Brother, I'm here to survive

Chapter 255 You Are God

Chapter 255 You Are God

Here, Sinian and Lecheng ran all over the fairy world, finally found some news about Shura, and hurried back to Bulaoxian Mountain, just in time to encounter such an embarrassing scene when they returned to Bulaoxian Mountain.

Peak Lord Chiyin held Liuli and looked at Yachun coldly, while Boyi knelt in the hall without saying a word.

Chiyin Peak Master cast a glance at Boyi, and then said.

"When will the work be done?"

Ya Chun looked at Chiyin Peak Master, and felt a headache. He was still praising Boyi for growing up, sensible, and mature. When he saw him rejecting the request made by Chiyin Peak Master, he was still feeling emotional. In the next second, he put Liuli to sleep. Ya Chun wanted to beat Boyi to death. At this time, find something for him to do and prepare him mentally. What kind of thing is this!It's really annoying!
Thinking of this, Ya Chun glanced at Boyi angrily, and then said.

"Uncle Chi Yin, do you think that day is good?"

Ya Chun looked at Peak Master Chiyin, and now he still has to accompany him with a smile on his face. He really wanted to kill Boyi when he faced Master Chiyin.

Le Cheng and Sinian didn't know what the situation was, so they could only salute to Ya Chun and then stand aside to see what the situation was.

Ya Chun didn't have time to pay attention to these two people now, so he waved at them, and then looked at Chiyin Peak Master.

Chiyin Peak Master pretended to be thinking, and then said.

"Let's see, it's the fifteenth day of this month. It's a good day."

"The tenth day of this month."

After Chiyin Peak Lord finished speaking, Liuli hurriedly said, everyone looked at Liuli, Liuli smiled awkwardly, and then said.

"The tenth day is better."

Saying that, Ya Chun looked at Sinian who was at the side and said.

"How much is it today?"

Si Nian looked at Ya Chun, then spoke slowly.

"Today is the seventh day, the seventh day of August."

Worried, Yachun looked at Chiyin Peak Master and Liuli, but the two turned their heads away and deliberately did not look at him. Yachun really felt that if Boyi hadn't put Liuli to sleep in this matter, he really doubted it. It is suspected that these two people came here to find trouble.

"Bo Yi, what do you think?"

Ya Chun looked at Boyi, the kid had better be sympathetic to him because he is too busy and change the day.

Who knew, Boyi raised his head, but before he could speak, Liuli hurriedly spoke.

"Brother Boyi told me about the tenth day of the lunar new year. He said that the tenth day of the new year is good."

What Liu Li said was so sincere that Ya Chun was too embarrassed to continue asking, he always felt that he was being blackmailed.Glancing at Boyi, Yachun sighed.Cooking raw rice and cooked rice, what else can he do, after all, it is a festive event in Bulaoxian Mountain these years, and it can be regarded as a joy.

"Since that's the case, let's go back to the Demon Realm, Boyi, and tell your mother that time is a little tight. You can leave now, and you can take Liuli to see your mother casually."

Boyi looked at Yachun and nodded, not talking.

Boyi originally didn't want to delay Liuli, but in the end, something like this happened. He had to be responsible for Liuli's reading. Looking at Liuli's appearance, Boyi smiled, a very shallow smile, which made Liuli freeze in place. She watched When you are in Boyi, you can feel that Boyi is not happy, because you have to join yourself, so you are not happy?
Looking at Boyi, Liuli suddenly felt a little at a loss. After yesterday, she immediately went to the Master of Chiyin Peak, and she wanted to merge with Boyi. But now, it seems that Boyi is not happy at all. What she thought was completely different, she thought that Boyi would be as happy as her, but now it seems that this is not the case.

In the end, Chiyin Peak Master brought Liuli down Xianzhong Mountain, Ya Chun glanced at Boyi, then at Le Cheng and Sinian, and said.

"What did you two find out?"

Hearing this, Lecheng on the side hurriedly said.

"Second senior brother, do you remember that day in the barren wilderness, Shura appeared with an umbrella?"

Yachun nodded. Indeed, there was a bell on the umbrella. Yachun remembered the sound of the bell, as if even the soul was disturbed. Thinking about it now, Yachun's body still couldn't help but get goosebumps .

"That umbrella is the Asura Umbrella."

Hearing this, Ya Chun's eyes widened. The number one murder weapon in ancient times, the Asura Umbrella?

Le Cheng then continued to speak.

"We found out that the Shura Umbrella was actually made of Shura's bones. There are countless gods and demons under the umbrella, all of which were captured by Shura in ancient times, so the umbrella is very evil! Let alone us, it is the ancient gods, It can't withstand [-]% of the power of that umbrella."

Hearing this, Ya Chun became silent, looked at Le Cheng, and then spoke.

"Then, is she Ruohua or Shura?"

Speaking of this, Le Cheng and Si Nian looked at each other, shook their heads, and then spoke.

"I don't know, we only found out that the Shura Umbrella was made of Shura's bones. If this is the case, then the current Shura..."

When Le Cheng said this, he looked at Ya Chun and made some guesses. They didn't dare to guess, but Ya Chun looked at Le Cheng and fell into deep thought.

"I see, you go and rest."

After Yachun finished speaking, she looked at Boyi who stayed aside, and then asked him to leave too. Then she sighed and leaned on the seat, Yachun frowned. The Shura umbrella was made of Shura's bones. That day Shura appeared with the umbrella, thinking of this, Ya Chun frowned, why Shura would be exactly the same as Ruohua, Ruohua died in the barren wilderness, Shura appeared from the depths of the barren, so, in the end Is Ruohua Shura?

Ya Chun rubbed his temples, this matter really made him dare not think about it, but he still had a glimmer of hope, if Ruohua was Shura then...

Ya Chun opened his eyes, frowned, thinking about a lot of things in his mind, is Ruo Hua or not?

Here, Shura wandered around the world as usual, and Jing Shuo followed Shura all the time. On this day, Jing Shuo bought a bunch of candied haws, caught up with Shura, looked at Shura with a slight smile, and handed the candied haws to Shura.

"Hua'er, the candied haws you like."

Shura looked at the candied haws in Jing Shuo's hand, and frowned. It was this weird thing again, with a strange smell. This was the first human food that Shura ate, and he still remembered it fresh. Looking at Jing Shuo The candied haws in Jing Shuo's hands turned to ashes the moment Shura frowned.

Jing Shuo looked at the ashes in his hand, and was looking at Shura. Shura cast a glance at Jing Shuo, and then said.

"You are a god, the only god among the six realms."

Asura looked at Jing Shuo, and she could see Jing Shuo's cultivation at a glance. Now Jing Shuo's body is no longer spiritual power. Spiritual power is purified. Now, what is in Jing Shuo's body is divine power. the only god.

(End of this chapter)

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