Mrs. Gu is getting divorced every day

Chapter 873 Yue Yizhou's troubles

Chapter 873 Yue Yizhou's troubles
"Actually, you don't have to be so modest. The fancy clothes you make are refreshing. Now there are very few people who can make such ingenious clothes."

Chu Yun praised sincerely, she took a look at the fine clothes, although there were some damages, it still looked good, and the quality was also very good, unexpectedly after Zhao Rufeng deliberately damaged it, she could still see the original shape.

It is enough to see how hard the designer who designed this dress is behind it, but it is a pity that such a talent works under the hands of someone like Chu Xiang.

"Miss Chu, you are welcome. This is my job. Besides, this dress can still be repaired. As long as some special stitches are added to the collar or these places, it will be repaired soon."

Yue Yizhou didn't just talk about it, he took out a pair of scissors from the toolbox, and he sewed neatly. When he was working, he was not as shy as before, but became serious.

Chu Yun watched him mending, and thought of the director's mention that he had prepared the previous clothes, she couldn't help admiring: "I heard from the director that Mr. Yue contracted all the clothes for our crew. Mr. Yue is really capable. , I hope I can cooperate with Mr. Yue next time."

Ordinary people would be very happy to hear a compliment, but Yue Yizhou's face was slightly strange, and his hesitation made her a little strange.

After thinking about it carefully, she didn't say anything wrong, Chu Yun asked with some doubts: "Mr. Yue, I see that your expression is wrong, but what did I say wrong?"

"No, what Ms. Chu said is correct. All the clothes in the crew were indeed made by me. It's not that you said something wrong, it's just..."

Yue Yizhou thought about the bad things going on for a while, and seeing that Chu Yun wasn't impatient, he added, "It's nothing to do with Ms. Chu, I just regret that I can't cooperate with Ms. Chu any more, because I'm going to Resigned."

"Today is also my last maintenance work."

The previous words were spoken smoothly, and the latter words were also spoken naturally.

"But what happened at work? If Mr. Yue doesn't mind, you can tell me something."

Chu Yun appreciates a talented person, and she only admires him. She just doesn't know why Chu Xiang has the heart to give up such a talented person?
Thinking about it, Yue Yizhou felt depressed and panicked, so he simply said Chu Xiang's crazy behavior in recent days, anyway, he was going to find a way out, and he was not afraid of offending others when he said it.

What's more, he subconsciously felt that Chu Yun was not a snarky person, so he said it without any precautions.

"Recently, for some reason, Ms. Chu Xiang has been constantly recruiting designers, and some even recruited ungraduated graduates."

Yue Yizhou was a little embarrassed when he said this, he is a top designer in the industry no matter what, and he also passed five trials and cut six generals when he entered Yuyi.

Fortunately, even a freshman who has not graduated can climb on top of him.

"Why did she act like this all of a sudden?"

Chu Yun didn't understand why, if Yuyi develops well, it doesn't mean that he can't get good results, why Chu Xiang started to be so extreme, if this goes on, Yuyi will definitely be broken by her.

"Miss Chu Xiang said that our design drawings are too single and not pure enough, and we need to absorb more other elements. She didn't mean to fire me, but I really can't bear that style of design drawings."

Thinking of that beautiful but unrealistic design drawing, Yue Yizhou frowned a little. This is completely different from the design concept he wanted.

Originally, he had been holding back, but after his design drawings were changed beyond recognition yesterday, Yue Yizhou couldn't bear it anymore, thinking of resigning.

(End of this chapter)

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