Brother, I'm here to survive

Chapter 299 The position of the mountain lord

Chapter 299 The position of the mountain lord
The word Ruohua is a place in Yue's heart that cannot be forgotten. No matter what identity she wakes up and lives in, she is the only person in her heart that she can't let go of.

Grabbing the hem of Kong Yang's clothes, there are some things, let him pass the past, what's the use of Kong Yang's persistence, what she wants is only those who treat her well, and they are all good.

Looking at Kong Yang, Kong Yang really gave up too much for her, and endured too much, all of which he shouldn't have to endure, clutching the corner of Kong Yang's clothes, the moon, maybe it's Xue Yunyue, by the way On Kong Yang's chest, she slowly closed her eyes. If it weren't for the breath from the tip of her nose, she would have died like this, which made people feel heartbroken.

Kong Yang stretched out his hand and touched Xue Yunyue's bun.

"If you want to see Ruohua, the senior brother will take you there. Whatever you want to do, the senior brother will help you."

Between the two of them, Kong Yang understood Xue Yunyue's meaning with just a few words. If you want to say who is the person who understands Xue Yunyue best in this world, Kong Yang is probably the only one.

Kong Yang looked at Xue Yunyue's sleeping state, hugged her, stood up slowly, looked at Chenghong Tianjun outside the barrier, Chenghong Tianjun was like a madman, he knew that using spiritual power would hurt Kong Yang, hurting Kong Yang is equivalent to hurting Xue Yunyue, but let him sit idly by, watching Xue Yunyue but unable to speak, like a lunatic, using his hands, constantly slapping the barrier, just so good, He could even see blood.

Kong Yang looked at him, not knowing whether to feel pity for Chenghong Tianjun or retribution.

Xue Yunyue has let go of all the past, so why should he continue to pursue this person.

Seeing that the barrier disappeared in an instant, Chenghong Tianjun was caught off guard and fell directly on the ground, then hurriedly got up, and was about to step forward, but when he saw Xue Yunyue in Kong Yang's arms, he stopped pace.

How could he not feel Xue Yunyue's faint breath, she really didn't have long to live.

"Where are you taking her next?"

Chenghong Tianjun looked at Kong Yang and said, he knew, he knew that Kong Yang used those children who died young to help Xue Yunyue reincarnate and raise his soul, but Kong Yang didn't go looking for new children who died early, is it true? What do you want to do?Doesn't he want to take care of Xue Yunyue?

Chenghong Tianjun just came up with this idea, and his face changed when he saw Kong Yang.

Kong Yang looked at Chenghong Tianjun, and then said.

"It's time for Tianjun to leave. The matter of Xianzhongshan has nothing to do with you."

As Kong Yang said, he carried Xue Yunyue out of the palace gate, Chenghong Tianjun hurriedly chased after him.

"You don't care about her, I care about her!"

Chenghong Tianjun's eyes were red, and he looked at Kong Yang in front of him. Kong Yang doesn't care about Xue Yunyue, right? The method of cultivating more souls will naturally be able to nourish Xue Yunyue's soul. At that time, he will explain clearly that there is a reason for everything that happened in the past. He has not let down Xue Yunyue's feelings. He just forgot that he didn't mean it, and he didn't want to do it all. He would tell her everything, and he would fulfill his vow.

Chenghong Tianjun glanced at Kong Yang, turned around and disappeared.

Kong Yang knew, knew what Chenghong Tianjun wanted to do, but it was too late, it was too late.

Kong Yang put Xue Yunyue on the bed, covered Xue Yunyue with a quilt, and walked to the gate of the hall lightly. Ya Chun and others were waiting at the gate of the hall. When they looked at Kong Yang, they were about to speak But Kong Yang spoke first.

"I understand what you want to say."

Then Kong Yang looked at Ya Chun, and then said.

"I know what you want to say, go ahead and call Lord Sifeng over here, it's time to settle some things."

Kong Yang looked at Yachun, he was very satisfied with his disciples, thinking of Zijin, Kong Yang sighed silently, thinking that this disciple was the only one who made him feel guilty, if he had found out earlier that he was with others If you help him, you won't end up like that.

For these people in the past, Boyi had already made it clear to Kong Yang. After Kong Yang knew it, he just sighed with emotion. Since some things have happened, no matter what happens now, they can’t be undone. He can only look at the road ahead and continue walking. go down.

Not long after, the masters of the four peaks in the main hall all came together, looking at Kong Yang was very surprised, a person who was almost disappearing from the world, just appeared like this, it was indeed a bit surprising.

After all these years, Kong Yang has disappeared without a trace. No one knows what he did or where he went, and there is not even a report of his safety. Therefore, looking at Kong Yang so suddenly, the four of them felt a little worried. Strangely, Kong Yang didn't even appear in Jing Shuo's joint registration ceremony, but now that he suddenly appeared, it really made people feel a little overwhelmed.

What is it that makes Kong Yang appear suddenly is really surprising.

Kong Yang looked at the master of Sifeng, and then said slowly.

"I came back from this trip for one thing."

"When?" Peak Master Mingyi asked, very worried about what caused Kong Yang to come back so suddenly.

Even Kong Yang didn't show up for the ceremonies of his chief disciple's joint registration, and the earth-shattering events that happened later. Now, it must be because of a huge event.

Kong Yang looked at these people, then sighed and said.

"I want to pass on the position of Mountain Lord to Yachun."

As soon as these words came out, the master of Sifeng was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that the reason why he was stunned for a moment was simply because Yachun had done a good job as the acting master of the mountain these years, and everyone Already accustomed to Yachun, he forgot for a moment that he was only in charge of the mountain lord. Hearing this, the four of them looked at each other and nodded. It is true that Yachun has worked hard for so long, and it should be justified Be the owner of the mountain.

After all, Yachun is indeed more respectful than Kong Yang. In Yachun's hands, except for the matter of the demon king back then, the other immortal mountains have never suffered a loss in the hands of others.

Moreover, Yachun acted fairly, and there was no dissatisfied person in Bulaoxian Mountain, even Lan Hao Xianzun agreed with Yachun very much.

Hearing Kong Yang's words, the master of Sifeng felt in his heart that Yachun was nothing more than a ritual, and he didn't think there was anything wrong.

The master of Sifeng had no objection, Kong Yang nodded, he was naturally aware of his disciples, Ya Chun had this ability, he knew it early on, and Jing Shuo, Kong Yang knew it since he was a child Jing Shuo is not an ordinary person. Hearing what Boyi said, Kong Yang just sighed, the past has passed, and it doesn't matter who is right or who is wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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