Douluo Shuttle

Chapter 45 Star Warship Ruins

Chapter 45 Star Warship Ruins
"Is anyone there? Call the Seven Monsters team. Are there any creatures nearby?"

"Report, no living things were found."

"Come and gather at my place."


a while

"Seven monsters come to report."

Tang Yuan and Cang Mo looked at each other


Cang Mo took out the explosive bomb and stuck it on the wall
"Get down."

The seven monsters, Tang Yuan and his party lay on the ground, because the cave was too small and there was nowhere to hide

"Get up." Tang Yuan shook his head and said

A shiny metal door appeared in front of everyone

Tang Yuan knocked

The hardness and luster of metal but it doesn't feel like metal, it's an alloy composed of another element entirely
"Advance carefully."

Tang Yuan opened the way and carefully looked at the road ahead
"No danger was found. Close the entrance and search separately."


Kong Yun took out the decoder to obtain the authority of the door and let it close
Tang Yuan looked at the technological creations around him
Mechanical claws curled up on the roof one by one

I don't know where the pipes lead
Tang Yuan followed a cable and found a computer, um, it should be said to be a high-tech processor. After Tang Yuan turned on the switch, information folders appeared one by one.
Tang Yuan clicked out a folder, and a video window popped up

A blue-haired human, yes, a human, with the same appearance as a normal human but with a different hair color

"Hello stranger, our spaceship has crashed when you saw this U7 information storage device. This information storage device has a lot of technology. I hope you can use it well." After speaking, the information projection disappeared

"U7 information saver, isn't it just a USB flash drive, what are you talking about so tall?" Tang Yuan complained mercilessly

Tang Yuan clicked on the spaceship information again
"Jianxing spaceship, a planetary-class destroyer and a small scientific research ship, equipped with space folding and space transition devices, attack weapons, military-style small machine guns (laser type), four 150mm main guns, defensive performance, equipped with plasma shields and Anti-dark matter shields, engines, six small nuclear reactors, and two dark matter reactors."

"Wc, is this a bunker?" Tang Yuan was speechless, a destroyer with space folding and a plasma shield
Tang Yuan just learned about space folding and plasma shields
"Forget it, let's look at that person." Tang Yuan put away U7 and walked towards the incubator

reads below
Martial Soul: Starlight (Starlight Armor)
(After an accidental fall, we found a dying young man. We moved him into an incubator to awaken his martial soul. We also heard about it. In order to make him stronger and help us explore this world, we gave him a designated Sexual Martial Soul.)
Personality: withdrawn, cold
"Brother Yuan, do you want to rescue him?"

"Contact the rescue team, let's wait here."

New characters are on the stage, please pay attention to check if you are superficial (forgive me for not playing a lot in the future)

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(End of this chapter)

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