blue boxer

Chapter 115 Convinced Oral

Chapter 115 Convinced Oral
A few minutes, but a moment.

Yone threw another jab and mercilessly greeted Milo.

"Chuck! Chuck! Chuck!"

The sound of clothes being shredded by sharp knives.

Milo covered his vitals with his hands, and was beaten back directly.


Milo gasped.

Unknowingly, his armed arrogance was covered with arrogance only in his hands, and the rest of the place was completely exposed.

"You have already lost."

Seeing him like this, Yong En lifted his domineering hands covering his arms, walked over slowly, and said calmly.

"It's not over yet, I can still fight."

Hearing this, Milo said with some reluctance to admit defeat.

"No, it's over."

"Your whole body, even your hands, are no longer domineering."

"You, who can't use domineering, have no chance of winning in front of me."

Yone ruthlessly declared his defeat.


Milo's eyes widened when he heard this, and he looked at his hands in disbelief.

His originally strong and powerful hands were already trembling spontaneously, and after a while, the domineering arrogance of armed colors began to dissipate slowly.

Until it completely returns to its usual appearance.

Looking at his body again, there were some small wounds all over his body, and some blood was oozing out.

These are the small wounds that were punched out by Yong En's fierce fist just a moment ago.

And Milo looked at Yong En's current appearance, which was different from him with more than a dozen wounds all over his body, and his clothes were torn into pieces.

Only a few parts of Yong En's clothes were torn apart by him, and his exposed skin showed no signs of injury at all.

When he hits those positions, Yongen will use his armed domineering to cover those small places, so that his attacks will not be effective at all.

"...I lost."

Faced with this situation, Milo spread his hands helplessly, and said hoarsely in a voice that seemed to be decades old.

He understands that Yong En still has a lot of hole cards left on him, if he is used, it may be faster to defeat him than now.

He also understood the purpose of not using those hole cards.

Because Yong En couldn't kill him, he needed to keep him alive and hand him over to the Navy Headquarters.

If he uses too many hole cards and abilities, others can get information through his mouth, and then analyze Yong En's ability and strength.

In order not to expose this problem, Yong En kept his strength in this battle with him.

It only showed excellent physical skills and armed domineering.

Milo understood that from the beginning to the end, what he was facing was just a Yone who didn't do his best.

But the more Milo thought about it, the more he felt the terror of this young man, Yong En.

While Yongen retained most of his strength, he was still able to suppress himself in all directions.

This made Milo have to be convinced and admit this failure.


The task is completed by defeating Major General Miro, rewarding 5000 million experience points and 5000 reputation points.

Yongen also heard the system's prompt.

He looked at his reputation, he had already reached 2W3, but he didn't mean to be promoted to rear admiral for a long time.

It seems that from colonel to major general is a big watershed, as long as he is promoted to major general.Does it mean that he really entered the top ranks of the navy?

Thinking of this, Yong En sighed.

"It's a long way to go."

Yong En walked directly to Bray.

Milo also obediently followed behind, willing to admit defeat, not to mention that he was the first to mention this challenge, and he will naturally do it when it comes to it.

"Master Navy, are you fighting or competing?"

The stunned resident just saw Yong En walking over and asked.

"This is just a discussion, please don't worry about it."

Yongen smiled lightly when he heard that.

Immediately, Yone took Milo and left.

"Sure enough, it's a sparring."

After hearing this, the female resident nodded as if it was true.

"Well, after all, the navy is fighting each other, it's a bit too unbelievable."

The male guest also nodded.

This battle did not cause much commotion, and everyone was relieved after hearing that it was a duel.

However, this battle allowed them to see the terrifying power of the navy beyond ordinary people, and they became more and more in awe of the navy.

And Zos was lying in the room, and after hearing the sound of the battle stop, he turned his eyes to the door.

Expecting Milo to open the door and come in to pick him up.

It's just that time passed slowly, but Miro never disappeared, which made Zos feel more and more uneasy.

"Wow!" a voice.

"It's impossible! How could you win."

Milo looked up, walked behind the person who walked in, and said with a look of despair.

Because it was Yone who walked in, and Milo, who was covered in scars, followed him.

He knew that Major General Miro was defeated, by the hands of Colonel Yong En.

"The fact is that I won. Where did you hide the slaves you captured?"

Yong En got straight to the point and said directly.

"...on Roco Island, a private island of our Zuo family's."

Joston paused for a moment, and said resignedly.

Now that Milo was defeated, there was no possibility of him escaping.

It is better to tell the truth directly than to tell the truth after being tortured.

Moreover, Zos knew that Miro must have fought with all his strength. After all, if he was arrested, Miro would inevitably not be affected.

It's just that he knew from the reports before this that Yongen's strength is very terrifying, and he is the navy he least wants to meet.

Unexpectedly, without realizing it, he provoked him and ended up in this situation.

"Bray, Webb."

Yong En shouted directly when he heard the words.


Weber and Bray immediately replied respectfully.

"Take him, go to Roco Island, and free those slaves."

"I have some things to attend to here."

Yong En opened his mouth and instructed.


The two nodded, took the order, and left with Zos.

"I want to stay one more day this time, and I should leave tomorrow."

"During this time, stay with me honestly."

Yone said to Milo.


Milo nodded, but said nothing.

He knew that he couldn't escape even if he wanted to. As long as what he did was reported to the Navy headquarters, he would be absconding in fear of crime.

If he did this, Yong En could hunt him down mercilessly.

It was hard for him to imagine that if Yong En went all out to chase and kill him, would he be able to keep a whole body to die?

As long as he is escorted back, he will face three situations.

Or he would be stripped of his military rank and let himself live under surveillance.

Or he would be imprisoned in Jinjin City, where he would sit and do voluntary labor to pay for his crimes.

Or he was simply eliminated silently.

Milo wasn't stupid, as long as he didn't escape, the most likely ones were the first two.

Although the way of living is not as free as it is now, it is still possible to live.


(End of this chapter)

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