Mrs. Gu is getting divorced every day

Chapter 847 Wisdom Fighting Miss Zhao

Chapter 847 Wisdom Fighting Miss Zhao

Chu Yun originally thought that Zhao Rufeng spent a lot of money to manage these relationships, and the assistants around her should also be real-time professionals.

At this time, we should also take this opportunity to have a good relationship with the people around us on WeChat so that she can quickly rise to the top.

But he didn't expect this assistant to go to bully other people, so he couldn't help but opened his mouth to help Le Yi.

At the same time, Chu Yun's tone of voice unconsciously carried a hint of sarcasm, and her eyes naturally looked at Zhao Rufeng, and the hidden words were naturally self-evident.

"Dogs rely on people's power?"

"What do you mean by what you said just now? Say that sentence again." Zhao Rufeng said angrily.She managed to take advantage of Chu Yun's absence and spent so much money to manage the relationship, but she gave herself a blow when she first came.

"Of course that's what it means. I believe you can't even understand human language, right? By the way, would you like me to remind you? Generally, those who don't understand human language are animals." Chu Yun looked at it contemptuously. Zhao Rufeng glanced at her, completely dismissive of her frantic look.

"You, how can you say that? In short, I just didn't understand the sentence just now, so you explained it clearly to me. "

Then she said: "First of all, I think you should also figure out your own position. You are just a filmmaker, why do you treat other people like five and four. And the second point, as an ordinary Everyone knows to respect the fruits of other people's labor, but what about you? Look at how your assistants do it? As the saying goes, it depends on the owner to beat a dog. You can't control the people under your own hands. How to create a good image in front of the public?"

Zhao Rufeng opened his mouth, not knowing how to answer.Because this matter was originally her problem, taking advantage of Chu Yun's absence for the past few days, she acted extravagantly.

The director, who was standing not far away, was afraid that something might go wrong on the set of the filming, seeing how the two of them were excited about the fight.So he ran over immediately and persuaded the two people.

It just so happened that the director Xu Zhian arrived in time to resolve Zhao Rufeng's embarrassment. Although he didn't know what was going on with the director's arrival, at least Zhao Rufeng felt that the conversation between the two of them just now could be turned over.

"You two don't quarrel now, there is something on my side that just needs Chu Yun's help."

"What's the matter?" The two asked in unison.However, after the two finished speaking at the same time, they each turned their heads and dismissed each other.

"It's like this. A few days ago, you were not on the filming scene because of your allergies. So you were not there at all during the interview we did, and there was no way to continue the interview at that time. So, this time we specially contacted a few reporters. I'll do an exclusive interview for you. Now I'll take you there to touch up your makeup and change your clothes."

"Well, okay, then I will go to the dressing room with you now! Prepare in advance. Thank you very much, director." Chu Yun is really grateful to the director. He originally thought that he was allergic to it a few days ago. The matter passed, but I didn't expect the director to do an exclusive interview for him.

"It's okay, after all, we have to promote this new play." The director felt a little embarrassed by what he said, and scratched his head.

Looking at the two people who left in front of her, Zhao Rufeng was filled with envy. She actually kept such a good opportunity for her.

(End of this chapter)

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