Mrs. Gu is getting divorced every day

Chapter 812 Dismissal of Lin's Shareholders

Chapter 812 Dismissal of Lin's Shareholders

Looking at the comments on the Internet, Chu Yun raised her lips slightly.

Although Lin Qingfeng's matter has been resolved now, the company's shareholders may not all follow her arrangements, she has to give them a big shot.

"President Chu, the company's shareholders have organized an emergency meeting, and you need to come over now." Xiaoxiao said softly as she held a pile of documents and put them on the desk.

"I see." Chu Yun turned off her phone, took her laptop and went to the conference room.

Everyone in the conference room was already seated, except for Chu Yun.

"Now the meeting begins." Chu Yun curled her lips and said softly.

Everyone raised their opinions on the expulsion of Lin Qingfeng, and also raised who would fill her position after Lin Qingfeng left.

After the meeting, Chu Yun stood up, put her hands on the meeting table, and looked at the shareholders present with smiles in the corners of her eyes, but she felt very scared.

"Everyone has a thorough understanding of Lin Qingfeng's matter. I hope that incidents like her will not appear in my company again. I will not pursue the previous shareholders of the Lin family."

Lin's shareholders' foreheads were covered with fine beads of sweat. They thought that Chu Yun would not say anything more, but unexpectedly, when her voice changed, her delicate makeup suddenly became serious, and her voice became a little more warning.

"But if you still want to continue to work with me, please keep yourselves safe, work hard, and don't betray the interests of the company, otherwise... don't blame me for being merciless." As soon as she finished speaking, she glanced sideways at Lin who was sitting here. shareholder, and then walked out with his notebook.

The shareholders looked left and right. Everything that Chu Yun said just now was reasonable. They were also convinced of Chu Yun, and their eyes were full of admiration.


In order to pay the 500 million fine, Lin Qingfeng had no choice but to sell the villa and the luxury car, but it was still far from 500 million. If she still didn't pay the fine, then she could only spend her life in prison.

Thinking of this, she shook her head in fear, her face suddenly became hideous.

"No, I can't let the rest of my life be spent in prison, I can't waste my life like this." Her voice trembled.

That night, she drove to the bar that Chu Xiang often went to. Her only hope now was on Chu Xiang, and probably only Chu Xiang could help her.

Parking the car at the entrance of the bar, she walked to the private room where Chu Xiang was located.

Pushing open the door, the inside is full of darkness, and one can only vaguely see a woman sitting on the sofa drinking red wine.

"Miss Chu, you must save me this time!" Lin Qingfeng ran over suddenly as if seeing hope, and tightly grasped Chu Xiang's arm. She had completely disregarded her image now.

Chu Xiang frowned slightly, and shook Lin Qingfeng's hand away in disgust.

Lin Qingfeng didn't have any defenses, and Chu Xiang was too strong, Lin Qingfeng was thrown to the ground at once, and she lay on the ground in a panic, with her long hair covering her face.

Holding up the red wine, Chu Xiang slowly tasted it, and looked down at Lin Qingfeng who was lying on the ground: "Look at the mess you're in now, you don't have the brains to do things yourself and you want me to save you?"

"I didn't expect Chu Yun to find out about my tampering so quickly. I have a huge sum of 500 million yuan. I have only collected 200 million yuan now. I have already sold my house and car. If I don't collect 500 million yuan, I will lose money in my next life." Spend the rest of my life in prison, so I might as well not live." Lin Qingfeng had tears in his eyes, and his voice was crying.

"Oh! You're so useless, I'll save you? Get out! If you want to die, bring that stinky bitch Chu Yun with you. Don't disturb Miss Ben's interest here." Chu Xiang stood up and kicked her in disgust. Lin Qingfeng, who was lying on the ground with one foot, was full of contempt in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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