blue boxer

Chapter 371 Out of the Mire

Chapter 371 Out of the Mire
Mira came in front of Kuzan, even though Kuzan was just sitting, she still looked very small in front of her.

"Uncle Kuzan, what shall we do next?"

"Go to sleep first, I haven't found the exact location of your village in a while."

"But then I'll take you back to your village."

"Guaranteed in my name, Aokiji Kuzan."

Kuzan said.

"Why is there no general prefix?"

Mira asked curiously.

"That was the previous title."

Kuzan raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, paused, and spoke.

"A title?"

"Is it similar to the title of the village chief?"

Mira lay on the soft bed and spoke.

Kuzan heard that he was a dignified former admiral who had been famous all over the world for many years and had won the title of countless pirates, but he was actually compared with the title of a village chief.

However, he also knew that it was useless to explain to this little girl.

Kuzan didn't bother to explain so much, so he said casually.

"Probably that's what it means."

"Hehehe~ It turns out that uncle, you were as great as the village chief before."

Mira let out a sweet laugh and said happily.

"Go to sleep."

Kuzan said helplessly.

However, Mira did not respond, but there were bursts of steady breathing.

Kuzan leaned against the window, blowing the afternoon wind and looking out the window.

If it were him before, it would be impossible for him to do this kind of thing of taking care of children.

But now that he has retired from the position of general, he has a lot of free time.

Regarding what to do to pass the time in the future, Kuzan doesn't have too many ideas in his mind yet.

But it seems good to send this little girl home for the time being to pass the time.

Mira fell asleep until the next morning.

After she was caught by the pirates, she was always in fear and never had a good night's sleep.

It's been a long time since I slept so peacefully like now.

The moment she opened her eyes, she saw Uncle Kuzan falling asleep on the sofa.

Mira felt a sense of peace of mind when she saw Kuzan.

She quietly got out of bed and came to Kuzan.

She looked curiously at Uncle Kuzan's somewhat empty arms.

Mira has fully realized Uncle Kuzan, it seems that he is not an ordinary person.

He was able to jump directly from the fifth floor without any injuries, and he could jump directly from the first floor to the fifth floor and return to the room through the window.

It can be seen that Uncle Kuzan is countless times stronger than the strongest person in the village she has ever seen before.

But why did such a strong person break his arms?
Could it be that he suffered an unknown injury?

Just when Mira looked at Kuzan carefully, Kuzan opened his eyes.

The two face each other.

"Good morning, Uncle Kuzan."

Mira showed a cute smile and said happily.


Kuzan flicked his body and stood up directly.

"Take the purse on the table, and let's go find the boat."

Kuzan said.

Only then did Mira notice that there was an extra money bag on the table, and she felt a heavy feeling when she picked it up.

As soon as I squeezed my hands hard, I felt a tingling sensation all over my body. Mira's beautiful eyebrows frowned,

"Put it in my pocket."

Kuzan saw Mira's strangeness, and said.

"I'm sorry...Uncle Kuzan, I can't help at all."

Mira said with some embarrassment.

"I forgot that you were injured. You don't need to apologize for such a small matter."

Kuzan glanced at her and said casually.

"Thank you Uncle Kuzan."

Still struggling to pick up the money bag, Mira heard the sound of "clang! Clang!" from the gold coins colliding in the purse, and put the purse into Kuzan's pocket.

"Let's go."

Kuzan felt amused when he saw Mira's brave appearance.

But I have to say that Mira is a strong child.

If an ordinary person, even an adult, had so many scars on his body and felt pain all over his body, he would probably instinctively scream out.

And Mira has amazing perseverance at such a young age, it is really not easy to bear the pain without crying out.

Kuzan took Mira down to the front desk on the first floor. With the help of the waitress, he took out the money bag and settled the bill.

"I look forward to your next visit."

The innkeeper's round body reluctantly bent down, and said respectfully.

"Let's talk about it when you have a chance."

Kuzan said casually.

Then he took Mia to the harbor.

He can go directly to find a warship, but now Kuzan does not want to expose his whereabouts.

To prevent him from doing such eye-catching things, he bought some permanent pointers of nearby islands in advance yesterday.

Now I bought a 40-meter merchant ship, hired some sailors and set off.

"Mila, how many days did it take you to be brought to this island?"

Kuzan was lying on a beach chair on the deck, lazily basking in the sun, and asked casually.

"eight days."

Mira moved her fingers and replied.

"...Eight days, then I can find someone."

Kuzan said with a headache.

It's okay if it's around here, but if it sails into Yongen's sphere of influence, it will be a big trouble.

"I'm sorry Mira has caused you trouble."

Upon hearing this, Mira said with some embarrassment.

"It's okay, I just have nothing to do to kill the time, it's not bad as a trip."

Kuzan said leisurely.

"Travel? I haven't traveled to other islands yet."

Mira said with a smile.

"Then let me take this opportunity to show you around."

Kuzan said.


Mira nodded happily, but a trace of disappointment flashed in her eyes.

"If you want to go back quickly, it's not like I can't find it for you right away."

Kuzan sensed Mira's loss and spoke.

"No, it's not."

"If you just go back... Mira will be the only one left in the house."

Mira quickly waved her hands when she heard the words, and explained with a disappointed face.

It was only then that Kuzan remembered that when Mira told him to run away, she seemed to have said that if she didn't run away, she would be killed by those pirates like her father.

"Then let's play around in the sea with my uncle and relax."

Kuzan said with a smile.


A smile appeared on Mira's face, and she nodded.

It's just that the disappointment in Mira's eyes still couldn't dissipate.

Seeing this, Kuzan shook his head secretly.

Pirates are rampant in the sea, and too many families have been ruined due to the plundering of pirates.

Things like Mira's bad mood caused by missing her father can only be diluted slowly with time.

When Kuzan was leisurely sitting on an ordinary merchant ship, trying to find a way for Mira to go home.


Navy Headquarters is in disarray.

"Has anyone seen General Kuzan?"

"I searched all the locations, but I couldn't find General Kuzan."

"Why did it suddenly evaporate from the Navy headquarters?"

Not only Taotu was puzzled by Kuzan's abdication, but also some lieutenant generals were puzzled.

Even if it is seriously injured, it is difficult to return to the peak, and the strength is not comparable to ordinary people.

And with Kuzan's qualifications and prestige, he is definitely a very good instructor if he sits in the Navy headquarters and guides new recruits.

But no one could find Kuzan at all.

Naval Command.

Sakalski watched the soldiers running around outside the window.

"Kuzan, it seems that you have completely escaped from this quagmire."

The corners of Sakalski's mouth curled up on his serious face.

Although the two have not been friends for many years, Kuzan has impressed Sakalski through the years of mutual competition.

Now that Kuzan can get out of the quagmire of the upcoming war, Sakaski is still happy for Kuzan from the bottom of his heart.

After all, Kuzan paid the price of his arm and won a first-line opportunity under Yongen. At that time, Kuzan thought about it and made the decision to cut off his other arm, which is still fresh in Sakaski's memory.

Presumably Yongen agreed to Kuzan's request because of Kuzan's decisiveness.

 The fourth update, the reader group of the blue boxing master: 959349616, welcome to join.

(End of this chapter)

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