Mrs. Gu is getting divorced every day

Chapter 72 Actress Lin Wan

Chapter 72 Actress Lin Wan
The next day, all the actors arrived and the filming began.Although Daniel has a bit of a personality problem, all the works he shoots are still remarkable, which is a good guarantee of quality. With Gu as the investor, all the equipment is very sophisticated.

However, there was a small accident before the official shooting.Originally, the first scene scheduled for today was the story of the heroine Jingxiu who stood out from the crowd and attracted the young prince Yang Xiao, but was framed by the third female Tang Xuerou.

But after a long time, Lin Wan, Tang Xuerou's actor, still hasn't been seen, and Daniel has been waiting impatiently.This Lin Wan was originally selected by him, because he liked her villain acting skills.But now that Lin Wan came out like this, the entire shooting progress was delayed, and Daniel was a little emotional.

"Director, instead of everyone waiting here, why don't we start the next filming first. It's a hot day, everyone is very hot." Chu Yun sat on the rest chair with her arms folded, looking at Daniel leisurely.This female trio has such a big background, the crew dared to be late on the first day of filming?
Daniel looked at the staff exposed to the scorching sun, felt a little distressed, and agreed to Chu Yun's proposal without saying a word.

"Get ready, everyone, let's start shooting the second scene." Daniel waved his hand, ready to start shooting the second scene.

The content of the second scene is the story of the heroine who was injured while galloping on the battlefield and was rescued by the young emperor.

At noon, when the sun was in the sky, it was the hottest time, but Chu Yun was wearing a heavy armor, sweating profusely, unable to fight in the siege of the dragon suit, but took several consecutive shots, none of which satisfied Daniel .

"Ka, everyone take a break. Chu Yun, come here, and I'll tell you to pay attention." Daniel rubbed his slightly sore eyes staring at the screen, a little bored but helpless.

The two had a brief discussion in seat 3.I have to say that Daniel does have the right to speak about acting skills.Since there was no harm in improving her acting skills, Chu Yun humbly asked for advice.

"Okay, everyone has worked hard, let's try again." Daniel clapped his hands, indicating that everyone should return to work and get ready to start a new round of shooting.

"I'm sorry, everyone, I'm late because the road is too congested. I brought everyone iced coffee to express my apologies." Lin Wan stepped down from the RV in a pretentious manner, twisting her eloquent Proud waist.Although there was a smile on his face, there was a trace of disdain.

It's a pity that no one paid attention to him at the scene, because she was late, many staff members were a little dissatisfied with her, not to mention that there is a more important main scene being filmed, so naturally no one paid attention to her.

Seeing that no one paid attention to her, Lin Wan seemed a little embarrassed.But during the filming period, she didn't dare to disturb the staff present, and none of the staff led her to the dressing room or the rest room.She didn't know the way, so she could only stand in the sun and wait for the end of the scene.

Cheng Li and Chu Yun are very involved in the play, the forbearance of the young emperor, and the hard work of the little general are all vividly played by them. Their performances successfully conquered every staff member present.

Everyone was brought by them into the battlefield full of flames, feeling the majestic momentum and the gradually rising feelings between the two.

"Okay, Ka! This scene is very good." Daniel shouted to stop with a loudspeaker, as if he was very satisfied with this scene, and his frowning brows were slightly relaxed.

"Director, I'm really sorry. The road is too congested. Here's iced coffee for you. I hope you can forgive me this time." Seeing that Daniel had finished the supervision, Lin Wan immediately approached Daniel with the iced coffee , smiled obsequiously.

"It's okay, if it wasn't for Chu Yun's suggestion that we can go straight to the next shoot, I don't know how long we'll have to wait for you." Daniel took the coffee in Lin Wan's hand, and there was a hint of accusation in his words, but he didn't stop .

It turned out that it was Chu Yun who caused her to stand under the sun for so long, Chu Yun, wait for me!

"You go to the rest area first, and I will make up your scene later." Daniel doesn't care about this kind of thing, as long as it doesn't delay the filming process too much, he has nothing to do with what happens.

"Thank you, Director Daniel, I will definitely perform well in the next scene!" Lin Wan showed modesty and gentleness in front of Daniel, which fits her usual routine for the public.

Lin Wan was led to the rest area by the staff, and she complained a lot along the way, "What, this Chu Yun is just a heroine, how can she control the order of the filming scenes? Obviously, it's because Director Daniel was not released. In your eyes?"

"Besides, the play she acted just now is really bad. She doesn't have the temperament of a heroine at all. How could she choose this kind of person to be the heroine of the work directed by Daniel? There should be a big financial backer behind it."

"Looking at her face and temper, she's pretty good at playing big names. Isn't this kind of person acting in Director Daniel's work to discredit Director Daniel?"

"I watched the scene just now. He was seducing the male lead, Cheng Li. He kept stuffing it into his arms, with a look of desire and dissatisfaction."

Even the staff couldn't bear to listen to her slander along the way, and their expressions were a little ugly.Finally walked to the lounge, "Miss Lin, the lounge is here." The tone of the staff was also a bit bad.

"What's your attitude? After all, I'm also the third female lead in this show. Would it be your turn to talk to me like that?" Lin Wan doesn't like people talking to her like this the most, even if they don't mean it at all, she can provoke it. somethin'.

Chu Yun heard the quarrel outside the door in the lounge and walked out.

"What dog is barking, making such noise outside the door, disturbing everyone's rest." Chu Yun yawned and said slowly.

"Chu Yun! What do you mean!" Lin Wan was a little annoyed that this Chu Yun called her a dog!
"Whoever admits it will be fine." Chu Yun smiled and leaned against the door frame.Fight her?Heh, you, Lin Wan, are still a little tender.The last time we met, she even said that she had no figure, but this time it's the same crew, let's see how she treats you!

"Chu Yun, you stinky bitch, who are you talking about!" Lin Wan couldn't hold back her expression, as if she wanted to slap Chu Yun.

Chu Yun caught Lin Wan's extended hand and slapped Lin Wan backhand.The staff standing aside looked terrified, but inexplicably felt relieved.

"I think, anyone who looks at it will think that you are the stinky bitch." Chu Yun looked Lin Wan up and down, in the revealing belly dress and ultra-short skirt.Anyone can see it.

"You!" Lin Wan was anxious, her expression twisted.He stretched out his other hand to hit Chu Yun, but Chu Yun hit him back with his own hand.

"If you don't accept it, get out! This crew won't be able to act without a third woman!" Chu Yun was slightly angry, and Lin Wan obviously pissed her off a bit.

"Hmph." Lin Wan couldn't gain anything from Chu Yun, so she could only turn to the staff at the side. "What's the matter, how long have I been here, don't I even have a cup of tea?"

"I'm really sorry, Ms. Lin, I'm going to help you." The staff had no choice, this Lin Wan was also the third female lead of the crew, she was just a small staff member, and she really couldn't afford to offend the third female lead. , I had no choice but to resign myself to pour tea for her.

(End of this chapter)

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