Douluo Shuttle

Chapter 20 The Daily Life of the Hidden Sect

Chapter 20 The Daily Life of the Hidden Sect
"Little brother, I'll go back to my life first, you guys take Sen to the sect for a walk." Qing just activated his soul skills and left

"Sen, we will take you to see the sect." Bing Po said

"Thank you very much." Tang Yuan smiled slightly

"Wow, so handsome." Qingxue was like a little girl

Qingcao said hello and left, she joined temporarily since she came back, she has to leave
Five people walked on the avenue of the Zongmen, the whole Zongmen was like a city, with pedestrians coming and going, but carefully feeling that the people here are at least level 30, Tang Yuan couldn't help but take a breath

"Is there only one sect here?" Tang Yuan asked

"Yes, but the interior is divided into several small sects." Mo Bai said lightly
"Brother Sen, I belong to the Angel Sect."

"I belong to the Yanzhu Sect." Guo Hao touched his head and blushed, saying the name of the sect made him feel ashamed

"I am Qian Jianzong."

"I'm from the Ice Spirit Sect. Let me tell you, my Ice Spirit Sect is warm in winter and cool in summer..." There were a lot of Bing Po Barabaras, and after being scolded by Qingxue, they obediently closed their mouths
'It turns out that the entire sect is not as simple as I imagined. '

Five people went to a garden and found a chair and sat down

Looking at the endless sea of ​​flowers in front of me, looking up at the sky, I remembered my life on earth
"Sen, what's wrong with you?" Guo Hao looked at Tang Yuan who was in a daze and asked

"Oh, nothing. Just remembered something."

"Touching the scene to create love." Bing Po squinted his eyes and showed a meaningful smile

One hit

"Hmph, besides, I'll still shoot you"

"Well, you bullied me again, anyway, we have played together since childhood." Bing Po covered his head

Tang Yuan watched them fight and just laughed it off
A few people turned west and east in the entire sect
According to the information collected by Tang Yuan, the average soul power in the sect is very high, almost everyone is a soul master, the ecosystem is complete, the water source is sufficient, and the combat power is strong, but the business is a bit backward, there are no powerful advanced weapons, and the resources are all Shared, so the amount of resource storage is average.

'You can start with weapons and resources. '

"Kong, give me the map of the ruins and the drawing of the atomic bomb." I don't believe that you are not tempted by such a big killer.

"Ahem, Tang Yuan, my system is not allowed to give you the atomic bomb."


"The atomic bomb is a weapon that can change a low-level world, and you are not qualified~( ̄▽ ̄~)~"

"Speak as you speak, what the hell is that expression behind!" (╯°Д°)╯︵┴┴
"Forget it, let's talk about it when we negotiate."

Several people returned to Zongmen City

"Sen, let's eat something." Guo Hao suggested
"Agreed!" Mo Bai said lightly
"Great, I can finally eat!" Bing Po said heartlessly

"Okay, but I don't know if the currency outside can be used." Tang Yuan said

"External currency cannot be used here. You are a guest, of course we treat you." Qingxue said

"Of course we treat guests." Guo Hao seconded
Several people are eating in a restaurant in full swing
"Who is, Sen." A young man flew into the restaurant
'Finally here'

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(End of this chapter)

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