Brother, I'm here to survive

Chapter 228 The Lantern Chapter

Chapter 228 The Lantern Festival

On this day, Ruohua was sitting in the palace reading a storybook, but she was clearly reading the storybook, Ruohua's thoughts flew to the sky, although she was reading the storybook, she was worried about Jing Shuo in her heart Well, it's been a long time since Jing Shuo left the Demon Palace, even her upper shoulder has healed, but there is a scar left.

Mo Jun Xinglan tried many methods but failed to get rid of the scar, but Ruohua didn't care about it, it was just a scar and nothing else, isn't she still alive now?

At this moment, Mojun Xinglan walked into the hall, saw that Ruohua was reading the script, then stretched out his hand, pulled out the script, flipped through it, and then said.

"What story are you reading again? I hold this thing and read it all day long."

Ruohua reached out and snatched it, but didn't grab it back, so he had to give up, watching the face of the demon Xinglan slightly darkened, and then said.

"give me back!"

Mo Jun Xinglan pressed the notebook under his elbow, looked at Ruohua and said.

"One thing, tell you, you must be happy."


Ruohua's eyes are on the book that Mo Jun Xinglan is pressing with her elbow, and she doesn't know what Mo Jun Xinglan is thinking. It is really annoying to suppress her words like this. After a while, she I don't know where I saw it.

Mo Jun Xinglan looked at Ruohua's appearance, smiled, and then said.

"Jing Shuo and his party have completely left the Demon Realm today, how are you doing, are you happy?"

Hearing this, Ruohua's body trembled uncontrollably, and then he pretended to be indifferent.

"Leave and leave, what else can I do."

Mo Jun Xinglan had already realized that Ruohua actually cared a lot, but deliberately pretended not to care in front of her, and then smiled.

"Okay, they left, so shall we leave too?"

Hearing this, Ruohua looked at Mojun Xinglan vigilantly, what do you mean, leave?Does Demon Jun Xinglan want to attack the fairy world again?
Seeing Ruohua's appearance, Mo Jun Xinglan smiled and said.

"Don't be so nervous, I'm just seeing you bored all day, I'll take you to play. How is the world? I heard that there is a Lantern Festival in the world recently. I haven't seen it yet. Let me take you to have fun."

Hearing this, Ruohua looked at Mojun Xinglan in puzzlement, there is a Lantern Festival in the world, so he doesn't care.

But looking at the demon Xinglan Ruohua, he didn't dare to disobey her, so he could only follow the demon Xinglan's wishes.

Demon Lord Xinglan took Ruohua directly to the human world. After the two left, Chi Yin shook her head. Their Demon Lord Xinglan seemed to be getting deeper and deeper.

It is the Lantern Festival in the world, and Mo Jun Xinglan also overheard it, and it was Chi Yin who told him that in Mo Jun Xinglan's eyes, the Lantern Festival is nothing more than lighting a few lamps, and there is nothing to do, but Ruohua If you stay like this all day long, you won't be able to get bored.That would be boring.

Bringing Ruohua to the world, Mo Jun Xinglan looked at the lights and festoons on the street, but Ruohua seemed uninterested, looking at the lanterns around, it was really lively and beautiful, but something was missing Ruohua couldn't say anything.

Mo Jun Xinglan looked at Ruohua and the lanterns around him, but he didn't seem to like it, and then said.

"You don't like it?"

Ruohua shook his head when he heard this.

"No, it's beautiful."

Mo Jun Xinglan's eyes drooped slightly, are they beautiful?Not like it.Thinking of this, Mo Jun Xinglan's expression changed slightly, and he spoke immediately.

"Since you don't like it, let's go back. It seems that you still prefer reading."

Hearing this, Ruohua shook his head hastily.

"No, I just haven't met my favorite lantern yet."

Ruohua took Mojun Xinglan's hand and said in a hurry, she was finally able to leave the magic palace to take a breath, how could Ruohua just go back like this, although she didn't like it that much, but Ruohua cheered up and went with Mojun Xinglan Enjoying the lanterns, and casually guessing a few lantern riddles with Mo Jun Xinglan.

Ruohua's heart is still just normal, but there is a little smile on his face, but it is Mo Jun Xinglan, the person who said to leave just now, while walking, he is still reminiscing about the lantern riddle he just guessed. Look happy.

Sometimes, Ruohua felt that Mojun Xinglan was like a child, a little unreasonable, and sometimes like a furry beast, it would be much better if he kept his hair.

Ruohua has basically mastered the mode of getting along with Demon Lord Xinglan, looking at Demon Lord Xinglan, Ruohua heaves a sigh of relief!As long as Mojun Xinglan doesn't do anything to the fairy world, she thinks everything is fine.

Thinking of this, Ruohua looked at Mojun Xinglan with a compromising smile.

Mo Jun Xinglan looked at Ruohua and smiled, at this moment Ruohua's eyes drooped slightly, looking at a figure not far away, and froze in place.

Mo Jun Xinglan also followed Ruohua's gaze, and saw that not far away, Boyi was standing on a small stall, saying something to a stall owner selling lanterns.The stall owner gave Boyi a lantern, and Boyi looked at the lantern with a smile. When he turned around, he met Ruohua's eyes, and the lantern in his hand fell to the ground. The originally beautiful lanterns were burned out in an instant.

"Can I talk to Brother Boyi?"

Ruohua stretched out his hand and tugged Mo Jun Xinglan's clothes. Mo Jun Xinglan looked at Ruo Hua's appearance, then at Boyi in the distance, and then nodded.

The three of them came to a teahouse on the side with understanding. Mo Jun Xinglan looked at Ruohua and Boyi, then stood up and walked out of the Accord surrounded by three people.

Mo Jun Xinglan knew what Ruohua meant when he wanted to talk to Boyi, and he didn't have the idea to stay inside to make fun of himself. After he came out, he didn't deliberately listen to what the two of them said.

Boyi watched Mo Jun Xinglan leave, and opened his mouth slowly.

"Eldest brother...he..."

As soon as the words came to his lips, Boyi didn't know how to go on, saying that Jing Shuo is very bad now, but he couldn't say this, because he felt ashamed of Ruohua, when Boyi faced Ruohua, he would do nothing Can't say it.

Ruohua remained silent, and took a sip of the tea on the table.

"It's over."

Boyi didn't seem to recognize Ruohua in front of him. When he looked up at Ruohua, he was taken aback for a moment, and then said.

"Ruohua, let me take you away, you can't stay by Mojun Xinglan's side."

Ruohua then looked at Boyi and put down the cup in his hand.

"Then shall I go? Back to the Immortal Realm, to the Immortal Mountain of Immortality, to the Peak of Mogu, to the Prison of Eternal Life?"

Boyi opened his mouth, and Ruohua clenched his sleeve slightly, she wanted to talk to Boyi, she just wanted an answer.

(End of this chapter)

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