Both of them were married. She liked Gu Junzhi. This was a matter of course, right?What is there to tweak?
Chu Yun looked at the elegant-looking man and sighed secretly.

If it wasn't for Chu Xiang's interference, the former her would have fallen in love with such an excellent man long ago, right?
"Why do you keep looking at me?"

Gu Junzhi wiped his mouth with a napkin, and did not look at Chu Yun, but felt her eager gaze.

Suddenly, Chu Yun wrapped her arms around his waist and leaned towards him.

She took the initiative to throw herself into her arms, which made Gu Junzhi startled. He looked down at the little head nestling against him again, and stretched out his hand to hug her soft body into his arms.

"Gu Junzhi," Chu Yun called him, "I had a nightmare last night."

"What did you dream about?"

"I dreamed that you tore up your marriage certificate, divorced me, married another woman, and lived happily."

Chu Yun could lower her voice, it was soft and coquettish, with a few traces of coquettish tone mixed in.

The man paused for a moment, then lowered his eyes to stare at the little woman in his arms, with an imperceptible tenderness on his clear face.

He patted her head reassuringly, "I won't, you don't have to think about it."

I will not marry anyone but you.

Gu Junzhi didn't say these words, but looking at her eyes, he couldn't help but soften.

Chu Yun didn't speak any more, she buried her face in the man's arms, listened to the beating of his heart, and secretly made up her mind.

In this life, she will never miss him again!Will not give any woman a chance!

Seeing the two hugging each other, Mrs. Cheng came forward a little bit embarrassed.

Hearing her cry, Chu Yun came out of Gu Junzhi's arms, but she was no longer embarrassed.

"what's up?"

Mrs. Cheng raised the landline in her hand, "Miss Chu Er just called and said that she will come over today and will stay here during this time."

In the past, Chu Xiang used to run here frequently, and stayed here for a while from time to time.

The former Chu Yun had a big heart, and specially prepared a guest room for her in the villa, which was filled with her luggage and supplies.

Chu Yun frowned, her expression was normal, "Okay, I see."

After a while, she said again, "Sister Cheng, go and pack her things now, and try not to let her stay here in the future."

"it is good!"

Mrs. Cheng responded immediately, turned around and went to pack her things.

She had long felt that there was something wrong with that Second Miss Chu, so she ran here when she had nothing to do, and she specifically inquired about her husband's affairs, her eyes were constantly rolling, and she didn't have any normal thoughts when she saw it.

In the past, she saw that Madam didn't care, so she couldn't bring it up.

Now that Madam has finally come to her senses, she has to give that Second Miss Chu a good beating!
After Chu Yun finished explaining, she turned her head and found Gu Junzhi looking at her thoughtfully.

(End of this chapter)

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