Brother, I'm here to survive

Chapter 276 I Want To Stay Here

Chapter 276 I Want To Stay Here

At Shura's words, Fat Demon Jun Xinglan's face changed slightly, his eyes drooped slightly, he looked at Shura, and then spoke.

"What do you want to say?"

Shura smiled lightly, leaned forward, and carefully sized Mojun Xinglan in front of him. Although Mojun Xinglan's appearance was not as stunning as Jing Shuo's, he had his own characteristics. Compared with Jing Shuo, he was not at all the same Lose Jing Shuo half a point.

With such a face, although he is the son of God the Father, he does not resemble God the Father at all. Looking at the face of the Demon Lord Xinglan, Shura saw something in the eyes of the Demon Lord Xinglan, and then the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"Suddenly I like you a little bit."

The words Shura slowly opened his mouth surprised Mo Jun Xinglan, looking at Shura in front of him, he opened his mouth and said.

"What did you say?"

Shura smiled lightly, stretched out his hand, and traced the facial features of Demon Jun Xinglan with his fingertips.

"In the barren land of eight hundred miles, Ruohua is not the only one who died. The soul-returning technique was used well. You thought you failed, no, you didn't fail, you were very successful."

Shura looked at Mojun Xinglan saying every word, but Mojun Xinglan stared wide-eyed, looking at Shura in front of him, Shura would know all this, he was not surprised at all, what surprised him was that Shura said that he It worked.If so, then what happened to Shura in front of him.Suddenly, Mo Jun Xinglan understood something, and frowned slightly.

Seeing Mojun Xinglan's performance, Shura knew what he was thinking. Ruohua was not the only one who could be rescued by Mojun Xinglan's ordinary cultivation.

is her!The Shura who controls the life and death of all beings in the six realms.

Now she understands why she wears Ruohua's skin after her rebirth, because the demon Xinglan wanted to save Ruohua, but in the barren wilderness, not only Ruohua died, but she was also dead.She is much stronger than Ruohua, so she is the only one who can be resurrected in the end!What is Ruohua?
Mo Jun Xinglan looked at Shura in front of her. Shura was not reborn for no reason. She was able to be reborn because of herself. Thinking of this, Mo Jun Xinglan's face darkened slightly, making it unclear what he was thinking.

"What? Angry? Angry that you tried your best but saved me?"

Shura looked at Mojun Xinglan and said, Mojun Xinglan was the main contributor to her being able to come back, whether it was his original intention or not.It is undeniable that without the demon king Xinglan who gave up half of her cultivation, she would not be able to come back, and she does not know how long she will be silent in the barren wilderness.

Based on this, she can ignore the identity of Mojun Xinglan as the son of God the Father.

Mo Jun Xinglan looked at Shura, and couldn't tell what was on her mind right now. He just looked at her like this. How can I put it? Using Ruohua's body, Mo Jun Xinglan felt mixed flavors for the first time in his heart.

Looking at Shura in front of her, Mo Jun Xinglan couldn't find anything to answer her, what should I say?

Shura also seemed to understand what Mojun Xinglan meant, the corners of his mouth raised, and he spoke slowly.

"If you have anything to say, I can forgive you."

In any case, it was Demon Jun Xinglan who rescued her and tolerated him, Shura could still do this.

Hearing this, Mo Jun Xinglan looked at Shura in front of him, he really wanted to kill Shura.

"You are not welcome in the devil world, can you leave?"

Mo Jun Xinglan weighed the pros and cons, and then said, his current mood is really, he can't explain it himself, it's really annoying and he doesn't know what to say, he gave up half of his cultivation Because, I just want to exchange Ruohua back, and then bring Ruohua by my side, no matter who it is, don't even think about taking Ruohua away from him.

As a result, at first he thought he had failed, but now, what happened, Shura ran over to him and said that he did not fail, he just got back a Shura.

"No, I think the Devil Realm is not bad, and I want to stay here."

Shura directly rejected him. The reason why she came to the Demon Realm was not to just take a look and leave. In her opinion now, the Demon Realm is much more interesting than the Immortal Realm. At least for now, staying in the Demon Realm, she doesn't want to leave for the time being.

Mo Jun Xinglan supported his forehead, feeling a little headache, what is it all about.

The three people above the main hall looked at Mojun Xinglan and Shura, and retreated very discerningly.Only the demon Xinglan and Shura were left in the hall.

Shura looked at the appearance of the demon Xinglan, and then said.

"Unhappy, because I gave up half of my cultivation, but I was the one who came back?"

is not that right?Mo Jun Xinglan's current mood was not much different from despair. Looking at Shura beside him, Mo Jun Xinglan took a breath, and then said.

"I want to be quiet for a while."

When he didn't know the truth, Mo Jun Xinglan could still regard Shura in front of him as Shura, but after knowing the truth, Mo Jun Xinglan panicked in his heart, especially since Shura was still holding Ruohua's body, how could this make him Think about it, after all, I am the one who did all of this.

"Impossible, I want to stay by your side temporarily now."

Shura looked at Mojun Xinglan, for her, Mojun Xinglan was different, he saw himself as Shura, not Ruohua, and because of him, he came back to the Six Realms, so now she wants to treat It's as simple as that by Demon Jun Xinglan's side, and she seems to like the Demon World more than other places.

Mo Jun Xinglan looked at Shura and felt a headache.

"You can stay if you want! However, no matter what I do, the Demon Realm is my territory. Even if you want to destroy the Six Realms, you can't move the Demon Realm first!"

Mo Jun Xinglan opened his mouth and stared at Shura in front of him. He really didn't know what to say or what to do in exchange for such a thing with half of his cultivation.

When Shura heard Mo Jun Xinglan's words, he leaned directly into Mo Jun Xinglan's arms, and Mo Jun Xinglan looked at the extra thing in his arms with a cold face. What kind of change was this, and what was Shura thinking.

Shura leaned against Xinglan, the demon king. She remembered that Yue leaned against Kong Yang's arms like this, and it looked very comfortable, so she also tried it, and it seemed to be okay.

"what are you doing now?"

Mo Jun Xinglan looked at Shura and asked, such a Shura was a bit weird.

"Tired, take a rest."

Shura spoke simply and directly, and then closed his eyes after speaking, as if it was much more comfortable to lean on it like this.

Mo Jun Xinglan looked at Shura who seemed to be asleep in his arms, and frowned slightly. He felt that he had to calm down. What happened really made him suddenly confused.

What exactly does Shura want to do, what does he want to do?

(End of this chapter)

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