Chapter 289
Demon Jun Xinglan walked out of the hall without looking back. If you want to say disgusting, both Shura and Father God are disgusting. The world says he is the son of Father God, but for him, he would rather be the son of Father God. I am just an ordinary person, even a random mortal is fine, whoever wants to be the son of God the Father, whoever wants to be!
Don't disgust him!

Shura didn't know what Mo Jun Xinglan was thinking, nor did he know what he had experienced, but there was one thing, Mo Jun Xinglan really didn't hide his dislike for Father God. Looking at this scene, the corners of Shura's mouth rose slightly, Then look at Father God.

"Unexpectedly, your son hates you so much, God the Father."

Father God smiled and said nothing, just looked at Shura silently, with a peaceful appearance, in Shura's eyes, it was not a matter, what would Father God do, every time he was like this for all living beings and the six worlds, that is, It was because of him that the Six Realms became so disgusting.

Thinking of this, Shura's expression was indifferent, he didn't ridicule him like before, he just looked at Father God like this, what the two of them were thinking, the other party clearly understood, but he didn't speak.

Father God looked at Shura, and after a long time, he spoke slowly.

"After so many years, are you still the same as before, obsessed with obsession?"

Hearing this, Shura's face became more and more indifferent. Godfather is still the same as before, and he doesn't know how to repent?However, Shura didn't say anything, just looked at the Father God in front of him like this, the Father God would definitely know what she was thinking, so she didn't bother to speak, just looked at him like this.

Father God sighed.

"You are still the same as before, so I will stop you just like before."

"and then?"

This time Shura opened his mouth and looked at Father God, then what?Father God is so sanctimonious, why is it the same as before?Count yourself as before!Then drive yourself to death?
Father God calmed down, and did not say a word about the situation back then. The two of them knew exactly what it was like, and it was very uncomfortable to say it now.

"Just like before, you used my trust in you to trick me into drinking the poison, and then everyone forced me to die in this palace together!"

There was no trace of anger in Shura's mouth, but unexpectedly, it was very flat, but the face of the Father God changed, which made people feel a little meaningful.

Shura sneered back then?Back then, I didn't have the slightest defense against these people, but drank the poisonous wine brought by the Father God himself, and was forced to die by everyone in this temple without any power to fight back. I made a Shura umbrella and kept my own strength.

"Father God! Poison? How come!"

Tian Jue on the side was a little stunned, what poison, what did he mean, why did he suddenly not understand, didn't God the Father restrain Shura back then, so they had the chance to kill her and protect the creatures of the six realms?

Tian Jue looked at the Father God beside him in disbelief. To him, the Father God is the representative of glory in his mind. How could it be like this.

Hearing this, Shura instantly understood something, and looked at Father God with a strange and unpredictable smile, so it was so.

"Oh, Father God forgot to tell them how you let me die helplessly under your hands, and forgot to tell them how the Father God, who is as radiant as the sun, used disgusting and despicable means to come Guardians of all living beings?"

Shura spoke indifferently, as if he was telling someone else's story.

Tian Jue at the side was full of disbelief, looked at Father God, then at Shura, it felt like a piece of pure white and flawless jade, one day, accidentally, at first glance, this beautiful jade had an extremely ugly crack.

Tianjue looked at the father god who was still calm and composed, the father god neither denied nor affirmed, but just looked at Shura so peacefully, with a peaceful and reassuring expression, but it was such a father god that made Tianjue suddenly feel I was a little overwhelmed.

Looking at such a father god, it seemed that he was the one who said or did wrong.

Shura has long been familiar with the attitude of the Father God. She and the Father God came into the world together, and they were together when there was nothing in this world. Back then, she thought that the Father God was just polluted I was polluted by the filth of the six worlds, but I never thought that the person in front of me was the one who really made the six worlds filthy. Thinking of this, Shura smiled coldly, and then said.

"The face doesn't change for a moment, it really is worthy of being the Father God."

"No matter what you say, if you insist on destroying the world, I will destroy you."

Father God said slowly, but Shura laughed. Is it because of the support?That's why he wasn't afraid of her so much.

"Let me guess, it's because of Jing Shuo that you are so unscrupulous? I'm really curious, what's so special about Jing Shuo that can make you not afraid of my power."

Father God was not surprised that Shura could notice the difference in Jing Shuo.

"What's different about him, haven't you already discovered it?"

That's right, Jing Shuo's difference cannot be concealed, so God the Father never thought of concealing it, and he was generous, leaving people speechless.

Father God looked at Shura, how about Jing Shuo, since Shura asked this, it meant that Shura already knew about Jing Shuo's situation.

"Destiny was born, just like you and me, do you want to stop me with him?"

Shura opened his mouth, isn't that what Father God meant?Getting such a person here is nothing more than wanting to join forces with Jing Shuo to deal with her, but it is also born of destiny, God the Father is not her opponent, and neither is Jing Shuo. Even if the two of them are added together, it is nothing. thing!

Shura looked at Father God with cold eyes, she never put them in his eyes, just like back then, if Father God didn't take advantage of her trust, how could he force her to death.

Now that she doesn't trust anyone in the six realms, who can do anything to her?Destroying the Six Realms is just a matter of her thought, who can stop her?

Father God smiled, and his eyes fell on Jing Shuo who was lying unconscious on the ground. It was indeed what Shura thought, and he had the same idea, but it was not him and Jing Shuo joining forces, but Jing Shuo alone could stop Shura.


Father God openly admits that he has nothing to hide from Shura. In the six worlds, only Shura understands him, so there is no need for him to cover up in front of Shura.

Here, Jing Shuo's mind was in chaos, he had no direction. He didn't know where he was, who he was, and what he was doing. Nostalgic, very reluctant, Jing Shuo wanted to catch the voice, but he stretched out his hand, but he couldn't catch anything.

(End of this chapter)

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