Brother, I'm here to survive

Chapter 219 Spirit Body

Chapter 219 Spirit Body
Seeing a few people turn into ashes in an instant, Ruohua frowned after seeing this scene. Although these people behaved improperly and were dissolute and frivolous, they did not make any serious mistakes, and their crimes did not warrant death.

Taking a look at Mo Jun Xinglan, Mo Jun Xinglan shrugged, and then said.

"That's how I do things, and I will report whether I understand or not."

Ruohua saw that more and more people around him looked at him and the demon Xinglan as if they were ghosts, and then hurriedly pulled the demon Xinglan and ran towards the city gate.

"Come on!"

Although Ruohua didn't want to admit it, but at this time, in the eyes of everyone, she was already with Mo Jun Xinglan. Mo Jun Xinglan left as soon as he said he would leave. She is different. She is a mortal now. Ruohua is not controllable.

Ruohua lost her spiritual power, but she is not stupid!She knew exactly what to do at this time, if she stayed any longer, Mo Jun Xinglan would only kill more people.

Mo Jun Xinglan looked at Ruohua pulling her and ran away, and seeing Ruohua holding her hand, Mo Jun Xinglan suddenly wondered, if this was the case, what would Ruohua do if it was Jing Shuo instead.

However, this thought is fleeting, because Jing Shuo will not kill innocent people indiscriminately like him, so he will not encounter such a situation with Ruohua.

Mo Jun Xinglan cast a spell to hide the figures of the two. Ruohua didn't know it, and dragged Mo Jun Xinglan to the outside of Yueyang Pass before stopping.

Ruohua let go of Mojun Xinglan's hand, and sat on the ground regardless. When he had spiritual power, no matter what he did, he felt as if he had endless energy, but now, after running for so long, he was so tired.

Mo Jun Xinglan looked at Ruohua's appearance, who would have thought that it would be impossible for this talent to run away so well.

Ruohua took a breath, then looked up at the demon Xinglan who was standing aside, it was all his fault!After glaring at Mojun Xinglan, Ruohua slowed down.

Mo Jun Xinglan originally thought that Ruohua would scold him angrily. After all, Ruohua tolerated the people in Xianzhongshan in every possible way, but he didn't have a good word for himself.

Ruohua stood up while supporting the city wall beside her. If she hadn't run so fast, Mojun Xinglan might have killed a few more people. What a crime. What did I do wrong in my previous life to meet Mojun Xinglan? !

Looking at Ruohua's appearance, Mo Jun Xinglan only found it interesting, the corners of his mouth raised three points unconsciously, and he spoke slowly.


If Hua doesn't say anything, can she not be tired? If Mojun Xinglan has no spiritual power and drags people for such a distance, everyone will be tired, let alone she is now a person who is subject to birth, old age, sickness and death, so she is not tired. There are ghosts.

Ruohua was about to scold the demon Xinglan, but when Ruohua raised his head, he was stunned. Ruohua looked at the acacia tree outside Yueyang Pass.Walking over unconsciously, Ruohua's heart couldn't help tightening every time he took a step closer to the acacia tree.

Ruohua walked under the acacia tree, stretched out his hand, and put it on the trunk. This acacia tree is not as thick as it used to be, but after all these years, the crown is also extremely lush.

Ruohua trembled slightly.The demon Jun Xinglan at the side glanced at the acacia tree. The acacia tree looked ordinary, but it was lush and full of spiritual power.

"It's a nice tree."

Mo Jun Xinglan said sincerely, it is indeed true that everything has animism, but there seems to be more aura in this tree.

Ruohua nodded, yes, not bad...

Ruohua looked at the acacia tree, and always felt sad. In the end, her sister lost everything, and the acacia tree where the bones were originally buried also withered. Ruohua remembered clearly that this acacia tree was brought back to life by her begging Jingshuo.

Ruohua touched the trunk and saw the acacia tree so lush, she felt a little relieved in her heart. In fact, Ruohua didn't know what she was comforting. When she thought of Mo Wanyan, she could always think of it. Divide the past.

Ruohua couldn't help sighing, and Mo Jun Xinglan looked at Ruohua, and then said.

"If this tree grows in the demon world, maybe it will become a tree demon at some point."

"The tree demon?"

Ruohua looked at Mojun Xinglan, Mojun Xinglan was very satisfied with Ruohua's seeking knowledge, nodded, and then explained.

"Yes, Dryad, this tree has more aura than ordinary trees, but..."

Mo Jun Xinglan paused for a moment, stretched out his hand to touch the tree trunk, and then frowned. There was a spirit body in the tree trunk.

Ruohua looked at Mojun Xinglan, waiting for his next words, only to see Mojun Xinglan's face change, just when Ruohua was puzzled, Mojun Xinglan immediately opened his mouth and said.


Ruohua is puzzled, what do you mean, why is it interesting?
Mo Jun Xinglan looked at Ruohua with great interest, seeing Ruohua's concerned look, the corners of his mouth raised, and he had an idea in his heart.

"Ruohua, I won the bet we made before. How about this, give me a kiss and I'll tell you what's inside the tree trunk."

Ruohua's expression changed immediately, and he looked at Mojun Xinglan with a sullen face.

Mo Jun Xinglan also realized that Ruohua was unhappy, and then shook her head helplessly.

"That's all, it's nothing to tell you. There are spirits in this tree."

Hearing this, Ruohua was a little surprised, looked at Mo Jun Xinglan, Mo Jun Xinglan nodded, and then said.

"Do you know what a spirit is?"

Ruohua nodded, then shook her head again, what she knew about this was only a half-knowledge.

Mo Jun Xinglan looked at Ruohua's appearance, and smiled helplessly, saying how smart he is!In this way, I am ashamed to say that I am smart.

"Everything has a spirit, so everything in the world can be cultivated, it's just that it varies from person to person. However, the spiritual power in the world is not as strong as other places, and the spiritual power is weaker, so the most spiritual things in the world are mortals. Other things are nothing more than It just grows with nature. Unlike places such as the demon world, everyone can practice. However, this tree in such a place has a spirit body, which is really rare. You know, trees in the demon world want to cultivate spirits It is not easy to have a physical body, in such a place in the human world, without abundant spiritual power, without the guidance of practitioners, it is indeed not easy to be able to give birth to a spiritual body."

Hearing what Mojun Xinglan said, Ruohua was taken aback for a moment, and she suddenly had a bold idea.Opened the mouth cautiously.

"What are the conditions for cultivating a spiritual body?"


Mo Jun Xinglan looked at Ruohua and said slowly.


Ruohua is puzzled.

Mo Jun Xinglan nodded.

"It can also be said to be obsession. Because of obsession, it will slowly gather spiritual power, so it will become a spirit body. However, the spirit body is not an entity after all, and at most it can move within three feet of this tree. The tree is dead and the spirit is gone."

Mo Jun Xinglan looked at Ruohua with interest, and couldn't help saying a few more words, but Ruohua's eyes suddenly brightened.

(End of this chapter)

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