Brother, I'm here to survive

Chapter 215 I'm Sorry

Chapter 215 I'm Sorry

Lord Yin is originally born of greed, hatred and ignorance in the six realms, which is also the source of his strength, so he is happy to see people make mistakes and see their greed, hatred and ignorance arise.

Especially the people in the fairy world, most of them have to abandon these things in their practice, but the more they accumulate, the more serious they become, just like a disease in a human body, whether they are left alone or suppressed, they will only get worse.

Looking at Yan Shengzi and others, they resented the devil world to the extreme, and everyone's body was filled with the darkness that he was happy to see.

Yan Shengzi and others rushed up, but before they got close to Yinjun, they were violently bounced away by the demonic energy, and they fell to the ground. They looked at Yinjun resentfully, but Yinjun smiled indifferently.

Seeing them resenting him more and more day by day, and greedy for power, he was extremely happy. The Six Realms were filled with such emotions, and his power was constantly accumulating.

Looking at Yan Shengzi, Boyi and others, Yin Jun didn't intend to take their lives, the fun was yet to come, so he didn't intend to take their lives directly.

Lord Yin glanced at the crowd coldly, and the battle situation around him became more and more obvious. Even if Boyi from the back of the Immortal Realm joined with disciples from the Immortal Mountain of Immortality, the casualties in front were too serious, and he became more and more invincible.

Yin Jun sneered, and then said to Yan Shengzi.

"Enough for today."

When Yan Shengzi heard this, he was about to get up, but the next moment, including Lord Yin, all the people in the demon world disappeared completely.

Wei Shengzi angrily thrust the long sword in his hand into the ground.

The disparity in strength made him resent himself again and again. If he had been stronger, stronger, things would not have turned into what they are today.

Wei Shengzi was similar to Yan Shengzi, looking at the empty space, Yan Shengzi sighed, holding the hand in his sleeve tightly.He opened his mouth slowly.

"Take them to heal."

The immortal disciples who came and went in the barren wilderness helped each other, as if they were used to such a scene.

Boyi hugged Liuli, with unclear meaning in his eyes, his eyes fell on Ruohua who was beside him, and then Boyi clenched his fists, and the next moment, Ruohua and Boyi Liuli disappeared into the barren land at the same time.

In the next second, Boyi appeared in the center of the barren wilderness with Ruohua and Liuli. The barren wilderness has a radius of [-] miles, and almost no one can enter the depths.

Boyi lay flat on the ground with Liuli in his arms, and then stretched out his hands to straighten Liuli's hair.

Ruohua was placed next to Liuli by Boyi. Boyi glanced at Ruohua, concealed the guilt in his eyes, and held Liuli's hand. His hands couldn't help shaking.

"I will save you, little Liuli, I will definitely save you."

Boyi whispered, as if speaking to Liuli, but also as if speaking to himself.

Immediately, Boyi took out something from his bosom, spread his five fingers, shining golden light, Boyi subconsciously glanced at Ruohua, and then avoided Ruohua's gaze as if escaping.

Boyi slowly put the golden elixir in his hand into the glazed dantian, watching the golden elixir slowly sink into the glazed dantian, Boyi couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, but the next moment, the golden elixir that hadn't entered the colored glaze's physical strength suddenly popped out. When it came out, Boyi quickly grabbed it.

The next moment, Liu Li spat out a mouthful of blood, opened his eyes in a daze, and closed them again not long after.

Boyi looked at the golden pill in his hand and couldn't help but shook his head, how could this happen?Why is this happening, why is this happening.

Boyi looked at Liuli anxiously, blood flowed down the corner of Liuli's mouth, it was extremely conspicuous under the pale face.

Suddenly, Boyi seemed to think of something, and slowly looked at Ruohua who was lying on the ground.

Ruohua was originally a mortal body, affected by Yin Jun's demonic energy, hurting his internal organs, he couldn't hold on anymore and fainted, and now lying there, his pale face is not much different from that of Liuli.

Boyi looked at Ruohua, Ruohua could fuse the golden core left by Xue Yunyue, it was nothing more than her blood, and Xue Yunyue was blood relatives.

Looking at Ruohua, Boyi held the golden pill in his hand, looking very painful.

At this moment, Boyi looked at Ruohua, gritted his teeth fiercely, helped up Liuli, and then came to Ruohua's side, helped up Ruohua, and the two sat cross-legged facing each other.

Boyi sat between the two, looked at Ruohua, lowered his head, picked up Ruohua's wrist, and took a breath.


Immediately, Boyi opened Ruohua's palm, took a drop of blood, and put it between Liuli's eyebrows.

Then Boyi put the golden elixir into Liuli's dantian again, this time, unlike just now, the golden elixir safely entered Liuli's dantian.

Just as Boyi breathed a sigh of relief, a figure appeared in front of Boyi.

Boyi subconsciously protected Liuli in front of him, and then looked at the person in front of him vigilantly.

Mo Jun Xinglan sneered, he just felt Ruohua's aura, but when he rushed over, he saw such a scene, looked at Boyi coldly, people in the fairy world are all like this.

I saw Mojun Xinglan's figure flashed, and the next moment, Ruohua had returned to Mojun Xinglan's arms.

Holding Ruohua in his arms, Mo Jun Xinglan took a meaningful look at Boyi, and Bo Yi subconsciously shivered. The next moment, Mo Jun Xinglan disappeared into the barren wilderness holding Ruohua.

Boyi frowned after watching the demon king Xinglan take Ruohua away, his eyes drooped slightly, showing a wry smile, he knew better than anyone else what he had done.Looking at Liuli in his arms, Boyi stretched out his hand to wipe off the blood from the corner of Liuli's mouth.

When Ruohua opened his eyes again, Mo Jun Xinglan looked at Ruohua with a smile, Ruohua was startled, and subconsciously wanted to get up.But the next moment, the pain all over her body made her unable to move.

Mo Jun Xinglan looked at Ruohua and spoke slowly.

"Why, you don't want to see me so much?"

Ruohua remained silent, looking around, this place is not a demon world, nor a fairy world, but it looks like a decoration in the world.

Mo Jun Xinglan looked at Ruohua's appearance, and said slowly.

"Don't think about it, this is the world."

Ruohua's eyes widened, a little confused, what did Mo Jun Xinglan bring her to the mortal world?
Mo Jun Xinglan looked at Ruohua's appearance, smiled, and then said disapprovingly.

"Didn't I tell you to run away? It's been a long time since you left, and I found you again."

Ruohua said nothing, she wanted to run away, but she didn't expect to meet Yan Shengzi, and a series of things happened later.

Thinking of what happened later, Ruohua seemed to remember something, she was in a daze, she remembered that Senior Brother Boyi took her and Senior Sister Liuli away, but why are they here now?

(End of this chapter)

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