Wife stand at attention

Chapter 138 The Boss Taijun Encourages Me to Poach Your Corner

Chapter 138 The Boss Taijun Encourages Me to Poach Your Corner (4)
Comrade Yang Liu has completely stopped cooking!
Ran's house.

Several people are sitting on the sofa outside the coffee table, Ruoda's home theater is playing (Silang visits his mother), and at this moment the old lady She is deeply in love with Yang Silang's mother and son.However, among the group of people in front of the TV, even the old lady who liked Shiro the most did not even tilt her eyes to the TV, but listened intently to the traitor Xiaocao Zhizi there, adding fuel to the scene with great fanfare.Along with Xiaocao Zhizi's fanfare, the little princess Miaomiao also gesticulated beside her, which was infinitely exciting.

Finally, after two hours, after Shi Xiaotongzi stopped talking about death, the third young master handed him a cup of Xiaocaozhizi's favorite—Xiangpiaopiao brand taro milk tea.

In other words, Xiaocao Zhizi's requirements are really unusually low.According to her and the little princess's status in Ran's family today, at least the third young master should prepare a cup of milk tea for her, not two hundred but one hundred?However, the Xiaocao package is only ¥3.So, no matter how smart a person is, there will be a time when the brain is short-circuited.Shi Xiaocao is one of them.

Of course, while the third young master handed Xiaocao a cup of Xiang Piaopiao, he also did not forget to hand the little princess a box of Guangming brand pure milk, which was only ¥3.The mother and daughter are holding milk tea and pure milk, which is a pleasant enjoyment.

The second young master naturally sat with his legs crossed beside Xiaocao Tongzi, and what he held in his slender hand like a pianist was naturally freshly ground Brazilian coffee from Aunt Gui, not just the same as Xiaocao's mother and daughter. ¥3 and ¥5 are enough.The aroma of coffee permeated the air.

"Huhu" took a few sips of milk tea, Xiaocao Baozi glanced at the audience, and when he was about to speak, he saw the old lady stroking her chin with her left hand and resting her left hand with her right hand, with a thoughtful expression on her face.

"Mommy, why doesn't grandma speak? Is it because Mommy and Miaomiao didn't talk vividly enough?" Seeing Taijun's thoughtful expression, the little princess was puzzled, biting the straw while looking at the opposite The old lady asked her dear mommy who was sitting next to her, "Mummy, why don't we talk about it again?" The little princess suggested very understandingly.

Xiaocao turned her eyes to the Second Young Master who was sitting beside her, but she was also at a loss.

According to the appearance of the old matriarch who is looking forward to her granddaughter-in-law's soon becoming a relative with the giraffe, how could she not be moved when she heard about Boss Ran's adultery?



The reaction is not normal.

It shouldn't be like this.

Could it be that the old lady doesn't like Liu Liu?She prefers profiteers with profiteers?Instead of a combination of military and business?
This was Xiaocao's first thought that subconsciously floated out of her head after seeing the old lady's expression.

If it's true that the old matriarch doesn't like Liuliu, then wouldn't it be... Liuliu wants to fetch water from a bamboo basket - all in vain.She was happier in vain?
No, no, never ask the old matriarch to have such an idea, she must be made to like Liuliu very much, 12 percent.Her family Liu Liuna is very sought-after, and it is more than enough to match Boss Ran, okay?

Thinking about it, she winked at Miao Miao's little friend beside her, and signaled the little princess to quickly get the old lady out of the way.

Then, the little princess blinked her jewel-like eyes and stared curiously at the silent old lady opposite, not failing to receive the signal from her own mommy at all.

So, Xiaocao, who failed to transmit the signal, continued to transmit the signal to the second young master who was sitting beside her.The second young master Naihe picked up his coffee cup and drank it in a hurry, completely ignoring the little grass tube who was blinking vigorously at him.

Xiaocao is angry!He almost kicked Erlang's upturned leg directly.

Continue to pass the signal to the third young master sitting opposite her and next to the old lady.Sitting face to face, they should be able to receive her signal very well.Besides, based on the relationship between Ran Xiaobai, Liu Liu and Sister Yi, he should be in favor of Liu Liu and Boss Ran.

"Puff, puff!" Xiaocao signaled the third young master opposite.

"Ah?" Finally, Shi Xiaocao's signal got the third young master's attention, and then the third young master looked at her blankly, completely unable to understand what she meant by "puxipuxii".

So, the third young master with a blank face asked Xiaocao: "Little sister-in-law, what can I do for you?"

Second sister-in-law?
Xiaocao was immediately taken aback by these three words.

According to what he meant, could it be that he also has a second sister-in-law?And she's only second?

Thinking of this, Xiaocao became angry, snatched the coffee in the hand of the second young master, put it on the table, stood up from the sofa with a "chuckle", put his hands on his hips, and looked at him like a dominatrix, obviously not knowing what to do. The second young master of Cuo shouted: "Cormorant! Why did he call me little second sister-in-law?"

The second young master originally thought that the second sister-in-law made the woman ashamed by his little sister Ran, and when he was about to excuse her, Shi Xiaocao's next words made the two brothers burst into laughter after a moment of shock, but then burst out laughing. I was stunned.

Shi Xiaocao said: "Could it be possible that he also has a second sister-in-law! You, my sister is not the second!"

The third young master said: "Second brother, your woman is so funny, I died from laughing. She... she... actually called you the stove." He directly fell on the sofa clutching his stomach, no, he died from laughing, laughing Not to mention the throbbing pain in the corner of his stomach, even the corner of his mouth hurt.

The second young master was staring at Shi Xiaocao dumbfoundedly, not knowing how to explain it for a moment.

Does she mean to admit that she is his woman?

After the third young master laughed, he said, "Second brother, when did you become a stove? Is it a stove or a wind stove?"

Second young master...

Shi Xiaocao: "Wrong! It's not a stove or a wind stove, but a cormorant!"

Third young master: "What is it?"

Shi Xiaocao rolled his eyes at him and said solemnly, "It's a kind of amphibian, it can swim in the water, walk on the ground, and fly in the sky!"

The third young master was taken aback, and then he understood, and then laughed convulsively, pointing at Shi Xiaocao and the second young master while laughing: "Second brother, a tribian, a cormorant, can fly, walk and swim! Little second sister-in-law , you are strong, I admire you!" After speaking, he gave Shi Xiaocao a thumbs up.

"Thank you!" Shi Xiaocao was very rude.

Second young master...

cormorant?Amphibians!he?Can fly, walk and swim?

"Not bad, not bad!" Suddenly, the old lady who had been silent since listening to Shi Xiaocao's embellishment came out with these two good ones.

Xiaocao was puzzled.

The old matriarch looked at Xiaocao and Miaomiao with a very human smile: "It seems that the baby is really the little lucky star of my Ran family. Look, you helped me find a second granddaughter-in-law back, and now you have found me a big daughter-in-law." The grandson’s wife is back. When will I help my third grandson find a wife to come back, then I will really be consummated.”

(End of this chapter)

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