Wife stand at attention

Chapter 131 The 2 men who are jealous

Chapter 131 Two men who are jealous of each other (2)
He has long been used to their indifference and alienation towards him.

All of a sudden, I want to smoke.But he knew that there would be no smoke in the car or in his pocket.

He even had a self-deprecating sneer.

Dial the car key, open the car door, get out of the car quickly, and slam the door hard.Go to the small shop across the road.

Tobacco and alcohol are two of the most debilitating substances.

Just like Cambridge, at this moment, he also needs something that can paralyze his complicated mind so that it is no longer complicated.

The most indispensable thing next to the school is a small shop. Cambridge took big strides and headed towards the tobacco and alcohol business opposite with a purpose.But when he passed a real estate agency, he stopped.

His eyes were attracted by a house lease assignment posted on the kitchen window.

On the fifth floor of Building 18 in Xiuhe Community, there are three bedrooms and two living rooms.

Xiuhe Community, Building 18, [-]th Floor.

Isn't that the upstairs of Yang Xiaoguai's house?

Sweeping away the complicated haze just now, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and the corners of his lips curled up, and he walked into the real estate agency.I no longer remember that he got out of the car to buy cigarettes.military region.

Yang Liu sat in front of the computer, sorting out the materials.

The phone rings.

He took the phone, glanced at the caller ID, and frowned slightly.

"Shi Xiaocao, what the hell are you doing to me again?" He yelled into the phone.

Obviously, Yang Liu has already had a fixed frame for Shi Xiaocao, that is, as long as Shi Xiaocao calls, it must be something bad.

"Liu Liu, I want to treat you to a big meal!" Xiaocao's excited scream came from the other end of the phone, even mixed with Miao Miao's clapping.

Yang Liu opened her eyes wide in disbelief: "Shi Xiaocao, why are you out of your mind? Treat me to a big meal? Is it okay to let me pay you the bill?"

No wonder Yang Liu had such an idea, and he blurted it out like this, there were examples first.

In other words, on the occasion of the little princess's birthday in the first half of the year, at the request of the little princess, a few good friends from the kindergarten were invited to celebrate her one year older and sensible at KFC together.As the little princess's dear mother, she naturally agreed to such a small request from the little princess without frowning.

So, the little princess led five, six, seven, eight, er...not many children. At KFC, the beautiful auntie put on a birthday crown for her, ordered a birthday cake, and sang (Happy Birthday song) with the children. When playing the Happy game, Shi Xiaocao Zhizi was not calm, and the smile on his face was stiff.

For Mao le?
Going out without a purse.

So, I can only ask Yang Liu for help.

You can't say to the beautiful aunt: Hey, I'm sorry, I didn't bring a wallet, you help me take care of my daughter and children first, and I will go home to get the money.

The beautiful aunt is willing, she is not willing, okay!
Her baby little princess is so cute and cute.In case, the pretty aunt tricked her into pawning her baby, then she wouldn't be grabbing the sky!

So, Yang Liu, who was carrying the camera and was preparing to go on a mission, sadly received a call for help from Xiao Cao Zhizi, softer than cotton candy.

Then, the five red cards of Grandpa Mao disappeared.

It really made Yang Liu's flesh hurt for a long time, and Shi Xiaocao was almost eaten alive and thrown into the sheepfold.

"Don't worry, don't worry, I will definitely not let you pay for it today, the girl guarantees it with her personality!" Shi Xiaocao's sworn words came from the phone.

"Cut!" Yang Liu scoffed at her very disdainfully: "You Xiaocao had personality?"

"Ouch!" Shi Xiaocao said coquettishly: "Liu Liu, how can you say that about him? How many times have I told you that he doesn't have many other things, but personality is the most thing. Darling, tell auntie , Mommy's personality is not believable."

"Auntie, my baby guarantees with her personality, you can trust Mommy this time." The sweet and soft voice of the little princess Miaomiao came.

Immediately there came Shi Xiaocao's raging protest: "Baby, what do you mean this time you can believe it, Mommy's words are always trustworthy, okay?"

"Pfft!" Yang Liu said with a smile: "Shi Xiaocao, it's not that I look down on you, even my baby, you said you still... what else can I say about you! Tell me, what trouble did you cause me again?" What happened? I have to weigh and weigh the big meal you had when I was Xiaocao, maybe it will be a grand feast."

"Liu Liu, let me tell you, my wish is about to come true, don't worry, it must not be a Hongmen banquet, and it must not have dug a hole for you. Baby testify, if you don't believe me, then at worst, call our sister. "

"Come on! Comrade Yang Yi has no time to talk to you right now. Don't bother me to upgrade, I'll sue you, if my dream of upgrading is shattered because of you, you know, I can do anything." Threat, Hong Guoguo's threaten.

"Okay, okay! You are the boss, you have the final say! Then it's okay if they don't have a good fortune, you hurry up and let me out, don't dawdle."

"Boss, then you have to tell me, where should I go?" Yang Liu stroked his forehead helplessly.

"Oh, oh, I forgot about this, Hyatt Hotel, VVVIP box on the 18th floor." Shi Xiaocao uttered a very famous name very frightened.

Yang Liu trembled slightly.

Grand Hyatt?
Why is this name so familiar?

Suddenly, a scene that made people blush and heartbeat flashed in Yang Liu's mind.

It seems... That day, the place where she raped someone seemed... It seemed... It was the Hyatt Hotel, and it was the very dazzling big characters that she only saw after she walked out of the hotel gate.

It seems that Ran Xiaobai's hotel is also called Hyatt Hotel.

For a moment, the face of the man she pushed down and raped jumped into her brain, and then some X-rated hot scenes flashed before her eyes one by one again.As a result, Yang Liu blushed in an instant, her heart beat and her neck turned red, the red was in sharp contrast to the grass green military uniform on her body.

"Staff Yang, what's wrong with you? Why are you blushing like this? Did you train yourself again? Or did you compete with Company Commander Jian again?" Zhan Zhi's kind persuasion came from beside his ear, "Seriously. Yes, Staff Officer Yang, have you met Company Commander Jian?"

Why doesn't it sound like that?
What does it mean to be right?
Before Yang Liu could explain, Shi Xiaocao's gossipy voice reached his ears again: "Liu Liu, who did you match up with? Ah, no one like this, no one like this, my sister has Brother-in-law, you have met someone again, so you are alone? If you don’t bring people like you, you will polish me!"

(End of this chapter)

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