Mrs. Gu is getting divorced every day

Chapter 828 Teach You To Be A Man

Chapter 828 Teach You To Be A Man
This is not a good thing for Zhao Rufeng, and her fans naturally know it.

So, another bad comment was mixed in immediately.

"Yeah, it is indeed rich people. Now it is the world of rich people. Do rich people want anything?"

Seeing that the momentum was getting better, Xiaoxiao saw that there were moths again, so he immediately walked up to Chu Yun with his mobile phone angrily, and said, "What do they mean? They are questioning the director team. In order to please you, they asked Zhao Rufeng to give it to Chu Yun." Are you worthy?"

"It seems that you are quite smart." Chu Yun was obviously smiling, but she didn't have the slightest intention of being happy, which made people feel flustered.

Seeing the change in her expression, Xiaoxiao worriedly asked about her situation, but Chu Yun didn't care.

"I won't be the one who will suffer the most damage from this incident. I'm afraid Zhao Rufeng hasn't thought about the consequences of such a speech."

Chu Yun sneered, took the script and began to recite the lines there, with no intention of solving it at all.

Xiaoxiao didn't understand it before, thinking she was playing with her mobile phone, but later she realized that she was reading bad reviews.

Now, what's the situation?

"Didn't my fans say it? Tell me to leave it alone and concentrate on preparing for the shoot." Chu Yun explained this, but Xiaoxiao still felt uneasy.

Instead of spending time doing unnecessary things and wasting your energy, it is better to take this free time, memorize the lines, conceive the shooting process, come up with the work, and make people shut up.

After understanding what she said, Xiaoxiao didn't say anything anymore, and obediently sat aside, secretly took out her mobile phone to watch the dynamics on the Internet, and was going to tell her as soon as she found something.

Seeing that the filming of the drama was about to start, something like this happened.

This film combined a lot of hard work from the director, and selected a lot of popular performers. Their schedules are full. If they don't start filming, it will directly affect the subsequent scenes.

"This incident happened quite suddenly, and everyone was not mentally prepared, but the filming is about to start now, and I hope it will not affect the next filming."

The crew quickly organized an emergency meeting to let everyone discuss this matter together.

Not mentally prepared?I'm afraid that someone didn't expect to become like this before he acted, right?
A lot of performers came to the meeting, with unconcealable dissatisfaction in their eyes, and most of this dissatisfaction was concentrated on Zhao Rufeng.

"Although we are just actors, as public figures, we still need to properly restrain our fans, not to let them talk nonsense, and know how to respect others, right, senior." Chu Yun said emotionally.

Didn't it mean that she made her debut earlier?Then, you should know this even more, shouldn't you?

Chu Yun's words didn't know whether she was asking or mocking, but in short, the effect was good, making Zhao Rufeng blush immediately.

I don't know if it's just embarrassment at being told what's on my mind, or anger from embarrassment.Originally, it was enough to attack Chu Yun, but since even the director team was offended.

However, in front of so many juniors, how could Zhao Rufeng admit his incompetence and save face like her.

"Fans can do whatever they like, that's their freedom." After saying that, Zhao Rufeng picked up the tea in front of her and drank it calmly.

"Can you control your fans to speak up for yourself? Do you need me to teach you this?" After hearing this, Xu Zhian was so angry that he almost slapped the table and left.

To be able to reach this position, he naturally has his own confidence and ability, and he is not comparable to artists like them who rely on building momentum to maintain their fame.

As soon as Xu Zhian's aura came out, everyone in the venue trembled.

"Director Xu, don't be angry. At this time, you have to take care of the overall situation, don't you?" The choreographer at the side hurriedly calmed his emotions and prevented him from erupting.

(End of this chapter)

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