Mrs. Gu is getting divorced every day

Chapter 832 Reconciliation

Chapter 832 Reconciliation
Seeing that his opponents jumped out and started targeting him, Zhao Rufeng was upset, but he didn't know how to solve it.

The manager was in a hurry, making calls one after another, constantly doing public relations, finally took a break, and called Zhao Rufeng: "I've contacted Chu Yun's manager."

Zhao Rufeng threw the things in his hands after hearing this: "Why are you contacting her? Do you think you don't have enough things?" Now she hates Chu Yun very much, and she can't wait to have her skin cramped.

"Now she is the only one who can save your reputation!" The manager hated iron but steel, how could Zhao Rufeng put his tactics on the bright side, now that he offended Director Xu, he was lucky not to be kicked out of the crew.

Zhao Rufeng didn't understand: "How can she help me?" Chu Yun must also hate her to death, seeing her being scolded by everyone, how could she help.

"Go and post a Weibo to interact with Chu Yun, and then write about the crew." The agent said that she had a good impression of Chu Yun, at least Chu Yun knew the general situation, and was willing to help Zhao Rufeng clean up for the crew.

Although Zhao Rufeng was not happy, but this is the only way to help him at present, so he posted a Weibo with pictures of Chu Yun's portraits and photos of Chu Yun during the audition, with the text "Among all living beings, you are the only one who is charming and beautiful .@Chu Yun”

Chu Yun also quickly commented on Weibo. During the back and forth, the fans also saw that the two had a good relationship, and the public opinion gradually subsided.

Although Chu Yun didn't like Zhao Rufeng, she still had to stay in the same crew as her for several months, and it's not good to be too stiff, so she listened to Han Qingmei and acted in a reconciliation drama with them.

A few days later, Chu Yun received the notice to enter the group early, and felt a little strange, so she called Han Qingmei and asked, "I received the news today that I would enter the group early, what happened?" This is a bit surprising.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you, because there are many martial arts scenes, director Xu informed that everyone will join the crew three months in advance to participate in martial arts and etiquette training, and they must live and eat in the crew." Han Qingmei was sorting out Luggage and itinerary, I forgot to inform Chu Yun.

"Okay." After closing the line, Chu Yun began to pack her luggage. Although she lived not far from the crew, and it didn't matter if she went back and forth every day, since director Xu made the rules, she subconsciously wanted to abide by them.

When Gu Junzhi opened the door, he saw Chu Yun sitting on the bed folding clothes, and there were several open suitcases on the floor.

"Are you back?" Chu Yun put down the clothes in her hand and stretched.Gu Junzhi nodded and looked at the luggage all over the place suspiciously.

Chu Yun understood, and sat up straight: "I received the news today that I have to join the group early." She carefully observed Gu Junzhi's expression to see if he was unhappy.

"Why did you enter the group early?" Gu Junzhi was stunned, didn't he enter the group after three months?

Chu Yun explained to him in detail: "Because there is a martial arts scene, I need to participate in some training in advance."

Gu Junzhi was a little displeased when he heard the words, worried that Chu Yun would get hurt, but seeing her looking forward to it, he was too embarrassed to attack her, so he had to tell her to be careful: "Then you have to take good care of yourself, don't get hurt."

Chu Yun nodded, and continued to pack her things. Gu Junzhi looked at her back and felt itchy in his heart: "You have been away for so long, I am so lonely by myself."

"You can come to visit the class." Chu Yun didn't take it seriously, and suddenly a strong force came from behind and hugged her horizontally.

Chu Yun screamed, but was blocked by a lip. Gu Junzhi let go of Chu Yun's lips: "In this case, you can let me take the benefits of these months in advance tonight." Gently put on the bed, the two lingered all night.

(End of this chapter)

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