Brother, I'm here to survive

Chapter 246 Don't Lie To Me

Chapter 246 Don't Lie To Me
Mo Jun Xinglan looked at Jing Shuo, standing in the formation, holding his chest, and showing a smile.

"The power of a demigod, hahahahahaha, you are able to display the power of a demigod unexpectedly, Jing Shuo, ah Jing Shuo, you are indeed a man of heaven and earth!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was in an uproar, looking at Jing Shuo in amazement.Jing Shuo is actually able to exert the power of a demigod, does it mean that Jing Shuo will fly to the outer sky.

"It doesn't matter anymore! It doesn't matter anymore! Hua'er, it doesn't matter whether you lie to me or not!"

Jing Shuo looked at Ruohua and spoke slowly.

Ruohua suddenly felt very strange to this kind of Jing Shuo, Jing Shuo's eyes were flickering with golden light, and even the aura emanating from Jing Shuo's body made Ruohua feel strange.

At this moment, Jing Shuo grabbed Ruohua's catkin.

Ruohua froze for a moment, not understanding what Jing Shuo wanted to do next.But, hearing Jing Shuo's words, Ruohua was inexplicably startled.

At this moment, Jing Shuo's mind kept flashing through Ruohua's words to him in the demon world, over and over again, each time becoming more indifferent and hurtful each time.

Jing Shuo pulled Ruohua's catkin, his face was extremely painful, Jing Shuo didn't know why it happened like this, the pain was severe.


Ruohua immediately noticed Jing Shuo's abnormal condition, and hurriedly asked.

Jing Shuo held Ruohua's catkin tightly, looked at Ruohua, took a breath, and then said.


"I'm here!"

Ruohua looked at Jing Shuo, Jing Shuo looked very strange now, which made Ruohua extremely worried.

Jing Shuo looked at Ruohua, stretched out his hand, and touched Ruohua's cheek. Ruohua didn't know why, but just looked at Jing Shuo.

"Why are you protecting him?"

Jing Shuo suddenly opened his mouth, Ruo Hua froze in place, what did Jing Shuo mean by this?protect him?Protect who?
Seeing Ruohua's hesitation, Jing Shuo smiled, touched Ruohua's cheek, and then spoke slowly.

"You are mine, I raised you, you can only be mine!"

Ruohua nodded, yes, now Jing Shuo can say whatever he wants, he can say whatever he wants.

At this moment, Jing Shuo hugged Ruohua.

"Hua'er, you can only be mine, I will take you away, away from everyone, only you and me."

Ruohua nodded, maybe there is still this chance, but in the next life, in this life, she is doomed not to agree to Jing Shuo.

At this moment, Jing Shuo let Ruohua go.

"Hua'er, trust me!"

Ruohua nodded, Jing Shuo didn't look very well.

"I believe it, I have always believed it."

Jing Shuo looked into Ruohua's eyes, he wanted to take Ruohua away, he didn't care about these things anymore, the demon Xinglan was already trapped, as long as Ruohua feigned death, from then on, the fairy world and the devil world have nothing to do with them up.

"Sinful Immortal Ruohua, helping the evildoers to abuse others, harming fellow sects, and escaping the eternal life prison, the crime deserves death."

Jing Shuo opened his mouth. Everyone looked at Jing Shuo in the wilderness that had finally calmed down. In the eyes of everyone, Jing Shuo had always been protecting Ruohua and her, whether it was Zijin or what happened later. Jing Shuo was protecting Ruohua in everything, but at this moment, he personally condemned Ruohua in front of everyone.

Ruohua looked at Jing Shuo with a clear smile, as it should be.

Ruohua took two steps back, knelt in front of Jing Shuo, with a slight smile on his face, and said slowly.

"Thank you, brother."

Seeing Ruohua like this, Jing Shuo suddenly felt flustered, as if something was wrong, he told Ruohua to let Ruohua trust him, but at this moment, Ruohua accepted all this so peacefully .

This made Jing Shuo suddenly a little overwhelmed.

Everything changed so fast suddenly that even Xinglan, the demon king who was trapped in the formation, didn't react. Jing Shuo actually said that Ruohua should die?

Seeing this, Mo Jun Xinglan hurriedly said.

"Yin Monarch! Protect the Queen!"

Mojun Xinglan's voice was transmitted to Yinjun's ears through the formation. Through the mask, Yinjun looked at the crowd, and then led the people towards Jing Shuo and Ruohua.

Jing Shuo held Ruohua's Imperial Spiritual Fan in his hand, opened the fan, and a burst of overwhelming spiritual power struck Yin Jun and the others, and Yin Jun and others stepped back. This is Jing Shuo putting away the Imperial Spiritual Fan, looking at Ruohua.

Ruohua looked at this scene, the imperial spirit fan in Jing Shuo's hand was completely different from that in his own hand, in fact, if she thought about it carefully, it wouldn't be a big deal if she died.

The senior brother will always forget her, and those blood debts will end with her death. As for the demon Xinglan, Ruohua glanced at the demon Xinglan in the formation and smiled.

She used this life to repay his kindness, but she didn't know if it was enough.

Jing Shuo looked at Ruohua and glanced at Demon Lord Xinglan, his eyes drooping slightly, then called out Xuanyuan and looked at Ruohua.

Ruohua looked at Xuanyuan in Jing Shuo's hand and frowned slightly.

"Can I do it myself?"

Ruohua also understands that she must die today, and Jing Shuo will not protect her anymore, but that's okay, Jing Shuo said those nice things to her before she died, and she doesn't have any regrets.

Jing Shuo looked at Xuanyuan in his hand, he could still control Xuanyuan, if it was in Ruohua's hands... Jing Shuo didn't think about it, looked at Ruohua, knelt in front of Ruohua, even though he understood that this was just for everyone to see However, the person in front of him is Ruohua, which is extremely difficult for Jing Shuo.

"Hua'er, your and my joint citizenship ceremony is not over yet."

Jing Shuo suddenly said that he and Ruohua's joint registration ceremony was just short of the last step, but what happened next happened.

Ruohua looked at Jing Shuo and wanted to smile, but tears could not help but slip from the corner of his eyes, Ruohua wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes with his hand, and then said.

"Senior brother, look at the two of us, do we look like a marriage ceremony in the world now? I can't give you the marriage ceremony, but if it's okay, the regret in my brother's heart, if you don't dislike it, you and I, facing this world, are also It’s a wedding ceremony.”

Ruohua said slowly, if the marriage ceremony is Jing Shuo's regret, then why is it not a regret of hers? In the midnight dream, whether it is in the eternal life prison or in the devil world, she is in the dream, and Jing Shuo and her are all in the dream. His name was engraved on the Six Realms Marriage Stone.

But thinking about it now, this is also good, so in the end she didn't delay Jing Shuo.

Jing Shuo stretched out his hand, held Ruohua's catkin, and said slowly.

"After worshiping the church, you will be my people for life and death. Do you understand!"

Ruohua nodded, looking at Xuanyuan in Jing Shuo's hand, Xuanyuan's body and soul were all destroyed, so there was no life after life, but Jing Shuo wanted to hear it now, so what if she told Jing Shuo?

"it is good."

Holding Ruohua's catkin Jingshuo seems to hold all of Ruohua.

"Don't lie to me."

Ruohua nodded, not lying.

(End of this chapter)

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