The group pet koi she is still a baby

Chapter 415 Borrowing a Sewing Machine

Chapter 415 Borrowing a Sewing Machine
"What's wrong, mom?" Su Xiumei raised her head in doubt.

"I remember if the village chief's wife has a sewing machine at home," Zhang Yueru suddenly thought that the village chief's son's daughter-in-law seemed to have brought a sewing machine when she first got married.

"That's right! Mom, it really is your sharp mind, I never thought of it!" Su Xiumei slapped her head, her middle-aged head was not as flexible as that of Zhang Yueru, an elderly lady.

"That's my extremely smart brain, can it be for nothing? Xiumei, don't sit still, go and ask if you can borrow his sewing machine for a while." Zhang Yueru was praised I'm a little proud.

"It should be fine. Anyway, in their house, the sewing machine should just sit there and not be used. I'll get something to lie down later, and see if I can borrow it for a while." Su Xiumei thought about it, she and the village head's wife The relationship is quite good. I went to her house a few times before, but I didn't see them displaying the sewing machine. It should not be used often.

"Okay, then I will bring some eggs and some sugar for the wedding, and see if I can borrow this sewing machine for a while. With this sewing machine, we can do this much faster."

Zhang Yueru nodded, she also knew that sewing machines were very expensive, even if the village chief's wife had a good relationship with the eldest daughter-in-law, she couldn't borrow them for nothing.After all, there is no guarantee, and it will be broken if you accidentally bump into it.

In order to borrow this sewing machine, she spent a lot of money. In this day and age, neither eggs nor sugar are cheap.But it's not unusual for them to have a lot of eggs, so there really isn't much sugar in their pockets.

But if you ask someone to do something, you have to take this white sugar.

There was an urgent need for a sewing machine at home, and Su Xiumei couldn't wait any longer. After lunch, she packed up and went there in a hurry.

At this time in the afternoon, everyone has eaten and rested at home, and will not go to work at this time.

After dinner, the daughter-in-law of the village chief's family was resting at home at this time. The village chief's family only had such a son, and he spent a lot of money to marry his daughter-in-law, so he was willing to let her go to the field all day.

What's more, the village chief's daughter-in-law was only found out to be pregnant two months ago. The village chief and the village chief's daughter-in-law were overjoyed.They have only one son, and every Chinese New Year holidays, they see other people's families full of children and grandchildren, harmonious and beautiful.And their family is deserted, there is not even a child in the family, they are envious, and now, they can finally have grandchildren.

She was already a precious daughter-in-law, but now she is even more precious, let alone let her do the work, even if she is not willing to wash the dishes, and as the village head, they have little savings, at least they don’t need to buy some snacks sad.

Every now and then, I would buy fish and meat for the village head's daughter-in-law. I also bought a lot of peach cakes, pastries, malted milk, and blood-enriching brown sugar, red dates, and longan.

When the village head bought it, he pulled it over like this, so most people in the village saw it.But everyone didn't dare to be bitter. After all, this is the village chief. If anyone dares to offend the village chief, the family will have a hard time in the future.

"Xiumei, why are you here? Why are you carrying so many things?"

At noon, those who went to work were also taking a nap at home, so the village chief and his wife were staying at home at this time. When Su Xiumei knocked on the door, it was the village chief's wife who opened the door.

"I just came here to talk to Ju'er and borrow something. This way I won't miss me and waste your time, right?" Su Xiumei said with a smile.

"That's impossible. What's the relationship between our two families? If you want to borrow something, just borrow it. Why are you still taking something? Take it back quickly. Auntie is not short of these things."

The village chief's wife is from the Zhang family. It is said that she had a good relationship with Zhang Yueru when she was not married, and she has a good relationship with Zhang Yueru even after she got married.Seeing that Su Xiumei came here with something, she immediately knew that she must be asking for something.

"Auntie, just take it. I came here to borrow something from you. I should give you something. What's more, even if it's nothing to borrow, we should bring something with me." Su Xiumei smiled. , Communicating with people who have a good relationship is also her specialty.

"If I don't accept what you said, it's still my fault. Stop standing at the door, let's come in and sit first. It's cold outside for chatting in the house, and then it's freezing." The village chief's wife looked at Su Xiumei. attitude, vaguely guessed that the things she borrowed should be quite expensive.

"Okay, let's go inside and talk about it." Su Xiumei also thinks that it's better to go inside and talk about this kind of thing. There are a few people sitting and resting scattered outside, and then spread the word.

"Auntie, is Ju'er at home? I'm here mainly to talk to her,"

It is said that the sewing machine is a dowry brought back by the village chief's daughter-in-law from her natal home, and it is not known whether the village chief's daughter-in-law can make the decision.

"She's in the house, I'll take you there, and then you two will talk face to face." The village head's daughter-in-law didn't even ask Su Xiumei what she borrowed, and took her directly to her daughter-in-law's house.

At this time, the village chief's daughter-in-law guessed that her son and daughter-in-law should be taking a nap, so she knocked twice on the door before opening it.

After shouting twice to let his son go out, he opened the door and let Su Xiumei in.

"I'm sorry, I came to see you at this time, I disturbed you to sleep and rest." Su Xiumei greeted apologetically.

"No, no, I just lay down and haven't fallen asleep yet. Sister Xiumei, sit here quickly..." The village head's daughter-in-law greeted Su Xiumei to sit down, "Sister Xiumei, why are you suddenly free to come to me?"

In terms of seniority, the village chief's daughter-in-law and Su Xiumei are of the same generation, even if she is a little younger, her voice is not abrupt.

Su Xiumei didn't hold back the fact that the house was full of her own people. She directly told her that she wanted to borrow the sewing machine, but she didn't say that she borrowed the sewing machine to make a schoolbag.Instead, I want to use the rags at home to make some clothes. There are many people in the family and the workload is heavy.

These days, she is not the first to use rags to make clothes, but everyone sews by themselves, and Su Xiumei is the first to borrow a sewing machine.

Although the village chief's daughter-in-law and the village chief's daughter-in-law were a bit strange, seeing that Su Xiumei had brought so many things over, and their relationship with the Jiang family was quite good, there was no reason to refuse. Anyway, the sewing machine at home was also on the sidelines. Usually not used at all.

As soon as she borrowed the sewing machine, the smile on Su Xiumei's face became brighter, and she hurriedly said a few more words, "Sister, I don't know how to use this sewing machine either, can you please teach me first."

(End of this chapter)

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