Brother, I'm here to survive

Chapter 295 Impossible!

Chapter 295 Impossible!

Mo Jun Xinglan can fight with Shura, really, he has to fight with himself, can't he be good?If you insist on making it like this, Shura can do whatever you want, but it's not that she doesn't know why she is so interested in him?
Mo Jun Xinglan jumped, came to Shura's side, and sat directly beside Shura. The two sat on the roof like this. Mo Jun Xinglan looked at Shura beside him, and then said.

"It's annoying that you keep pestering me so much!"

Mo Jun Xinglan said straight to the point, she didn't care if it was right or not, it would make Shura angry, anyway, Mo Jun Xinglan understood, no matter what Shura said, she seemed to be interested in herself, no matter what, she could let herself go , anyway, the left and right are the same death, he has figured it out, death is death, everyone can't live, if there is no escape from death, why does he wrong himself to be low in front of Shura?
With the ending already fixed, Mo Jun Xinglan made a decision, since Shura wants to play with him!Then play, he still doesn't believe it, he can't play Shura anymore!It's just that she can't beat her, it doesn't mean that other things are inferior to her!

Mo Jun Xinglan thought so, looked at Shura coldly, and didn't want to give her any good looks.

Shura didn't care, just looked at Mojun Xinglan, it was clear at a glance what he wanted to do, it was meaningless to her, but it was rare to meet such a person with the right appetite, even in ancient times, he never It's just that I found it interesting to meet such a person, and the rest is no big deal.

Shura thought like this, and then looked at Mojun Xinglan, Mojun Xinglan didn't care, anyway, everyone knew what they wanted to do, but he seemed petty when he was secretive, and he could be anything , but he was not a petty person by nature.

Thinking of this, Mo Jun Xinglan said bluntly.

"You are so powerful, but you still have to rely on me to resurrect you after you die."

Mo Jun Xinglan's tone was full of sarcasm. If it wasn't for some accident, Shura would not be able to be resurrected even now. The barren land is still the barren land, and there is no palace there.

Shura was very indifferent when he heard the demon king Xinglan's unceremonious ridicule.

"No, I've always been there."

When Shura said this, Mo Jun Xinglan felt uncomfortable. After she wasted half of her cultivation and revived her, she said to herself that she has always been there?What the hell, she really lost everything after she died that year. If it weren't for some rumors about her, no one would have remembered her long ago.

It's still there all the time, why does this person speak so like an afterthought?

Mo Jun Xinglan sneered, and unabashedly expressed his thoughts.

"Are you there? You're a fart!"

Mojun Xinglan's words were rude, and she was no longer of any size. Just saying that, Shura didn't care. He glanced at Mojun Xinglan, and then said.

"I've been inside the Asura Umbrella."

Shura said this very calmly, but Mo Jun Xinglan always felt that there was something different in the words, and Shura's words made him feel weird.

At this time, Shura glanced at Demon Lord Xinglan.

"Before I died, I used all my spiritual power to transform my body into the Shura Umbrella, and my soul has been sleeping in the Shura Umbrella."

Shura said, the faint tone always made Mo Jun Xinglan feel that something was wrong, but after thinking about it carefully, Mo Jun Xinglan couldn't help frowning, what kind of talk is this, turning his body into a Shura umbrella?Shura's words are simple, but Mo Jun Xinglan knows that the meaning of these words is not simple. If it is simply transformed into a Shura Umbrella, the murderous aura of the Shura Umbrella will definitely not be so great. After Shura's death, his body must be It was forged into the Asura Umbrella. Only in that way can it explain why the murderous aura on the Asura Umbrella is so terrifying. People with slightly lower cultivation bases will absolutely have no bones left in front of the Asura Umbrella within a moment.

Mo Jun Xinglan said nothing, Shura also guessed what Mo Jun Xinglan knew, and didn't take it seriously, but felt all of it silently.

So what if she knows, so what if she doesn't know, the past is all in the past, what she has to do now is the present.

"When will you die?"

Demon Jun Xinglan spoke suddenly, and Shura glanced at the sky.

"The eighth day of next month."

Hearing this, Mo Jun Xinglan couldn't help laughing, the eighth day of next month?If Shura wanted to be so funny, what he said was like an auspicious day on the eighth day of the next lunar month.

"You are a Shura, do you still count auspicious days when you do things?"

Mo Jun Xinglan couldn't help ridiculing, to be honest, sometimes Shura's words are not like those ancient gods at all, the ancient gods speak politely, as if there are countless secrets revealed in one sentence, Shura is like this sometimes It's so simple and clear that people can't feel it even if they are only obedient. Shura's identity is so powerful.

Shura glanced at Mojun Xinglan, and didn't care about Mojun Xinglan's attitude. Instead, he looked at the sky, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"Everything is predestined."

As Shura said, Mo Jun Xinglan suddenly felt that Shura missed the ancient god a little bit after a while.

He said some incomprehensible words, gibberish and gibberish, one sentence clearly meant the same thing, but he deliberately twisted it so that people couldn't figure out what it meant after a long time of guessing.

Two flowers bloomed, each representing a branch. Here Jing Shuo looked at the Father God in front of him. The two looked at each other, and Jing Shuo opened his mouth.

"Whether she is Ruohua or Shura, I will never attack her."

Jing Shuo looked at Father God with cold eyes, and the words he said were extremely firm. The corner of Father God's mouth still had that meaningful smile, and then he spoke.

"No, you will. It's destiny."

Jing Shuo smiled coldly and looked at Father God impolitely, what did he say about destiny, does destiny know what Father God said?Anything will only involve destiny, destiny!What about fate, he will definitely not do anything to Shura, not to mention that Ruohua is very likely to be resurrected from that body in the future, so it is even more impossible for him to do anything to Ruohua, this is absolutely impossible !

"Don't talk about destiny, if it is destiny, let Hua'er appear in front of my eyes! Otherwise, I will definitely not do anything that may hurt Hua'er! Absolutely!"

Hearing what Jing Shuo said, Father God smiled and shook his head.

"No, you will do what you are destined to do."

Father God is extremely firm, but Jing Shuo doesn't care whether he is firm or not, what destiny?That being the case, let Tianming die, and Tianming can't let Ruohua come back, so how can Tianming let him let him go?
(End of this chapter)

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