Chapter 279 Kiss Me

Hearing this, Liuli looked at Jing Shuo calling Ruohua in the unobstructed cliff of thought, and subconsciously grabbed Boyi's hand at the side. She didn't know that if she also disappeared, Boyi would what will happen?
Subconsciously looking at Boyi beside him, Boyi also looked down at Liuli, and hugged Liuli tightly, he knew what Liuli was thinking, but he would never let this happen.

"No, I will never let you have an accident."

Boyi comforted Liuli in a low voice, Liuli nodded, and snuggled into Boyi's arms, Chiyin Peak Master looked at the appearance of the two of them, and then asked.

"Why are you two hiding here? You even missed your own registration ceremony. Tell me, what are you two doing hiding in Siguoya?"

The Chiyin Peak Lord has not forgotten, the good deeds done by these two people, everyone is so busy for them that they can't get on the ground. Talk about it.

Liuli was about to speak, but Jing Shuo and Yachun got into a fight. The scene changed suddenly, and the three of them were startled. Before they could say anything, they hurried forward to stop them.

Jing Shuo and Yachun here, they were fine at first, but suddenly Jing Shuo made a move on Yachun, Jing Shuo directly grabbed Yachun's neck and said angrily.

"Did you hide Hua'er!"

Ya Chun knew that Jing Shuo was losing his mind again, so he didn't fight back, looking at Jing Shuo and persuading him.

"Brother, this is Siguoya, without Ruohua, let's go find her elsewhere, shall we?"

Jing Shuo looked at Ya Chun in front of him, and his mind was in chaos. Why is Ruo Hua's breath so strong? How could there be no her?how come?
"You lied to me? You all lied to me? Ruohua lied to me! You lied to me too! You said it was fine! But something happened to Ruohua in the end! You lied to me!"

Jing Shuo looked at Yachun, Ruohua lied to him at the beginning, and then there was Yachun, if not for what he said, how could he kill Ruohua with his own hands, and how could he not find Ruohua for more than 100 years.

This matter is also a heart problem for Yachun, looking at Jing Shuo's appearance, Yachun didn't say a word of explanation, just let Jing Shuo pinch his neck.

Chiyin Peak Lord hurried forward, broke Jing Shuo's hand and said.

"Be sober! What does this have to do with Ya Chun!"

Jing Shuo was slightly taken aback by Chiyin Peak Master's voice, looked at Yachun, then at his own hands, smiled wryly, then turned and left.

After watching Jing Shuo leave like this, several people hurriedly checked Yachun's situation.

The Chiyin Peak Master went straight to check the scars on Yachun's neck. Jing Shuo really wanted to kill him. There were scars on Yachun's neck. What is it all about?

"Are you okay?"

Chiyinfeng regretted it as soon as he spoke, is it okay?Everyone is injured, only ghosts will happen if nothing happens.

Ya Chun frowned, not used to Chiyin Peak Lord's movements, stretched out his hand and pushed away Chiyin Peak Master's hand that was groping around his neck, then looked at Chiyin Peak Master and said.

"Master Chiyin Peak, pay attention to your words and deeds."

Ya Chun and her really haven't gotten to know each other that well. All the things that happened before were inexplicably involved by Chiyin Peak Lord. Ya Chun can be said to be so innocent.

It was only then that Chiyin Peak Lord realized that his behavior was indeed a lot out of line, but it was only because of a slight change in his relationship with Yachun recently that he acted subconsciously.

"Hahahaha, my words and deeds have always been very good, but do you need some medicine for your injury?"

Having said that, it was because of Yachun's favor, although Yachun didn't say it, but Chiyin Peak Master really received Yachun's great favor this time, Yachun also got into a fight with the Lord of Kunlun, This person is greatly affected, so there is still some concern.

Ya Chun glanced at Chiyin Peak Master.

"Nothing, you go back."

Chiyin Peak Master looked at Yachun, Yachun didn't want to look like he was okay, the injury on his neck was so obvious, and his condition, it was obviously not right.

Looking at Yachun, finally Chiyin Peak Master took Boyi Liuli and left Siguo Cliff. After Chiyin Peak Master left, Yachun looked at the empty Siguo Cliff and sighed.

Jing Shuo left the Immortal Mountain directly, he still couldn't figure out why he clearly felt Ruohua's breath, but Siguoya didn't have Ruohua in the end.

Jing Shuo froze on the spot, he always felt that there was something that he ignored, what exactly was it?
Here, Boyi sent Liuli back to the Nanjiao Peak. These days, Liuli also suffered a lot at Siguoya, and only these few days have healed. Looking at Shura's pale face, Boyi sat on the edge of the bed Going up, he stretched out his hand to hold Liuli's hand, Liuli looked at Boyi with a reassuring smile.

"Take a good rest."

Boyi said.

Liuli shook her head, holding Boyi's hand.

"No, I want to keep watching you."

Boyi held Liuli's hand and smiled.

"You don't believe me when I say you're stupid. You can't sleep well. Why are you looking at me? I have flowers on my face?"

Liuli really wanted to kill Boyi, Boyi sometimes seemed to have a lack of nerves in his mind, and the atmosphere was so good, but it changed in Boyi's mouth.

"I just want to see you, can't I?"

Hearing this, Boyi held Liuli's hand and smiled helplessly. Liuli didn't fall asleep at all after thinking about the cliff these days, and her spirits were not very good. Now she finally fell asleep, and she still doesn't sleep ,Really is.

"Go to sleep! You talk so much! I'll watch over you, go to sleep!"

Boyi said maliciously on purpose, Liuli looked at Boyi's appearance and smiled helplessly.

"Brother Boyi, you are bullying me again!"

Boyi looked at Liuli, this person is really courageous, thinking back then, little Liuli was afraid of what she would look like at that time, why now she is more and more helpless against her.

"How dare I bully you? Go to sleep, I haven't slept well these days, go to sleep now, rest well, I will take you to the world to eat, okay?"

Boyi opened his mouth to coax Liuli, but Liuli gave up and reached out to pat her cheek.


Boyi didn't react for a while, just looked at Liuli.

Seeing that Boyi didn't respond, Liuli tapped her own cheek.

"Brother Boyi."

"I'm here!"

When Boyi came back, Liuli's complexion was not good-looking, what's the matter, I asked him to kiss her, what's the matter with him!
"I'll let you kiss me! Why don't you understand!"

(End of this chapter)

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