Brother, I'm here to survive

Chapter 210 Playing a Game

Chapter 210 Playing a Game
Ruohua trembled all over, a sense of oppression made her unable to breathe, she didn't listen to what Mojun Xinglan said, it was uncomfortable!Extremely uncomfortable! Ruohua's face was pale, his eyes were blurred, and even his brain was blank. At this moment, even the demon Xinglan noticed Ruohua's abnormality, and was about to speak. when.Ruohua suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, Mojun Xinglan was suddenly sprayed with blood by Ruohua, and then frowned.He stretched out his hand to check Ruohua's condition.

Mo Jun Xinglan took a look, only to find that Ruohua not only lost her cultivation, but even the golden core was missing.

Mo Jun Xinglan's face darkened slightly, which means that Ruohua is now a mortal through and through, so what's the use of his schemes?He has eternal life, if Hua is only a few decades, what's the point of trying to deal with a person who may not survive even 100 years?
Demon Jun Xinglan's face was extremely ugly, he glanced at the extremely weak Ruohua, no wonder she was like this, mortals simply cannot survive in the Demon Realm, or in other words, the Demon Realm does not allow weak things like mortals to survive in the Demon Realm .

Thinking about it this way, Demon Lord Xinglan couldn't let Ruohua just die in the Demon Realm.At least not now!
When Ruohua woke up, the pain she had before was gone, but what was disappointing was that she was still in the Demon Realm.It was still in that palace, the extreme luxury made people uncomfortable, Ruohua refused, sat up from the bed, and a maid stepped forward and said respectfully.

"His Royal Highness, what are your orders?"

Ruohua ignored the maids and went straight out of the palace gate. Ruohua thought that the group of maids would stop her, but she thought too much.The group of maids just quietly followed Ruohua, and didn't intend to stop her.Ruohua didn't care about them, and started looking around like a headless chicken after leaving the palace gate.Ruohua wanted to leave here, but she underestimated the size of the magic palace, wandering around for a whole day, not to mention the palace gate, she couldn't even find the palace wall.But he sat himself tired on the steps to rest.Along the way, these maids just quietly followed Ruohua.Ruohua looked at these maids and said tentatively.

"Where is the palace gate?"

The group of maids looked up at Ruohua, then lowered their heads and said.

"His Royal Highness, you can't get out."

After the maid finished speaking, she sat quietly at the side again. Ruohua looked at the maid and frowned slightly, didn't she say so?Just when Ruohua was upset, Mo Jun Xinglan appeared beside Ruohua without knowing when he got up.

"Where do you want to go?"

Ruohua looked at Mojun Xinglan and remained silent, just not talking to Mojun Xinglan.

Mo Jun Xinglan looked at Ruohua's appearance, then smiled, and said slowly.

"Xiao Ruohua, how about this, you and I play a game."

Ruohua turned his head to the side, and didn't want to pay attention to Mo Jun Xinglan, Mo Jun Xinglan didn't care, it was easy for him to pinch Ruohua to death, but if he pinched to death, there would be no fun, wouldn't he?

Even if Ruohua is less than a hundred years old, Mo Jun Xinglan still wants to play with Ruohua.

"I will let you go, but you have to hurry up, if I find out, you will be imprisoned in this magic palace forever."

Ruohua looked at Mojun Xinglan subconsciously, obviously she didn't believe this, and Mojun Xinglan couldn't believe it.

Mo Jun Xinglan lifted Ruohua's chin, looked at Ruohua's beautiful face, then lowered her head, pressed against Ruohua's ear, and said slowly.

"You only have one chance, I won't let anyone find you, but if I meet you, then I'm sorry, Xiao Ruohua, don't even think about running away in your life."

Ruohua looked at Mojun Xinglan, and he didn't know whether Mojun Xinglan's words were true or not, but it also brought hope to Ruohua.

Mo Jun Xinglan looked at Ruohua's reaction, smiled slightly, and said slowly.

"Don't believe me, you have to know that I like you, don't you?"

When the devil said this, even Ruohua himself didn't want to believe it, and Ruohua didn't know why, the devil Xinglan always liked to say things that he liked about himself.

Mo Jun Xinglan immediately let go of Ruohua, stood up, looked at the maid beside her, and said.

"Prepare the luggage for the queen, and send the queen out of the palace."

The maid saluted, then turned and left.

Ruohua's eyes widened, and she seemed a little unbelievable, is Mo Jun Xinglan for real?
Mo Jun Xinglan looked at Ruohua, smiled, and then said.

"My queen, you have to run far away, it's best not to be caught by me."

Mo Jun Xinglan finished speaking, turned and left.

When Ruohua left the magic palace, she still hadn't realized it, she really left the magic palace so easily, why everything seemed so easy, she couldn't believe how easy it was.

Ruohua was carrying the package that the maids had packed for her, and was sent to the border of the Demon Realm by the maids. She even couldn't believe it, and looked back a few times.

The maids just stood there and looked at Ruohua, not intending to stop her.

Ruohua subconsciously carried the burden and ran away. When she ran out of the border of the demon world, she still couldn't believe it. She ran back to the fairy world. The difference from fairyland.

At this moment, figures flashed past, Ruohua subconsciously hid in the woods beside her, and then she looked at the disciples of various immortal sects and hurriedly passed by.

Ruohua held the bag tightly in her hand, although she was not very smart, she still knew that she would not be able to go back to the Immortal Mountain, and she could not show her face in front of the people of the fairy world like this.

Ruohua rummaged through the baggage, and finally found an embroidered handkerchief, and hurriedly wrapped it around her face.After sitting all this, Ruohua was still uneasy, then looked at the dirt under his feet, squatted down and wiped some dirt on his hands, and touched his face under the embroidered handkerchief, and then he felt relieved.

Just when Ruohua finally breathed a sigh of relief, a voice suddenly sounded, which startled her.

"who are you!"

Ruohua turned around, saw that the person in front of her was not someone she knew, couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and then pretended to be stupid.

"I, I, I, I'm lost, where is this?"

Ruohua held the burden in her arms and tried to make herself look a little scared.

The person who questioned Ruohua was a disciple of Penglai. He was originally in charge of guarding the passage between the demon world and the fairy world. Then he took a nap, and when he woke up, there was another person in front of him.

When Ruohua turned around, the disciples of Penglai looked at Ruohua for a while, there was no aura, no cultivation, nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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