Douluo Shuttle

Chapter 66 Rapidly Growing Fallen Angel

Chapter 66 Rapidly Growing Fallen Angel (Two in One)

"Although the power of elements can quickly increase your strength, there will be backlash. Don't absorb the power of elements for a while, your gene chain..." Kong didn't go on.
"I see, you should be careful not to be discovered by Xue."

"I don't know why you kept it from her."

"The level I've come into contact with is too broad and she may not be able to accept it, and..."

"You are afraid of getting her involved in this storm, and you also know that you don't have enough strength to protect her now, right?"

"Yes." Tang Yuan sighed
"Time is running out. Since you want to protect her, you need to run the power in your body to adapt quickly." After speaking, Kong disconnected the connection

Tang Yuan looked at the moonlight outside the window

Looking back at Tang Xue and Hua Ling lying on the bed

'Still, isn't it enough? . '

Tang Yuan pulled the quilt and fell into a deep sleep

The next day


Kang dang
"What the hell!" Tang Yuan woke up in an instant. Because he had lived in the wild for a long time before, Tang Yuan had a habit of waking up immediately no matter what the sound was.

Tang Yuan looked at the door
"Hmm~" Tang Xue poked her head out slowly
There is still a little black on the face

Tang Yuan got up, and the corner of his mouth twitched

Come to Tang Xue
"Hmm." Tang Yuan wiped away any black spots with his hands

"I want to make you breakfast, but um~" Tang Xue said

Tang Yuan stroked Tang Xue's head
"It's okay." He said, pulling Tang Xue and Hua Ling who had just woken up to the kitchen
"Cooking~" Hua Ling said in a daze
"of course."

After the three of them tossed about for more than an hour

"It can be considered finished." Hua Ling said


"This lump of brown substance is really edible..." Tang Yuan complained
In the end, Tang Yuan took them out hunting and eating a barbecue, and then came back to dispose of the pile of unknown food

"Okay, let's start practicing after tossing for so long."

Two people sit cross-legged
Tang Yuan circulates his soul power and elemental power along the body's meridians, and the elemental power tears the meridians, and the soul power repairs them, and under such a cycle, the meridians are constantly torn and repaired, becoming stronger and stronger
The huge elemental power was rapidly reduced under Tang Yuan's use, and Tang Xuema's soul power was also rapidly increasing under Tang Yuan's guidance

At this moment Tang Yuan seemed to hear someone calling him

"Do you desire power?"

"Who are you."

"Don't you feel weak?"

"who are you!"

"It doesn't matter who I am, I can give you more strength to protect the people around you."

Tang Yuan listened to this voice
"Tang Yuan, be careful of demons! Don't be corrupted!"

"What exactly is Kong Na?" Tang Yuan looked at Kong's conscious body.

"Where is your inner demon, he will lure you to fall into the demon, and the consequences of falling into the demon will be unimaginable. Thankfully, I found it in time this time, otherwise..."

"Okay, I will pay attention." After Tang Yuan said, he stopped practicing

"The current growth rate is very fast and it won't take long to reach level 99." Tang Yuan looked at Tang Xue and sat down to protect her
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"The breath is stable, the energy is even, and the breath doesn't seem to be a big problem." Tang Yuan retracted his strength

"Hua Ling, take good care of her, I'll cook." Tang Yuan walked out of the room after finishing speaking
at this time
"Do you desire power?"

"I don't desire! Get out of my side!"

"No, why do you want to lie to yourself."

"No, I don't need it!"

"Don't you feel that you are not worthy of him haha."

"No, I am not."

"Accept me and I will give you strength."

"No no..." Tang Xue's voice slowly faded away
"Hahahaha your body is mine now!"

Tang Xue's body appeared when the light came out

"What! No, it's impossible!"

After Tang Yuan finished

"Not good!" Tang Yuan rushed into the house immediately

Kong and Hua Ling looked at Tang Yuan
"What's the matter?" Kong Kong will not come out unless it is absolutely necessary

"The demon enters the body."


"It didn't affect her character, that is, her martial soul became a fallen angel, her strength skyrocketed but it was frozen."

"Fallen Angel, can you recover?"

"Yes, but I need to find someone, and I will tell you later."

"Okay." Tang Yuan knew that he was still not strong enough, and looked at Tang Xue, who was level 99, and sighed

At this moment, Tang Xue's hair became pure black, and even her fingernails became black.

"Demon...does she have any knots in her heart?" Tang Yuan thought, sitting beside Tang Xue and waiting for her to wake up
After three poles in the sun

"This is me!" Tang Xue hugged her head and curled up with a frightened expression
Tang Yuan put his hand on her head
Tang Xue turned around and hugged Tang Yuan and burst into tears
Tang Yuan hugged her and let her vent

After a while
Tang Xue let go slowly
Tang Yuan moved her to the bed and covered her with a quilt and Hua Ling kept guarding her

"Hua Ling, are you sure she's okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just a little overly frightened, and I'll be fine tomorrow."

"Thank you for your hard work, you should also go to rest."

"Yeah." Hua Ling flew to the hammock outside and fell asleep
The next day

Tang Xue slowly opened her eyes, turned around and saw Tang Yuan lying on the edge of the bed
With a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, he slowly stretched his hand towards Tang Yuan's face

as soon as we meet

Tang Yuan raised his head, and the two looked at each other
The scene was embarrassing

"Um, I'm going to heat up the meal, you lie down for a while." Tang Yuan ran out in a hurry, at this time the flower spirit slowly flew in

"What's the matter, Master, in such a hurry." Hua Ling rubbed her eyes
As soon as I came in, I looked at Tang Xue and covered her mouth and smiled
"Sister Xue, why are you so happy?"

"Nothing, nothing."

"Ah, it's mysterious."

The two chatted hotly
Tang Yuan took a look and went out again, he seemed to be in a good mood

"It seems to be all right after venting my mood, so I don't know if I can accept the level stay."

Tang Yuan arranged the meal
"Xue, the flower spirit has eaten."

"Come, come, come." ×2
"Let's eat, I've already finished eating." Tang Yuan laughed, but in fact, he gave Tang Xue some supplements to nourish his body, and he didn't eat at all.

"Eat something, Yuan."

"I really ate it."

The two quickly finished eating
"Xue, actually there is something I want to tell you."

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(End of this chapter)

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