Brother, I'm here to survive

Chapter 253 The twisted melon is not sweet

Chapter 253 The twisted melon is not sweet
Mo Jun Xinglan watched this scene not far away, clenched her hands slightly, she said she was Shura, but she had a similar appearance to Ruohua, and even had a scar like Ruohua on her body. , Mo Jun Xinglan frowned, not knowing what to do.

Is this person Ruohua or Shura.At some point, Mo Jun Xinglan herself couldn't explain clearly.

Shura stayed in the human world for a few days, and he also thoroughly understood what the human world is like. If you want something, you need money. What you eat is no longer the same thing as animal meat back then, but many, many kinds of things. Things have their own tastes, unlike in ancient times, when they were nothing more than those things, and the clothes they wore were no longer animal skins, each had its own strengths.

Shura has been here for a long time, and she is tired of it, but she still wants to see the human world, and the one that has changed the most is the human world.

Shura travels through the human world every day, but something happened on this day.

As usual, Shura bought things in the world, sat on the inn, and ate.

At this moment, on the table beside her, three Penglai disciples looked at Shura while eating. Shura's eyes and pale face sank, and the unstoppable killer beside her The aura of cutting attracted the attention of the three of them. The three of them looked at Shura and winked at each other. At this moment, the three of them drew out their swords and surrounded Shura in the center.

"Evil, you can catch him without a fight!"

As soon as the three of them finished talking, Shura just finished eating the food in her hand, so he raised his eyes to look at the three of them, and then stood up. Just as Shura stood up, the three people who were still alive were instantly reduced to ashes. No more trace.

Immediately, Shura put down a broken piece of silver, turned around and left the inn, everything was as if nothing had happened.

After Shura left, Mojun Xinglan looked at the position of the three Penglai disciples just now, and then followed.

Shura seemed to know that Mojun Xinglan was following him from the very beginning, and let Mojun Xinglan follow him like this. Unlike Jing Shuo, when Mojun Xinglan met Shura, he would grab Shura and call him. Ruohua caused Shura to hate Jing Shuo very much.

Here, in the fairy world, in order to find out why Shura died, but no news was found.

Ya Chun rubbed his temples, after 100 years of rest and recuperation, Immortal Mountain has recovered a little, but it is far worse than before.

Ya Chun felt a headache, and after sighing, Boyi came in with a cup of tea.

Ya Chun looked at Boyi, and said that Boyi has grown up a lot in the past 100 years. He is no longer as inconspicuous as before. He works hard every day to practice, and he is always the first to fight against the demon world. He used to be lively and good Moved, now calm down a lot, Yachun sometimes, some things are done well by Boyi.Even the Master of the Four Peaks has noticed the changes in Boyi, and the Master of Qingyang Peak has asked Ya Chun more than once if Boyi has any ideas about becoming the Master of the First Peak.

The meaning of this is extremely obvious, Bo Yi is getting better and better, this is obvious to all, sometimes even Sinian and Le can't compare to him, it seems that Boyi has grown up completely overnight.

"Second senior brother drinks tea."

Ya Chun nodded, then took a sip of tea, looked at Boyi and then spoke.

"Has senior brother come back these days?"

Hearing this, Boyi shook his head.

"No, I go to Hanshui Palace to take a look every day, but the senior brother hasn't come back yet."

Hearing this, Yachun sighed. For Jing Shuo, Yachun was full of guilt. If he hadn't insisted on taking the risk at the beginning, what happened later would not have happened. The elder brother would not have become what he is now, and Ruohua, All of them figure out a way together, and it won't become what it was later.

Thinking of this, Ya Chun sighed again.

"I'm the one who's sorry for senior brother. I also hurt Ruohua."

These are the things that Ya Chun has said the most over the years. Hearing these words, Boyi's expression changed slightly, and he stood aside, bowing his head in silence.

Ya Chun looked at Boyi's appearance, then sighed again.

"A few days ago, Chiyin Peak Lord talked to me and said that you have grown up a lot these years, and you are not always out of tune like before. She also sees your kindness to Liuli, let me tell you You, Liuli, she will say a few good words for you. If Liuli is willing, she will agree to your union with her. Now that the situation is like this, I don’t know what the situation will be tomorrow. If Liuli is willing, I will prepare the marriage ceremony for you."

Ya Chun looked at Boyi, and they all saw the changes in Boyi over the years. Shura came to the world and said the words to destroy the world. Moreover, Shura does have this power, so before he can't figure out a way, who can Thinking about what will happen tomorrow, so Chiyin Peak Lord talked to him.

Thinking of this, Ya Chun sighed, what should happen?Who can know what will happen tomorrow.

"No need, second senior brother, no need, don't let me delay Liu Li."

Said, Boyi walked out of the palace gate without looking back, Yachun looked at Boyi's back, and sighed, at this moment, Chiyin Peak Master Cong came out from the dark, Yachun immediately opened his mouth and said.

"You see, this matter is really not a problem that I don't talk about."

Hearing this, Chiyin Peak Master sighed.

Bulao Xianshan has experienced so many things, Chiyin Peak Master is always worried about the disciples of Nanjiao Peak, these years, Liuli has gradually become the No.1 of Nanjiao Peak, but Boyi seems to have changed a person these years, It's normal to say hello to Liuli silently, but never mention anything about the union of nationality, and sometimes not say a word to Liuli for a year or two.

Moreover, Chiyin Peak Master can also tell that Liuli is not unfeeling towards Boyi.That's why I thought, to change the method, come here to remind Boyi, let Boyi talk about it, and settle the matter between the two of them.

But, who would have thought that Boyi turned out to be the one who rejected the request this time.

Thinking of this, Peak Master Chiyin sighed, and spoke slowly.

"Forget it, twisted melons are not sweet."

After Chiyin Peak Master finished speaking, he turned and left.

After Boyi left, he returned to his own hall, closed the door, leaned on the door, and slid on the ground.

Boyi stared blankly in front of him, revealing a self-deprecating smile, who is the culprit, what right does he have to be with Liuli?Why bother to delay Liuli.

Boyi smiled bitterly, with tears in his eyes, Jing Shuo has been missing all these years, Ya Chun lives in guilt every day, and he doesn't even have the courage to admit his mistakes.

(End of this chapter)

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