Chapter 221 Promise
Ruohua didn't expect Mo Jun Xinglan to agree so easily. Looking at Mo Jun Xinglan Ruohua, he seemed a little at a loss. It's done, and it's a bit of a surprise, and you don't know what to do next for a moment.Ruohua couldn't even think of what the next step would be.

"Why? I didn't go back on my word. Do you want to go back on it now?"

Mo Jun Xinglan said with a half-smile, Ruohua shook his head hastily, and then said as if he suddenly remembered something.

"What if you can't do it?"

Ruohua looked at Mojun Xinglan, what if Mojun Xinglan just agreed to her verbally, then what should I do.

Mo Jun Xinglan thought it was funny, looking at Ruohua's cautious appearance, he really didn't know what Ruohua was worried about?
"Have you thought about one thing clearly? Now you have nothing. What's the point of me lying to you? Besides, I don't bother to use the word cheating."

Ruohua shook his head.

"No, you lied to me! You lied to me that you liked me!"

Ruohua felt that Mojun Xinglan was not trustworthy, so Mojun Xinglan smiled lightly.

"I lied to you, then you show evidence to prove that I lied to you! If you can't, it's a false accusation. You lied to me when you said I like you. If I don't like you, how can I do it over and over again? I saved you and married you in the end. I didn’t blame you when you escaped. If these are all lies to you, do you want me to hunt you down every day and wait for your death every day to like you? If you want this If you like it, I don't care."

Hearing this, Ruohua immediately shook his head, no!

"Ruohua, don't take everything for granted, haven't I already promised you now?"

Ruohua frowned slightly, but she still felt that things were not that simple.

"You are worried that I will do one thing to the other, then you will go back to the Demon Realm with me. After returning to the Demon Realm, you will stay by my side all the time, and then help me watch over my subordinates, so that you can know what is going on with me. Am I lying to you?"

Mo Jun Xinglan spoke softly, his tone full of temptation, he knew what Ruohua wanted to do, nothing more than wanting to feed the demon with his body, so that the fairy world could breathe.He gave Ruohua this chance, but when the time comes, what will happen.No wonder he.

Ruohua stared at Mojun Xinglan's eyes, trying to see something from Mojun Xinglan's eyes, but to her disappointment, Ruohua seemed to understand these blood-like eyes, but it seemed like something I don't understand.

"it is good."

In the end, Ruohua opened her mouth slowly, what Mojun Xinglan said was also a method, after all, she had to try it, she could use this method to hold back the power of Mojun Xinglan and the demon world, it would be great.

"Then, my Highness the Demon Queen, it's time to return to the Demon Realm with me."

Mojun Xinglan stretched out his hand towards Ruohua, Ruohua was a little dazed for a while, looking at Mojun Xinglan's hand, he became dazed again.

Mo Jun Xinglan looked at Ruohua's hesitant appearance, smiled slightly, and then said.

"In order to make you feel at ease, I let you watch my subordinates bring people back to the Demon Realm with your own eyes, and then you can go back to the Demon Realm with me."

Ruohua raised his head to look at Mojun Xinglan, Mojun Xinglan smiled and seemed not to care, and then saw the sky in the distance was dark, at this moment, Mojun Xinglan hugged Ruohua's eyes In the blink of an eye, the two of them came to the mid-air. Ruohua then realized that those dark patches in the sky were people from the demon clan, and they were led by Yin Jun and Chi Yin. Ruohua recognized them.

Seeing this, Ruohua was a little confused, so the next moment, Mo Jun Xinglan said.

"Yin Lord."


Hearing the call of Demon Lord Xinglan, Lord Yin took a step forward and looked at Demon Lord Xinglan and Ruohua.

When Ruohua looked at Yin Jun, she frowned, she didn't like Yin Jun very much, without any reason, she just didn't like him very much.

Sensing Ruohua's displeasure, Lord Yin remained calm.

"Everyone, return to the Demon Realm."


Yin Jun replied, and then Yin Jun and others, together with the group of demons who couldn't see the border, disappeared.The entire sky seemed to have a dark cloud blown in, and the next moment, it was blown away by the wind.

"Where did they go."

Ruohua looked at Mojun Xinglan, did he just leave?

"Of course I'm going back to the Demon Realm. Could it be that you want a group of people to surround you and me?"

Ruohua didn't say a word, but she always felt that Mojun Xinglan's words were a bit weird.

Among the demon world, Fengdu Demon Palace.

When Mojun Xinglan brought Ruohua back to the Demon Palace, Yinjun and others waited early on. Everyone looked at Mojun Xinglan and Ruohua, and then a crowd of people gathered in unison. Kneeling on the ground.

"Congratulations to the demon king and queen to return to the palace."

Ruohua had never seen such a scene, and subconsciously leaned towards Mojun Xinglan. Mojun Xinglan looked at Ruohua's appearance, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and then he opened his mouth and said.

"Everyone is here, you have to look after it."

Ruohua didn't understand what Mojun Xinglan meant, and looked at Mojun Xinglan suspiciously, Mojun Xinglan smiled and stopped talking.

Here, although the Immortal Realm was a little at a loss for the sudden retreat of the Demon Realm, they hurriedly seized the opportunity to cultivate and thrive, and were ready to seize the opportunity to fight against the Demon Realm.

When the fairy world calmed down, so many things came out, such as Jing Shuo, who locked himself in the cold water palace, came out, and the immortal world and the human world had to look for the sinful fairy Ruohua who escaped from the prison of eternal life. .

For example, Ruohua, the sinful fairy, has disappeared since she appeared in the barren wilderness.

For example, a new star has risen in the Immortal Mountain of Immortality, and the disciple who formed alchemy in the millennium is not Xianzhong Mountain who specializes in producing geniuses, but Liuli, a disciple of Nanjiao Peak who is not very eye-catching in ordinary times.

All of a sudden, there were many disturbances, all of them were guessing that the Chiyin Peak Master of Nanjiao Peak usually had such a good disciple hidden in him.

Ruohua didn't know these news.Because, she is in the devil world, planting flowers.

After Ruohua came to the Demon Realm, Demon Jun Xinglan kept his promise, and the Demon Realm really did not harass the Immortal Realm anymore. Ruohua couldn't believe how peaceful she was, but she did it.

But after a long time, Ruohua also discovered something, she was very idle, very idle, Mo Jun Xinglan stayed with her every day, only at night, Ruohua said that she was not used to it, and the two of them did not share the same bed. Sleep, but at the request of Mo Jun Xinglan, the two slept in the same room.

Ruohua felt that it would be good if everyone could live in peace and stability like this.

The only regret is that she has never seen Jing Shuo since she came out of the Eternal Life Prison. She has done something wrong, and Jing Shuo would not want to see her even if she came to think about it.

(End of this chapter)

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