Brother, I'm here to survive

Chapter 293 Ancient Inception

Chapter 293 Ancient Inception
Mo Jun Xinglan looked at Shura and the two of them actually looked alike in one aspect, both of them had been betrayed and abandoned by their father.Coincidentally, the two people who had nothing to do with each other are now connected due to various reasons.

"Do you know what it looked like at the beginning of ancient times?"

Suddenly, Shura looked at the demon Xinglan in front of him and said slowly, the demon Xinglan frowned, for a while, he didn't understand what Shura meant, the beginning of ancient times?Let alone him at that time, many people have not yet been born.

Shura smiled lightly, the world only knew that she was bloodthirsty and killed, and only had killing in her eyes, but in the beginning of ancient times, the death she was in charge of was nothing more than passing away peacefully, and she was nothing more than sending those who were about to die to leave this world safely.

This is what she calls death in charge.

At this moment, Shura grabbed Mo Jun Xinglan's hand, and saw that the scene around him changed in an instant. It was originally a barren palace, but it changed into green grass in just a moment. The scene in front of him It changed completely. At this moment, Mo Jun Xinglan heard the children's laughter and looked back.Seeing a group of children running towards him, Mo Jun Xinglan subconsciously wanted to dodge, but the next moment, these children pierced through his body and ran over.

While Mo Jun Xinglan was puzzled, he saw that among the group of children, some had a snake tail on their lower body, and some had a pair of cat ears on their heads. Among the group of children, each was different. They can be distinguished at a glance. Among them, there are people, immortals, demons, and demons.

how come?Mo Jun Xinglan looked at this scene in puzzlement. Since he was born in this world, the six worlds have long been separated from each other without interfering with each other. Each has its own world and each has its own thoughts.Demons are inherently evil, immortals are the righteous way of heaven and earth, humans are the weakest existence, and demons are nothing more than beasts turned into spirits. How can they be so harmonious?This is not at all the Six Realms that Mo Jun Xinglan knows, or everything that Mo Jun Xinglan knows.

Mo Jun Xinglan subconsciously looked at Shura, who took his hand and sat under the shade of a tree beside him.

"This is what it looked like at the beginning of ancient times. Even though Father God divided the six realms, that's just a distinction. It's just like the neighbor relationship in today's world. It's just that the place where the home is located is different, and the others are different. It has never changed. There is no difference between human and immortal, good and evil, everyone is the same, I will not plot against you, everyone is treated well, there is no jealousy, no greed, no greed, hatred and ignorance. "

Asura said, there was a touch of emotion in her words. She thought that everything would only get better and better, but gradually, people became jealous and loathed each other. With greed, with greed, everything starts to change.

Even God Father helped to fuel the flames. He established the so-called distinction. Humans only live for a hundred years, while immortals live for thousands of years. With all kinds of different treatment, the world is becoming more and more unfair. , more and more full of resentment, and gradually there will be killings, killings between people, disputes between the six realms, all kinds of things.Filled the entire Six Realms, and never saw the original peace.

Mo Jun Xinglan looked at Shura, and then at the group of children playing beside him. Is this really the beginning of ancient times?

At this moment, Xiu Luo pulled Mo Jun Xinglan to stand up, only to see the next moment, the scene in front of him changed again, without the green grass before, laughing and laughing, a group of people showed fierce faces, arguing about something, you push I shoved, but the next moment they were entangled in a ball, Shura just stood beside him silently.

Looking at this scene, Mo Jun Xinglan frowned, what's going on?Wasn't it fine just now?

Shura glanced at Demon Lord Xinglan, and after an unknown period of time, the scene in front of him changed again. There was a scene of mourning, broken limbs and arms everywhere, and a woman in black slowly walked over, looking at the scene. After mourning, there was neither sadness nor joy on the beautiful face. The woman opened her left arm, swung her sleeves, and all the souls came into her hands. Then the woman sighed and disappeared in the next moment. in front of you.

"That is?"

Mo Jun Xinglan suddenly felt that the person who just appeared was a little familiar, and couldn't help asking.

"That's me, the original me."

Shura opened his mouth and replied silently.

"I sent these souls into the underworld. Do you know how the flowers of the other side of the underworld come from?"

Mo Jun Xinglan frowned, and mentioned the Bianhua again?The other shore flower of the underworld seems to be there all the time, doesn't it?

"I planted it."

Shura spoke again and gave Demon Jun Xinglan the answer.

"In ancient times, all living beings only knew that I was going to destroy the world, but they didn't know that I gave them another chance. I sent them to the underworld. Whether it is a fairy or a demon, I washed all the impurities from them. Resentment and blood rage gave them another chance, and I would plant flowers of the other side for each new soul, but I planted flowers of the other side in the underworld, and this world is still so filthy."

Shura said slowly, everyone thought she was just a whim, but she also gave them a chance to repent, and when the chance was given to them, what did they do?Let yourself down again and again, let yourself kill them again and again!
If there is anyone to blame for what happened later, they can only blame themselves. I have given them countless opportunities. Among the people in the six realms, who has not given him a chance?It's because they don't cherish themselves.They themselves gave up the opportunity they gave them!

In the end, she still has to blame herself, so she can blame herself, she never cared about other people's opinions.

Mo Jun Xinglan looked at Shura and frowned, it seemed that Shura was not what he understood at all.Why is this so?

"So, you let me know what these are for?"

Mo Jun Xinglan asked, he didn't understand why Shura wanted to let him know about the past.

"No reason, it's just that I saw my old friend today and suddenly became nostalgic."

Asura said indifferently, these pasts, being hooked by the Father God, resurfaced in her heart again. She saw the world become filthy with her own eyes, but when she wanted to change, she died under the hands of the Father God. The saddest thing before, apart from the betrayal of God the Father, should be this world.

Mo Jun Xinglan glanced at Shura, Shura's eyes were very indifferent, this man was doing the craziest things, but he always looked very indifferent, as if he didn't care at all.

(End of this chapter)

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