Chapter 885 New Home
"Then how are you doing these days?" Chu Yun was very worried after hearing his description. Judging by his appearance, he must not be having a good life these days.

Yue Yizhou smiled wryly: "Looking at me, you should be able to see how hard I've had these two days. I was rushed out without anything on me." He was only wearing his usual T-shirt and Simple jeans, he was resting at home, but the incident happened suddenly, and he didn't have time to bring his wallet and bank card.

"The wallet and bank card were left in the rented house," Yue Yizhou said, "I've been living on the little change I had left with me for a few days."

After Chu Yun heard this, she called the waiter and asked him to choose something to eat: "Fill your stomach first, then where do you live these days." She handed the menu to Yue Yizhou, the cafe only has desserts, but chatting is better than nothing, so eat something first Pad stomach is also good.

After Yue Yizhou ordered some food, he answered Chu Yun's question: "I live in the sauna."

Chu Yun felt distressed, she had always admired Yue Yizhou very much, and felt that his vision and the things he designed were very satisfying to her.

Now that he is being bullied like this, if he hadn't been desperate to call himself, he might never know that Yue Yizhou has endured so much these days.

"Fill your stomach first, and I'll take you to a place later." Chu Yun took out her mobile phone and sent a message to the secretary, then began to wait for Yue Yizhou.

After Yue Yizhou finished eating, Chu Yun took him directly to an apartment of his own. Yue Yizhou was a little puzzled by Chu Yun's behavior: "What's wrong?"

"Do you like this apartment?" Chu Yun pointed to one of the apartments and asked him.

Yue Yizhou nodded. The security of this apartment is very good, the environment is also very good, and it is very convenient to go out in the city center. He has always liked the house here, but because of his limited pockets, he never thought that he would be able to live in it one day: " What's the matter with you bringing me here?" It's hard that Chu Xiang is here?Thinking of this, he felt unwilling again.

Chu Yun took him upstairs, and the secretary was already waiting for the two of them upstairs. Chu Yun took the key from the secretary, then turned around and handed it to Yue Yizhou: "This apartment will be your new home from now on."

Yue Yizhou took the key in a daze, and didn't speak for a long time, obviously caught in agitation, Chu Yun joked: "What? Don't you plan to invite me in?" door.

This apartment was bought by Chu Yun before, but no one lived in it, so it was vacant for a long time. Today, when she heard that Yue Yizhou had no place to live, she immediately remembered it, and asked the secretary to send the key: "How about it, Do you like it?" The apartment is not very big, but it is well lit, and the furniture in the living room glistens in the sunlight.

Yue Yizhou nodded, unable to recover from the shock for a long time, and Chu Yun didn't urge him: "The toilet is over there, you can go wash up first, I'll go shopping, and I'll be back soon." She asked the secretary to buy towels and Toothbrushes, but some things are more sincere when you buy them yourself.

Chu Yun came to the store and walked to the place where electronic products were sold: "May I ask what kind of laptops you have here that are more useful?" Yue Yizhou is a designer, and he must need a computer to draw design drafts, so she came to the store to help him buy one. .

With the help of the shopping guide, Chu Yun bought a computer, a hand-painted board, a stylus, and other things that can help Yue Yizhou draw. She rushed back to the apartment with her hands full, and it happened that Yue Yizhou had finished washing and changed into new clothes. Walking out of the room, seeing her holding the things in her hands, she hastily took them.

"What are these?" Yue Yizhou saw the brand logo and wondered why Chu Yun bought so many electronic products.

(End of this chapter)

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