Mrs. Gu is getting divorced every day

Chapter 809 Please enter the urn

Chapter 809 Please enter the urn
As soon as Xiaoxiao finished her work, she was called into the office by Chu Yun again. Hearing Chu Yun's decision, she couldn't help but widen her eyes. "Sister Yun, are you sure you want to do this again at this time? Now those clients are waiting for Chu's reply. Wouldn't doing this make them more determined to terminate the contract?"

Chu Yun nodded, and suddenly remembered what Charles said about "leading the king into the urn" before, and a smile added to her eyes. "You just let the people in the company do the preparation, and leave the publicity to the public relations department. You can prepare the prizes as I said. The old customers who asked to terminate the contract knew the quality of Chu's, but they were affected by this news. If Chu If you can resolve this incident, the termination of the contract will be over."

She has always been confident in Chu's products, but many people have a very bad impression of Chu's because of the negative news, which will definitely affect the companies that cooperate with Chu.As for the problem with the contract, Chu's partners are not fools. If there was something wrong with the contract between Chu and them, they would have terminated the contract long ago, and they would not last until now.

Seeing her insistence, Xiaoxiao could only start to do it.

That day, the outside media knew about the fact that the Chu family was going to hold a company celebration in the hotel. Naturally, this matter was also exploded on the Internet. Many people said that they wanted to wait for the Chu family to be ruined by Chu Yun. Make a fool of yourself in the future.

The celebration was not affected by these remarks, only there were many outside media reporters guarding the entrance of the hotel. Chu Yun had expected this early in the morning and hired a group of bodyguards to maintain order at the entrance of the venue.Even so, she knew in her heart that there were gossip reporters in the venue, but she didn't bother to care about it.

"Everyone, everyone knows the purpose of today's celebration. It is the cooperation between the company and the emp group." Chu Yun stood on the stage holding a glass of champagne. Bring out her temperament.She looked at everyone in the audience, smiled and raised the wine glass in her hand, "Mr. Charles, the representative of the EMP Group, said that what attracted him to Chu was its excellent quality. I think the quality of the products is closely related to everyone here. Not everyone in the Chu family. Cheers!"

Everyone in the venue was infected by Chu Yun's words, and they raised their wine glasses one after another. At the same time, Xiaoxiao also distributed the bonuses prepared in advance to everyone.Being praised by the boss and receiving a generous bonus, everyone in the venue couldn't help but grin from ear to ear.

Lin Qingfeng, who was standing in the corner, was staring at Chu Yun on the stage, with a stern look in his eyes, did Chu Yun want to make others forget the scandal by this way?Don't think about it!
"Mr. Chu only remembers the scenery? Today, the company's stock price has dropped by three points. Doesn't Mr. Chu plan to give everyone an explanation?" Lin Qingfeng walked to the front and put the wine glass in his hand on the waiter's tray. superior.

The smile on Chu Yun's lips deepened, she glanced at her with a smile, smiled knowingly, turned around and walked behind the stage.

"Of course I want to give you an explanation. Everyone has read the news and comments on the Internet, and they must be very curious about the truth of the matter. I also brought you the answer today." Chu Yun looked around for a week, and finally fell on On Lin Qingfeng.

Seeing Chu Yun's confident smile, Lin Qingfeng yelled in his heart that something was wrong, and then he heard Chu Yun's conversation with a man resounding around the venue.The words Lin Qingfeng fell into his ears clearly, and he could feel the eyes from all directions gathering towards him for a moment, with contempt and disdain.

Seeing Lin Qingfeng's dull eyes in the audience, Chu Yun curled her lips into a smile. When she was doing this kind of thing, she should have expected this kind of fate.

(End of this chapter)

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