Brother, I'm here to survive

Chapter 406 [Extra] Death in Battle

Chapter 406 [Extra] Death in Battle

Li Zhan sent his generals to lead [-] cavalry to break out of the siege and borrow troops from Linhuai guard He Lanjinming.He Lan Jinming was afraid of the rebels and was unwilling to send troops to rescue Suiyang.The general left Linhuai again, borrowed three thousand troops from other places, and returned to Suiyang.After being discovered by the rebels, they entered Suiyang after a bloody battle.Li Zhan and Wu Da knew that they had not borrowed soldiers. After repeated discussions, they believed that Suiyang was a barrier between the Jianghuai River and the Huaihe River.In order to prevent the rebels from going south, they had to stick to Suiyang.

There was a dead silence in Suiyang City, the young man looked at all this, and once again lowered his head and stroked the red line on his wrist. From the very beginning, he had already planned various endings.Either live, the country is stable, or die, sacrifice for the country, no matter what it is, he will not regret it!

The city ran out of food, so they ate bark, war horses, and even sparrows and mice.All the soldiers and common people in the city knew that there was no hope of keeping on, and none of them defected.

Day by day, even the leather armor of the soldiers was cooked and eaten. In order to defend Suiyang to the death, Li Zhan set an example by killing his concubine first and forcing the soldiers to eat them to satisfy their hunger.Then the prefect Wu Da killed his servants as rations, followed by the old and weak women and children in the city, just to defend Suiyang to the death. The flesh and blood sacrifices were not only the rebels and defenders, but also countless Liming people.Looking at all this, the young man wished he could cut the enemy army into pieces in order to vent his hatred.At this time, he realized that it turned out that going to the battlefield is not enough to defend the country.A guard, how many innocent people were sacrificed from it.The word country is the most important thing.

In the end, there were only four hundred people left in the city, and Qi Yunyang led the rebels to attack the city with ladders. The defenders on the top of the city were so hungry that they didn't even have the strength to draw their bows and arrows.

Even so, none of the officers and men were captured without a fight, and the bow and arrow could not be pulled, so they chopped with swords, climbed up the city wall, chopped one, and protected Suiyang for a moment, that is a moment!
The boy's hand holding the spear was trembling uncontrollably. The hunger for many days had left him exhausted. It seemed as if the enemy army could not be killed. When the spear picked one from the city wall, two more would climb up. repeatedly.But the young man seemed tireless, and the spear in his hand attacked the enemy army trying to climb the city wall over and over again. There were more than [-] people in the area, and it was undoubtedly a mantis' arm to resist so many enemy troops!However, if you can't stop it, you have to stop it!The teenager can't wait to give birth to three heads and six arms to defend his family and country!Even if it is flesh and blood, as long as it can block the enemy army, it is good!
Finally, the spear in the boy's hand was picked up by the enemy, and it fell to the ground with an ear-piercing sound. However, the boy's hands were still holding the gun, and the enemy's spear pierced the boy's chest mercilessly. The skirt of the chest was red, and the dark red blood flowed out along the spear, drop by drop, falling on the ground, like the Bianhua flowers on Huangquan Road, which are extremely bright and dazzling.One was not enough, another long spear pierced the boy's chest.One shot, two shots, three shots... The young man lowered his head, looked at the bloody flesh on his chest, then smiled coldly, raised his head, and stared straight at the enemy in front of him.A mocking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

At this moment, no one expected that the dying young man rushed forward, hugged the enemy in front of his chest, and rushed towards the edge of the city wall. The two of them fell from the city wall together, fiercely It fell on the ground outside Suiyang City.Everything happened too fast, it was too fast to be caught, and it was only in a blink of an eye.The bloody land, the fragmented corpses, everything seems to be a foregone conclusion.

Under the ground outside the city wall, there were two more figures. The young man looked at the dead rebels beside him, and took a breath. The ground on his chest was stained red with blood. The young man felt as if his body had been torn apart. Even breathing hurts.Maybe it's a flashback, and now nothing matters.

On the territory, to have the blood of the young master, the young master is not a loss in this life!The boy thought.

"Die for the stability of the country! Young master dies with no regrets!" The young man opened his mouth, his hoarse voice came out in a deep voice, and he said each word slowly, a satisfied smile appeared on his blood-soaked face.

Looking at the gloomy sky above, the short life in the boy's mind gradually emerged.Or peace, or fight.

Live up to my family and country... But, I'm sorry, junior sister.I still failed you after all... But, don't scold me, I can die on the battlefield today, and I will die without any regrets!
Let someone better hold your red line...

I hope Yuelao can take pity on my untimely death and lead you to a better person with the red thread again.The young man raised his hand with great difficulty, and with the last of his strength, he tore off the blood-stained red thread on his wrist.

The red thread wrapped around the young man's fingertips, and together with the young man's hand fell into the pool of blood, soaked in the blood, and as the cold wind blew, the blood that had lost its temperature became dry and black, like a beautiful flower that withered in an instant.

In the end, the young man was satisfied in the pool of blood, and slowly closed his eyes. The fighting sounds in his ears gradually subsided. After a burst of humming, it was replaced by the few zither sounds that he had heard countless times on Langshan Mountain.

Hold the sword and play the piano to the end of the world.

In the prosperous world in the next life, I will not let you down.

The road to Huangquan is long, I can walk slowly, and I can see you growing old together with others, which can be regarded as my last wish.

Whether traveling the world or dying for the country, I have never regretted it in this life!

Since ancient times, there have been many successes and failures, but in the end there are only a few history books, and later generations sighed.

The book can't exhaust the loyalty and blood of those young heroes, and can't restore those chivalrous and unforgettable tenderness.

In the best years, I did what I wanted to do the most. No matter what the ending is, even if I die, I will have no regrets!

Suiyang was defeated, Li Zhan, Wu Da and other 36 generals were all captured.If they don't surrender, they will all be killed.

On the third day after the fall of Suiyang, Henan Jiedu envoy Zhang Yun arrived with troops and repelled the rebels.Seven days later, Shangguan Hong regained Luoyang.It is precisely because of Suiyang's steadfast defense that the entire Jianghuai area is safe and sound.

Defend a city, defend the world, use thousands of soldiers who will die, fight millions of troops who will grow every day, cover the rivers and Huaihe Rivers, block their power, and the world will not perish, whose credit is it?
【string broken】

It was outside Suiyang City again.

The woman was dressed in plain clothes, and sat on the ground regardless of the mud on the ground. The scars after the war, even the wind blowing, were bleak.

The woman untied the qin from her back and placed it flat on her knees.Looking at the scars in front of her, when the wind blew up, she could even smell a little blood.

The woman showed a wry smile, her eyes were full of sadness.

(End of this chapter)

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