Chapter 816 Let me see
in the ward

Sun Zichu sat quietly on the bed, letting the doctor infuse him.

He didn't say much, just looked at the door quietly, as if there was something important there.

After a while, the door moved!

"Zi Chu, I'm coming!"

Before people came in, Chu Yun's voice came in first.

These days, she has been coming to the hospital to visit Sun Zichu in order not to make him sad or sad.

At the beginning, she had decided to repay Sun Tzuchu well, so now she comes to see him every day.

Consciously walking into the ward, Chu Yun skillfully arranged the flowers she brought and placed them on the table.

"You came!"

After the needle was inserted and the nurse left, Sun Zichu asked softly with a weak smile on his face.

"Yeah! I'm here!" Chu Yun replied gently, with a smile on her face.

She was really happy. Seeing that Sun Zichu's condition was getting better day by day, how could she be unhappy.

The grandson Chu in the room has been looking at her since Chu Yun came in.

"Eat an apple?"

Chu Yun took the knife, consciously peeled an apple, and then handed it to Sun Tzu Chu.

After taking the apple, he ate it without hesitation.

Time passed quickly, and it was noon.

After lunch, Sun Zichu needed another infusion.

She didn't leave, but stayed in the ward.

After reading for a while, I unconsciously lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

Little did he know how beautiful this scene was in Sun Zichu's eyes.

He still likes to see her like this, quiet and docile, unlike the usual sharp claws.

He still couldn't help liking Chu Yun, and still worried about her.

At the moment, Sun Tzu Chu's mind is all about Chu Yun. He knows that he likes Chu Yun very much, and has always liked Chu Yun.

Unable to control himself, Sun Zichu bent down gently, wanting to secretly kiss Chu Yun.

At this time, Sun Nan who was outside the door happened to be watching.

Sun Nan was very surprised and accidentally touched the door.

The sound of the door interrupted Sun Zichu's next move, and he got up quickly, looking at the door as if nothing had happened.

Sun Nan outside the door knew that he couldn't pretend anymore, so he walked in.

In fact, he didn't come here today to eavesdrop, but just to see how Sun Zichu was doing. He had no other intentions, but unexpectedly, he bumped into this scene.

"Zi Chu, are you feeling better?"

Sun Nan asked in embarrassment. He already knew that Sun Zichu had just seen him.So, it was a little embarrassing for a while.


After humming lightly, Sun Zichu didn't say anything else, obviously he didn't want to say anything else.He felt that he didn't need to explain to Sun Nan about the incident just arrived.

"Chu Yun, wake up!"

There was one more person in the room, and the atmosphere was a bit delicate. Sun Nan couldn't bear it, and calmly woke up Chu Yun.

"Yeah!" Chu Yun rubbed her sleepy eyes and woke up, her face full of confusion.

After seeing Sun Nan, she smiled: "You are here!"

When she just woke up, she smiled beautifully, as if she had magical powers.

Immediately, he asked his grandson Chu on the bed, "Is there anything uncomfortable?"

Chu Yun looked at Sun Zichu worriedly, feeling annoyed that she had fallen asleep!Obviously she was taking care of Sun Zichu, but she fell asleep.

Sun Nan saw all this scene. He wondered when Chu Yun was so nice to Sun Zichu. You must know that it was Sun Zichu who put on a hot face and a cold ass before.

"It's okay! How are you?" Hearing her concern, grandson Chu Ruya smiled.

Whether he has anything to do is not important, the important thing is that Chu Yun is fine.

"Let me pour you a glass of water!"

As Chu Yun spoke, she quickly poured a glass of water for her grandson Chu, and gently fed him to drink.

This scene was even more strange in Sun Nan's eyes, and he felt that there was something subtle between these two people.

(End of this chapter)

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