Brother, I'm here to survive

Chapter 250 Destroy the World

Chapter 250 Destroy the World
Shura?At this moment, a legend suddenly came to mind in everyone's mind.

When the chaos was first opened, it was divided into two halves, one half was the sky, and the other half was the earth. At that time, there was no distinction between the six realms, and there were only heaven and earth.The six realms are the six realms divided by God the Father after he came into the world.Along with Father God came the great gods such as Shura. Father God ruled life and Shura Lord died. The two of them ruled the six realms together.Immediately after that, various creatures appeared in the world one after another, the fairy world, the demon world, the spirit world, the human world, the demon world, and the underworld.

Shura, a name that only existed in the records, how could it appear here, and it was exactly the same as Ruo Huachang's.

Even the demon Xinglan was shocked, he looked at the person in front of him, Shura, is it really Shura?Why, I can feel Ruohua's breath on her body.

At this moment, Jing Shuo walked towards Shura step by step.

"You are Ruohua, you are my Hua'er! You are back! You are back! Hua'er, you are back!"

Jing Shuo walked towards Shura, but at the next moment, his body flew up, and then fell heavily to the ground.

Shura looked at the crowd and sneered, with killing intent in his eyes.

"My ~ name ~ Shura!"

When Shura opened his mouth, everyone felt that their ears were about to go deaf, and the pain made them feel like they were about to die. At this moment, people from the fairy world and the demon world with low cultivation levels fell to the ground in pain. The next moment, It turned into ashes and disappeared completely.

At this moment, Shura looked at Mojun Xinglan, and slowly walked towards Mojun Xinglan. When Mojun Xinglan faced Shura, he felt that his chest was about to be torn apart.He knew much more than others, they only knew that Shura was in charge of the Six Realms together with the Father God, but they didn't know what happened in the end.

"Your blood is familiar."

Shura spoke slowly.

Mo Jun Xinglan looked at Shura, frowned, blood, familiar, what does Shura mean by this, just when Mo Jun Xinglan showed a confused look, Shura suddenly burst out laughing.

"It's his blood, his blood is flowing in your body, you are his son, you are his son, right?"

Shura looked at Mojun Xinglan coldly, and Mojun Xinglan suddenly felt unable to move. Looking at Shura, Mojun Xinglan remembered the history that was almost forgotten by him. Now, when he saw Shura, it happened again.It was recalled by Mo Jun Xinglan.Mo Jun Xinglan looked at Shura, and said slowly.

"I know you, haven't you already fallen!"

"Falling! Hahahahahaha! Falling! If it wasn't for your father, how could I fall!"

Shura looked at Mojun Xinglan coldly, if she fell, if it wasn't for Mojun Xinglan's father, how could she fall? It's all their fault!
Hearing this, Mojun Xinglan suddenly felt that his whole body was bound by something, as if the next moment, everything would end only if he killed himself. Looking at Shura, Mojun Xinglan smiled.

"What does it have to do with me, what did my father do, you go to him, what are you looking for me for!"

Seeing the same face as Ruohua, but a completely different person, Mo Jun Xinglan felt extremely uncomfortable. This kind of discomfort, Mo Jun Xinglan didn't know why, but he just wanted to scratch Shura's face Let her not talk to herself with such a face, and remind herself of another person.

Shura could see Mojun Xinglan's dissatisfaction clearly at a glance.

"Hmph, don't worry, I will naturally go to your father, but right now, I have a more important thing to do."

Shura said, Mojun Xinglan was put on the ground, and Mojun Xinglan, who was let go by Shura, sat on the ground, looked at Shura, and didn't understand what Shura said, what was more important.

Looking at Shura, Mojun Xinglan frowned, and then said.

"what are you going to do?"

Hearing this, Shura smiled coldly, and the laughter accompanied by the ringing of the bell on the Shura umbrella in her hand sent chills down the spine.

"Do what needs to be done."

Jing Shuo looked at Shura in front of him, what he should do, Ruohua said the same thing that day, the person in front of him must be Ruohua!Definitely her!
"Hua'er! You are Hua'er! You are definitely Hua'er!"

Jing Shuo rushed forward, but was bounced away again, Shura looked at Jing Shuo with disdain, Hua'er?What Huaer?
Taking a cold look at Jing Shuo, Shura slowly looked at the crowd, and then spoke.

"Back then, your father stopped me from doing one thing. Now, I want to finish it completely."

As he said that, Shura paused for a moment, looked at the demon king Xinglan on the ground, and spoke slowly again.

"Your father lived and I died, but your father killed me. Now, I am going to do something very interesting and interesting. I want to destroy the world! Let all these people who shouldn't appear cease to exist! "

After Shura finished speaking, he burst into laughter, and amidst her laughter, she slowly disappeared.

How is this situation different from what it was back then.

Demon Lord Xinglan spit out a mouthful of blood after Shura left, and slowly stood up from the ground. Shura came from the world, this time, they will die for sure.Thinking of this, Mo Jun Xinglan showed a weird smile, which made people's backs shiver.

Mo Jun Xinglan glanced at Jing Shuo who was not far away, thinking that he would make some progress, but now it seems that there is no difference from before.

The demon king Xinglan waved his hand and disappeared into the barren wilderness with the remaining members of the demon clan.

Among the people in the Immortal World, Ya Chun hurried over, seeing Jing Shuo's appearance, Ya Chun quickly helped Jing Shuo up, the moment Jing Shuo saw Ya Chun, it was as if he had grasped a life-saving straw, and died. Grabbing Ya Chun's skirt tightly, he hastily opened his mouth and said.

"I saw Ruohua! She is Ruohua, she is not an Asura, she is Ruohua, Xiaoer! I saw Ruohua, she is there, she is still talking to the demon king Xinglan, she is at odds I'm talking, Xiao Er, is she ignoring me! Xiao Er!"

Jing Shuo grabbed Yachun's skirt, tears welled up in Yachun's eyes, looked at Jing Shuo, and swallowed the pain in his heart.

When he found Jing Shuo, Jing Shuo was in the world, holding a bunch of candied haws, smiling happily. He said he was waiting for Ruohua, he bought a lot of delicious food for Ruohua, and he was waiting for Ruohua return.

But who would have thought that such a Jing Shuo would become even more advanced, and Ya Chun couldn't tell what Jing Shuo's cultivation was like. Already comparable to the demon king Xinglan, and Ya Chun could feel that the cultivation in Jing Shuo's body was stronger than when he was a demigod.

Once a person reaches a height, when no one can see that height, it means that he may have touched the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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