The hot girl in space is too aggressive

Chapter 164 I Don't Want Credit

Chapter 164 I Don't Want Credit

When the danger was approaching, the system gave an urgent reminder, and Lan Ruqing squatted down suddenly, just to avoid the falling torches.

Although she dodged the torch, the torch smashed on a young man due to inertia, and the flames burned on him immediately, and he screamed in shock.

The brothers around couldn't bear to hear his screams, and turned to help him put out the fire one by one.

Lan Ruqing was not greedy for war, and prepared to leave according to the situation, but Wang Quan was not prepared to let her go, anyway, she would not be able to leave today, and being caught by the prince's people would be a death, it would be better to hold her back before death.

He shot fierce eyes at Lan Ruqing, quickly reached for the torch from the hole in the wall, and then quickly threw it at Lan Ruqing.

The exit was blocked by those gangsters, so Lan Ruqing had no choice but to retreat to the dead end. After Wang Quan threw several torches at her, Lan Ruqing finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Take out a wolf stick from the space, directly use the ground as the contact surface, the person jumps through the wall, and then bounces towards the enemy.

He kicked him in the face, and then took advantage of his unpreparedness and hit him on the shoulder with a stick.

Wang Quan was really unprepared for this sudden scene, and suffered a solid blow.

He was even surprised that Lan Ruqing could conjure a stick out of thin air. Could it be that he was hallucinating?
No, no, judging from his vision just now, he didn't have this stick at all, but now his sense of touch told him that the pain was very real!
Who is he?

Lan Ruqing only hit him a few times before Wang Quan passed out. Without hesitation, she ran out directly, and there was a person rolling on the ground in pain from the fire, blocking the way out.

After thinking about it, Lan Ruqing hid in a corner, took out a fire extinguisher from the space, and sprayed it directly on that person.

After a while, the fire was extinguished, and the robbers looked at Lan Ruqing in amazement, and then gathered together on the fire extinguisher in her hand, forgetting what they were going to do for a moment.

The torch in the cave was almost thrown away by Wang Quan just now, and the fire on the person who was on fire was also extinguished, so the place looked a little dark. Taking advantage of people not paying attention, Lan Ruqing put the fire extinguisher back into the space.

At this moment, the system suddenly rang. Lan Ruqing instinctively wanted to avoid the danger behind her, but it was already too late. Wang Quan got up and smashed the back of her head with a wooden stick.

The moment she fell down, she was still thinking, damn, the retribution came so fast, two people's heads exploded in a row today, and now the retribution finally came to her.

"Chop him up to pieces, and make me angry, and I will leave him with no bones left!"

Wang Quan's ruthless voice spread eeriely around, like a demon crawling out of hell.

The robbers around did not dare to disobey his order, one by one picked up the knives that had been thrown away before and slowly approached Lan Ruqing.


Suddenly, a flash of lightning blocked Lan Ruqing's face, and a huge electric current struck the surrounding robbers through the sword, causing their mouths to go numb and their whole bodies to twitch.

"Give it to me quickly!" Wang Quan was furious, this person broke into his camp single-handedly, he thought he could make the golden cicada out of its shell and become the great hero of the prince.

Unexpectedly, the plan really couldn't keep up with the changes, and this person turned out to be the spy sent by the prince.

If he didn't kill him, it would be difficult to wash away his shame!

Yang Ruolan rushed over in time, took the anti-wolf flashlight Lan Ruqing gave her, and approached those who tried to get close to Lan Ruqing.

"My lord, this is the piece!"

Not far away, a group of officers and soldiers approached, listening to the conversation, the prince is also here?

Wang Quan was in a hurry, and took advantage of the situation to pull Yang Ruolan, ready to take her as a hostage.

Yang Ruolan directly took the flashlight and slammed at him.

With a scream, Shangguan Jingyi suddenly descended from the sky, appearing like a banished immortal.

Sharp eyes looked around, and suddenly found that there was a person lying on the ground, it was Lan Ruqing.

Worried and furious then surged up, he flew up and kicked the leader of the robbers, but he was still unresponsive, with a series of punches and kicks, until Wang Quan couldn't tell the difference between south, east and north.

"Come here, take all these people away!"

The officers and soldiers followed, and Shangguan Jingyi gave the order directly.

"What's wrong with her?" Shangguan Jingyi lowered his head and carefully prepared to help Lan Ruqing up, but unexpectedly, Yang Ruolan's flashlight in the middle struck him.

Shangguan Jingyi's hands trembled violently, and he looked at the thing in Yang Ruolan's hand suspiciously, "She gave it to you?"

Yang Ruolan put away the flashlight and nodded.

Just about to take it over and see what happened, Lan Ruqing closed her eyes and instinctively stuffed the flashlight into her sleeve.

"My lord, he knows magic tricks, he..."

Unwilling, Wang Quan was about to pull Lan Ruqing into the water, but Shangguan Jingyi pulled out his sword and stabbed it directly in the mouth, cutting off the base of his tongue.

"Is the technique of Qimen Dunjia a sorcery, you ignorant people!"

Holding Lan Ruqing in his arms, Shangguan Jingyi couldn't feel the thing she stuffed into his sleeve just now. Although he had doubts in his heart, his worry about Lan Ruqing finally prevailed.

"Come on, go get the doctor!"

When Lan Ruqing woke up in a daze, she felt the bumps. She tried her best to open her eyelids, and found herself in the carriage with her face resting on her fleshy legs. When she looked up, she smiled slightly, " Lord!"

"Well, don't move. You hurt the back of your head, and it's swollen a lot. Are you dizzy now?"

Lan Ruqing was really dizzy, she didn't dare to nod and shake her head, and could only let out a muffled "hmm".

"Don't be a hero next time. This time, the king will report the specific situation to the emperor. At that time, you may seal a county lord..."

"My lord, don't mention me. If you want to mention it, mention Yang Ruolan. I promised my master that I will not accept any reward from the royal family!"

Lan Ruqing was a little agitated, and Shangguan Jingyi quickly helped her sit down, "Your master...does he have enmity with the royal family?"

This inexplicable sentence stunned Lan Ruqing, and said immediately, "I don't know!"

"You listen to your master very much? Do you kill people when your master tells you to kill?" These words sounded strange, and Lan Ruqing seemed to be able to smell jealousy.

"Kill someone? No, I have to abide by the bottom line of being a human being!"

Shangguan Jingyi seemed very satisfied with what she said, "That's good. You have contributed the most to suppressing the bandits this time. If there is a reward, don't refuse it!"

"That's no good, I don't want it. Our Lan family has just had a turnaround in the village, and you suddenly gave me such a big credit. Isn't that making people jealous? Once I am appointed as the county head, how many people will line up to wait for me?" Do things for them, some things are easy to talk about, and some things you can’t do. They beg you to do it. .

You must not report this credit, you should just report it to Yang Ruolan, she saved me, I have to pay her back! "

Lan Ruqing's non-negotiable tone made Shangguan Jingyi feel annoyed.

"Can credit be paid back as a favor? If you do this, you are also trapping this king in injustice. If the emperor knows that this king has concealed the credit of some people, have you ever thought about what kind of punishment this king will suffer?"

Before he knew it, he became a little angry when he spoke.

Lan Ruqing shrank back into the corner, still not paying attention, "It's such a big deal, it makes you say so coldly, if he knows, can he depose you as a commoner? Can he confiscate your family? He is so busy. , how can I have the time to take care of these things, I don't want to give him less rewards and complain?"

(End of this chapter)

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