Brother, I'm here to survive

Chapter 266 Killing Shura

Chapter 266 Killing Shura
It is still Immortal Mountain, but this time, it is different from before. This time, the people in Immortal Mountain have covered almost all the fairy gates in the Immortal Realm, and even people from the Human Realm and the Outer Heaven have people from the Six Realms come to Immortal Mountain among.

Looking at the crowd of people, Ya Chun felt that his scalp was numb. He never thought that there would be so many people here in the Immortal Mountain of Immortality, Penglai, Kunlun, Yingzhou, Xiansheng, and people from all over the world sitting there. On one side, on the other side of the high position, are people from the demon world and the underworld.

Ya Chun never thought that there would be so many people. This time, Shura's presence shocked not only the fairy world, but the entire six worlds, except the demon world, the outer heavens, and the human world.are here.

Ya Chun looked at the people from the underworld, to be honest, this was the first time he saw people from the underworld, so he couldn't help but take a second look.

For a long time, the underworld has only come out but not in. This is the first time they have seen a person in the underworld. The man is sitting on the side, exuding the aura of not being close to strangers all over his body. To be honest, people in the underworld all have a The horrific death aura makes people feel chills in the bones when they look at it, and there is also a three-point fear from the depths of the soul.

Boyi, Lecheng Sinian and the others stood behind Yachun, looking straight ahead, because the status of the people present was not much different, so there was no such thing as being superior, and when the arrangement was made, they chose such a One place, distributed in a circular arc, sitting together, there is no such thing as high or low status.

Seeing that everyone was seated, Ya Chun spoke slowly.

"You all gathered here, and you all know the reason."

Everyone knows the reason. Compared to the Demon Realm, Shura alone is much more terrifying than the Demon Realm. Even if it is just a legend, the legend of Shura is not a simple story.

Legend has it that when the six realms were divided, Father God was in charge of life and Asura was in charge of death. The two jointly maintained the order of the six realms. There is death, there is death and life, Shura resolutely wants to destroy all living beings in the six realms, and then reshape the living beings in the six realms.

Leaving aside the matter of remodeling, the destruction of all the Six Realms means that everyone present deserves it!No matter who it is, human or demon, good or bad, there is only one ending, which is death.

However, after Shura said these words, he disappeared again, so for the Six Realms, this is indeed a chance to breathe. Back then, the Father God could destroy Shura, so why couldn't they?

Killing Shura means that they have a chance to bring everything back to peace.

Everyone was silent, sighed quietly, to be honest, these people came here for nothing more than one purpose, to destroy Shura, and looked around, but no one spoke.

When Shura was destroyed, everyone was silent. Extermination was not easy. Father God was an unattainable mountain in their hearts, let alone Shura. How much divine power was used and how many gods were sacrificed when Father God destroyed Shura.

In the fairy world back then, gods were everywhere. As a result, in order to destroy Shura, almost half of the gods were compensated. Shura master died. It can be said that in the six realms, anyone who wants to die is hers. In a single thought, let alone now, after the First World War, all the gods and fathers have gone to the outer heavens. Now, who can destroy Shura again?

Everyone was silent, and at this moment, the messenger of the underworld exuding a breath of death slowly spoke.

"Outside the sky."

Just three words made everyone even more silent, Tianwaitian, they couldn't get to the end of Tianwaitian, and Tianwaitian didn't come down with a word of God's decree, so what should they do.

The messenger of the underworld saw that everyone was silent, and then spoke again.

"Jing Shuo, Jing Shuo broke into the underworld and then left. He said he was going to Tianwaitian. Where is Immortal Jing Shuo now?"

It was just a sentence that made everyone stare wide-eyed and stare at the messenger of the underworld in disbelief. What was he talking about?Jing Shuo went to Tianwaitian?Jing Shuo has been erratic for more than 100 years. No one knows where he is and what he has done. It is just that when Shura came to the world, he appeared at that time and resisted the demon world with everyone in the fairy world. However, according to the words of the messenger of the underworld, Jing Shuo Has Shuo been to Tianwaitian?
Everyone looked at Yachun in unison, and Yachun only felt a headache. The senior brother of their family, really, surprised them when they couldn't guard against it.However, at this moment, the shock was greater than the joy.

At this time, if Jing Shuo really went to Tianwaitian, that is to say, Jing Shuo is no longer a demigod, but has completely become a god. Thinking of this, Ya Chun frowned subconsciously, their senior brother is really frustrated in love The cultivation base is proud, what if they haven't done anything yet, his elder brother is a demigod, and then he was frustrated in love and disappeared for more than 100 years. When he came back, someone said that he went to Tianwaitian. If the place to go, if the cultivation base is not there, it is absolutely impossible to go to Tianwaitian.

Thinking of this, Ya Chun looked at everyone without changing his face, as if I didn't know what you said.

"What the messenger of the underworld said, I'm sorry, I don't know. Everyone knows that after the battle in the barren land 100 years ago, my senior brother went crazy and disappeared for more than 100 years. I only recently found my senior brother. However, these He is also missing. As for whether he has been to Tianwaitian, I really don’t know.”

Ya Chun looked at the envoy of the underworld, the current situation is very obvious, if he said someone who knows something, Bulao Xianshan will definitely become the target of public criticism at this moment, and it will be the target of public criticism from the six realms, not to mention whether he is willing to let Bulao Xianshan become the target of public criticism. this target.Let's talk about Jing Shuo, just because Shura looks exactly like Ruohua, Ya Chun dares to use his head as a guarantee, even if his senior brother kills him, he may not kill Shura.These people still want to make their minds on him, even though it's not the time to be selfish, but he has learned badly, he doesn't want to let anyone from Immortal Mountain sacrifice, no matter who it is.

What's more, in today's affairs, Shura doesn't even know where he is, so there's no need for him to be the bull's-eye for no reason.At this time, Yachun decided to stay out of the matter.

After Ya Chun finished speaking, everyone's eyes circled on him, and then continued to be dumb. At this moment, the messenger from the underworld spoke again.

"No, Jing Shuo definitely has the strength to go to heaven and earth. 50 years ago, he turned the underworld upside down in order to find someone! If he didn't have that strength, he would definitely not be able to turn the underworld upside down!"

(End of this chapter)

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