Douluo Shuttle

Chapter 24 Shrek Again

Chapter 24 Shrek Again

"Let's search separately, Yuhao, you stay here." Tang Yuan brought Yuhao to the trigger point of the plot and proposed to act separately
"That's fine." Beibei agreed.

Xiaoya also nodded in agreement

After a few minutes
"Hey, it's almost there now." Tang Yuan launched Lingbo microsteps to reach the destination in an instant
"What happened to Yuhao?"

"Attacked by a spirit beast."

Xiaoya is crying

"Uh, it's just that I'm dizzy."

After chatting with Tiancan for a while, Yuhao was kicked out, and then Yuhao's martial spirit surprised Xiao Yabeibei

But what Tang Yuan cares most about is what Yu Hao said about 10 years ago, Tang Yuan finally stepped into the rift of time and space and disappeared from there. . .What the hell!

Tang Yuan and Yuhao were pulled into Shrek, and Yuhao joined Shrek. Tang Yuan agreed to Xiaoya.

Since Tang Sect's skills are not passed on to outsiders, Tang Yuan found a place to practice "Ten Layers of Nothingness" as soon as it was passed on, and after the end, he called Tang Yuan over to hurry
Xiaoya hunted down a soul beast on the road and successfully attracted the Datura snake
Tang Yuan released the coercion and directly stunned the snake

"Weak chicken." Tang Yuan complained
'I depend on whether I want to hit people like this! 'Little Ya Beibei's psychological portrayal

"Wow, it's amazing." Yuhao saw stars in Tang Yuan's eyes.

Yu Hao’s past and the decline of Tang Sect all appeared in Tang Yuan’s ears. Tang Yuan sighed, the feeling from the book is really different from the real experience

Shi Tangyuan was not interested in Shrek's development, so he didn't listen much
Several people entered Shrek Academy under the leadership of Xiao Yabeibei

"Excuse me, grandpa, where is my room?" Tang Yuan asked

"Hey, come with me." The grandfather looked at Tang Yuan in surprise

'Could it be discovered. '

Shrek Woods

"You are Tang Yuan, the founder of Shadow Sect." The old man said
"I'm just a kid."

"The double guns on your legs reveal your identity. The only person in the history of Douluo Continent who can use double guns is you, Tang Yuan." The old man turned around and looked at Tang Yuan.
"Moreover, your spirit power has reached level 65. Besides Tang San's growth speed, you are the strongest, and the Shrek Eight Monsters are the most mysterious."

"Oh, I won't hide if I'm found out, that's right, I'm the founder of Tang Yuan Shadow Sect, Tang San's younger brother, and the eighth monster of Shrek." Tang Yuan didn't hide either.
"Welcome back, Patriarch Tang Yuan." The grandfather said kindly, with a hint of happiness

"Hey, you're breaking me. You're bigger than me. How can you call me Patriarch? You can just call me Xiao Tang." My starting point in Shrek Academy, but it will never be the end


The two chatted for a while

Tang Yuan learned that Shadow Sect was the strongest sect outside of Shrek, and a large number of firearms changed the direction of the Sun-Moon Empire War at that time, and Shadow Sect sent out fifteen Contras and five Titled Douluo to participate in the battle. The mainland won, and after that, Shadow Sect lost news, just like before the war

After the two parted ways and left, Tang Yuan sighed, "My Shadow Sect's style of doing things hasn't changed at all."

Tang Yuan took the recommendation letter from Mr. Mu to Haishen Pavilion

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(End of this chapter)

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