chapter 199
Shi Xiaocao: "..."

Why did she suddenly feel that Mr. Ji has a tendency to develop into that so-and-so person and so-and-so monster in Thailand?

Well, she must keep the second young master away from him, otherwise, if she passed this bad atmosphere on to the second young master, wouldn't she be called heaven and earth?
The second young master is filming on location.

The sky was gloomy, with a misty drizzle like mist.It just fits the role of the second young master today, and there is no need to artificially make it for the rain.

At the end of November, it was already very cold, and coupled with the misty drizzle, it gave people a feeling of cold wind, especially Shi Xiaocaozi, who was always afraid of the cold.

At this moment, Shi Xiaocao was wrapped in a thin cotton coat that belonged to the Second Young Master, and was sitting on the wicker chair dedicated to the Second Young Master, with a big umbrella opened to shield her from the drizzle.

Holding the second young master's high-end tablet in his hand, he played (Plants vs. Zombies) and played (Angry Birds), played (Angry Birds) and then played (A Chinese Ghost Story), and it was called a high.

(Zhu Bajie carries his daughter-in-law on his back) That distinctive bell rang.

Xiaocao swung the tablet computer on her lap, continued to play the game with her right hand, took the mobile phone with her left hand, and squinted at the incoming call.

Unfamiliar number?

"Hello, I'm Xiaocao, who is looking for me?" While continuing to play the game, he answered the phone casually.

"Mommy, I'm Miao Miao." Baby Miao Miao's pink and tender voice came from the phone.

Listening to the pink and tender voice of her precious daughter, Shi Xiaocao was so happy.Throwing the tablet on the lap to the side table, he grinned and started a long-line conversation with the baby: "Baby, why did you call Mommy? Mommy misses you to death, do you miss Mommy? "Very exaggerated words spit out from Shi Xiaocao's exaggerated grin.

"Mommy, what are you doing?" Baby Miaomiao didn't tell her immediately that she missed Mommy, but asked a question that Shi Xiaocao never cared about.

"What are you doing?" Shi Xiaocao turned her head and scanned her surroundings, with the corner of her mouth raised, "Mommy is at work, earning money to spend for my baby." Well, this has always been her life goal of Shi Xiaocao, sleeping and sleeping. Woke up naturally, counting money until my hands cramp.Currently, she is developing in this direction.

"Mummy, will you come to pick up Miaomiao today?" Miaomiao's expectant voice came, "Mummy hasn't come to pick up the baby for a long time, either the third uncle came to pick it up, or Grandma Tai and Grandma Gui came to pick it up. "

Have it?

Shi Xiaocao turned her head and thought about it, isn't it just three or two days?
"Okay, how about Mommy coming to pick up the baby in person today?"

"Mmm, Mommy Miaomiao loves you! Mmmm!" The little princess Miaomiao lovingly sent a sweet kiss over the radio waves.

"Well, Mommy loves you too." Shi Xiaocao also sent a sweet kiss to her.

Baby happily hung up the phone.

Shi Xiaocao put away her phone and continued to play her game.

"Tch, you little slut, you even have a child, and you still want the second young master. You don't take a mirror to see what kind of virtue you are, and whether you are worthy of the second young master." Shi Xiaocao just picked up the tablet and continued to play the game Suddenly, a sarcastic voice came from beside her.

Xiaocao raised her head and looked for her reputation, only to see a woman in a costume and costume, with her 12 contemptuous eyes, clinging to her condescendingly.

Of course, the women's clothes are definitely not lady's clothes, but poor women's clothes, or the kind of women's clothes that people can't remember after seeing them three times.The kind that can be described by passers-by A, B, C, and D.

But why did Mao say that he was at a high level temporarily?

Wasn't it because Xiaocao was sitting on the wicker chair exclusive to the second young master at the moment, while the woman was standing.Isn't it just using a condescending view?
I rely on!

Condescending, still despise me?
I'm going!

Shi Xiaocao Zhizi didn't seem to be a master who could be bullied, otherwise she wouldn't be called Shi Xiaocao, and she would be sorry for her status as a little sister.

I saw Xiaocao cast a sideways glance at her indifferently, continued to play the game on the tablet, and retorted with sarcasm in an understatement: "Who am I? It turned out to be the maid of my second young master. But today is not without you Playing? It’s not easy for a girl to do what you do.” When he was speaking, he didn’t even lift the corner of his eyes, and the bird in his hand passed another level, “Yeah!” After passing the level, Shi Xiao Cao made a triumphant gesture to himself, completely ignoring the existence of the provocative woman.

"You—" Seeing that Xiaocao was not only not angry by her, but was ridiculed, the woman looked very angry, and her face, which was already made of zombie makeup, turned pale.

When passer-by A was about to say something, Xiaocao spit out this sentence again: "Oh, do you have a grudge against the makeup artist, or does the makeup artist have a grudge against you? A zombie makeup, right? There is definitely a problem with her character."


After passing the game, Shi Xiaocao patted her clothes with satisfaction, and stood up from the rattan chair.Just for one stop, the situation of the two of them changed drastically. Originally, Passerby A was condescending and watching Xiaocao, but after just one stop, Xiaocao directly watched her.

I saw Xiaocao pursing her lips and showing an innocent smile: "Women who covet my second young master can go around the entire Jing City N circles, and don't care if you are one more. However, people must have self-knowledge. I don’t know how to explain and write the four words of self-knowledge, good boy, go home and ask your mother.” After speaking, he ignored the astonishment of the passer-by Jiaman, walked past her, and walked directly towards the scenic spot where the second young master was filming. go.

Attractions, in the play, the second young master happened to be filming a scene with Tong Mushi.

Shi Xiaocao crossed her chest with one arm, stroked her chin with her right hand, and looked very seriously at the man in white clothes hanging on the wire in the play, who looked like a god descending from the earth, holding a woman in the same white clothes in his arms.

The woman, at this moment, is looking up at the second young master with her tender eyes like water, without blinking.

The world was spinning, and at this moment, everything in the world was reduced to pieces, leaving the two of them alone.

It's a joke but it's true.

This was the first thought that popped into Xiaocao's mind when she saw the two people on the wire.

Of course, she also understands that this is true, it is definitely not the second young master to Tong Mushi, but Tong Mushi to the second young master.

Xiaocao Zhizi's eyes have always been pointed.

"Cut!" the director stopped yelling in satisfaction, and gave the two a thumbs up: "OK! Second Young Master, that's great! Next shot."

Following the director's order, the crew hurriedly started, preparing everything for the next scene.

(End of this chapter)

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