Brother, I'm here to survive

Chapter 79 The Penglai Crisis

Chapter 79 The Penglai Crisis
Kong Yang was slightly taken aback, then smiled, and suddenly understood what was going on.

At this time, Ruohua came to him by himself, looked at the two of them, blinked his eyes, a little confused.

Kong Yang looked at Ruohua, stretched out his hand, touched Ruohua's bun, and then said.

"Go back, you two."

Ruohua followed Jing Shuo and left the Wuming Hall. When he just left, Ruohua looked back and saw Kong Yang standing at the door of the Wuming Hall, watching the two leave.

Ruohua tugged at the hem of Jing Shuo's clothes, and then said.

"Brother, uncle..."

Jing Shuo stretched out his hand and took Ruohua's hand.

"In a few days, we will go down the mountain."

Ruohua nodded, not asking about Kong Yang anymore.

She has also grown up and understands that there are some things that she does not know.

Ruohua stayed in Xianzhong Mountain for two days, and felt a bit boring, except for Yachun, the rest of the senior brothers didn't know they had been slaying demons in the six realms, and senior brother Er Yachun didn't see anyone every day and didn't know what he was busy with.

But she heard that senior brother Zijin is very powerful, and he will not show mercy to the demons, what to do, the demons who beat him are unable to fight back.

This was the first time that Ruohua heard Zijin's words of praise from others, and he was stunned for a while, a little surprised.

After staying in Xianzhong Mountain for a few days, Jing Shuo took Ruohua down the mountain.

The demon world is rampant, and the six realms are in turmoil. Ruohua doesn't know where Jing Shuo is taking her this time.

Ruohua and Jing Shuo came to the surface of a sea, and the two of them rode the wind. Ruohua had never seen the sea, and he didn't know what the sea was. Seeing the wind and clouds, the waves were turbulent, he pulled Jing Shuo's sleeve and said .

"Brother, what a big lake, we have been here for so long and haven't come to an end yet!"

Jing Shuo was slightly taken aback when he heard this, and then couldn't help laughing out loud.


Ruohua nodded, but this lake is very beautiful, blue and blue, with sparkling water and sky, but this endless appearance seems to have no end.

"Silly girl, this is the sea."

Jing Shuo stretched out his hand and pinched Ruohua's cheek, but Ruohua has grown up, and his face no longer has the usual fleshy and soft touch.

Jing Shuo felt a little pity, but he didn't stop his actions.

Ruohua looked at Jing Shuo and blinked his eyes.

"Sea? So the sea looks like this. Brother, can I see the shark?"

Ruohua was suddenly agitated, and remembered what Jing Shuo had said, that outside the South China Sea, there are sharks, who live in the water like fish, who don't waste their weaving, and who weep, can produce pearls.

Ruohua has always been curious about this kind of merman who can weave cloth in water and whose tears are still pearls.

Jing Shuo looked at Ruohua and smiled.

"You want to see the merman? I'll take you to see it after this is done."

Ruohua nodded, and when she heard that Jing Shuo was going to take her to see the shark, Ruohua was so happy that she almost fell from the air, but Jing Shuo stretched out an arm to wrap around Ruohua's waist.That's why nothing happened.

"Don't move around, if it falls, the merman won't see it, I'm afraid it will be fed to the sharks first."

Ruohua blushed slightly, and smiled awkwardly, being hugged by Jing Shuo like this, his body was almost stuck together with Jing Shuo, but Jing Shuo didn't know whether it was intentional or not, after hugging Ruohua, he didn't let go of himself hands.

Ruohua looked down at the amazing hand on her waist, her earlobe was slightly red, her heart was beating so fast that her senior brother was hugging her.

So happy, even happier than seeing a shark.

Ruohua didn't say a word, just stayed in Jing Shuo's arms obediently, Jing Shuo looked at Ruohua's appearance, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

At the same time, outside Penglai.

A group of demons surrounded Penglai Xiandao, and the leader was the demon king Xinglan from that day.

Since the death of the demon Xinglan three years ago, Penglai's situation in the fairy world has gone from bad to worse, especially since they haven't found the magic method to unblock the Longhu Tiankeng. There is three points of shame on the face.

If it weren't for the people of Penglai who were greedy to refine the demon dragon and take it for themselves, what happened today would not have happened, and the Six Realms would not have been invaded by the demon clan.

People are like this, once they can't accept what happened, then everything is a reason for them to complain, and Penglai is exactly this reason.

While being criticized by thousands of people, Penglai had to find various ways to save people.

What others say is someone else, and how others see it is someone else. They have to do their own thing no matter what.

Xinglan has become bored these days, and finally found an interesting thing, which is Penglai.Now that the Six Realms are terrified of the Demon Realm, Xinglan lost interest all of a sudden.

Looking at Penglai, not to mention surviving in the cracks, but also desperately looking for various ways to unblock it, even the demon Xinglan couldn't stand it anymore, so he decided resolutely!Come to Penglai to recruit security and strengthen the power of the devil world.

"What? Just you little things, where are those old bones in your family?"

Xing Lan leaned on the large seat, looking very comfortable looking at the many disciples in Penglai who looked embarrassed.

The third son stood in front, looking at Mo Jun Xinglan coldly.

"My lord, you little things are not worthy of talking to me, let your Penglai old bones come to see me!"

Mo Jun Xinglan spoke, his tone was full of disdain, because he, Penglai, these little things who were not on the stage, was not worthy of talking to him.

He remembers those old things clearly, how they forced him to death in a dignified way back then, and now he has to settle his account carefully.

"Demon Monarch, don't be so rampant, let you have your life today, and you will not return!"

Wei Shengzi was angry, but he called out the fairy weapon, facing the demon king Xinglan, Penglai's current situation has a direct relationship with the demon world Xinglan, and Wei Shengzi's teeth itched with anger towards the demon king Xinglan who was the instigator.

Now the demon clan wants to trap Penglai in the name of Zhaoan, and he will definitely wipe out the demon king Xinglan!

When Mo Jun Xinglan heard this, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth as if he had heard some funny joke.

"What are you? Even your Penglai ancestor would beg for mercy when he saw this deity. Where did you come from, a two-legged beast?"


Wei Shengzi seemed to have been greatly insulted. Seeing that the demon king was about to charge up, Xuan Shengzi stretched out his hand to stop Wei Shengzi, and shook his head at Wei Shengzi.

What is the strength of Mojun Xinglan, they fought in Longhu last time, no!Maybe it's not even a battle, Mo Jun Xinglan didn't take them to heart at all, just waved his sleeves, leaving them powerless to fight back!

Penglai is now isolated and helpless, and I am afraid that it will be doomed today.

(End of this chapter)

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